I just tried the refund process, but I could not complete the process because the order from <Customer name> was beyond due date for refundable period.
That is, I cannot make a refund as a seller in current situation.
Only one way to enable the refund is that <Customer name> would open a case for this order.
By opening a new case, we can arrange the refund process regardless of the duration of refundable period.
I am very sorry for bothering you, but can you please open a new case for your order?
Once a new case is opened by you, I will make a refund right away.
I just processed refund, but the order under *相手の名前* already passed refund period so I could not complete it.
That means, in current situation I cannot make refund from my side.
The only way to refund is for *相手の名前* to open a case on this order.
By opening a case, I can make refund regardless of refund period.
I'm very sorry to take your time, but please kindly open a case.
I will make refund immediately if you open a case.