三浦大知、「これぞ!エンターテインメント」な最新ツアーLIVE DVD&Blu-rayリリース決定!
目下、全国各地の夏フェス出演に多忙を極める三浦大知、最新LIVE DVD/Blu-rayがリリース決定!
DAICHI MIURA's "Really! The entertainment it is," the latest tour LIVE DVD&Blu-ray release is decided!
DAICHI MIURA, now fully in the pressure to appear in the festival in the summer at each place of whole country, decided the release of the latest LIVE DVD/Blu-ray!
DAICHI MIURA,「This is it ! The Entertainment」thing latest tour Live DVD&Blu-ray is comming soon !
Now, very busy for summer festival live all over the country DAICHI MIURA, latest Live DVD&Blu-ray is comming soon !
The LIVE DVD&Blu-ray release of DAICHI MIURA's newest tour "The Entertainment" has been decided!
At present, DAICHI MIURA, who is at present very busy with the nationwide summer festival performanceshas decided on the release of the newest LIVE DVD/Blu-ray!
今回収録されるのは全21公演、のべ42000人を動員した自身過去最多公演数となった全国ツアー「DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2014 - THE ENTERTAINER」のファイナル、2014年 5月 23日東京国際フォーラムホールA公演。もちろんSOLD OUTとなっていたこの公演、待望の映像作品化!
Now that he dealt with from the choreography of the dance, the stage direction, to the constitution, I cannot describe all about the highlight of this LIVE.
This video has indescribable features from his choreography of the dance through direction and configuration to his own stages.
A stage performance with self-choreographed dance and having a hand in the production until its completion, even now, talks about DAICHI MIURA's live continue.
先日MTV“VMAJ 2014”でBest R&B Videoを受賞したナンバー『I‘m On Fire』では広いステージを全面に使ってバックダンサー6名とともに駆け巡る圧巻のダンスパフォーマンスを披露、『Illusion Show』では、そのタイトル通り”イリュージョン”を繰り広げ観客を驚かせ、また『Listen To My Heartbeat』ではしっとりと甘いピアノ弾き語りも披露するなど、三浦大知の最新エンターテインメントを堪能出来る約120分になっている。
As an entertainer to represent Japan, DAICHI MIURA’s,
latest performance, who gets continuously the followers, is a must-see!
[ Special Offer ]
◆ mu-mo offer
Autographed Clear File (Autograph is in print.)
◆Daichishiki fan club offer
Autographed Staff Pass Replica (Autograph is in print.)
An entertainer who represents Japan and is steadily accumulating followers, DAICHI MIURA's newest work is a must see!
◆ mu-mo exclusive
Autographed clear file (the autograph is printed)
◆ Fan club "DAICHISHIKI"
Autographed staff pass replica (the autograph is printed)
「had became」は、「had become」と訂正いたします。