Herderite is found inside granite pegmatite together with apatite. Based on mining historical sources in Germany in the 1890s and 1920s, it was found in apatite extracted from a Belgian mine, so it links Germany to the geology.
It is not known whether it comprised natural Herderite.
Sphalerite and calcite specimens have been discovered in Belgium, unlike Herderite.
Is this really from Belgium?
Can I get a refund if it is identified as a counterfeit product?
As a specimen, we sometimes find sphalerite or calcite, which are produced in Belgium, but we have never seen Herderite.
Could I make sure it is really a Belgian product?
Otherwise, if it is a fake, could you refund me back?
I have seen Belgian sphalerites and calcspars as samples, but have never seen Belgian Herderites.
Is it really Belgian?
In case it turned out to be fake after discrimination, can I get a refund?