May J.、6年越しの超覚醒。第二章はじまる。
涙が出尽くすくらい、言葉に出来なくなるくらい、心の奥底から感情のすべてを絞り出したMay J.の言葉と声の表現がダイレクトに突き刺さる作品が完成。
前作に続き、全曲の作詞も手掛けた、高純度にMay J.の息吹を感じることが出来るセルフ・プロデュース・アルバム。
May J’s ultra-awakening after 6 years. The second chapter begins.
The self-produced album “Brave" is releasing on Dec 5 with lyrics by herself.
All of her words and voice representing May J herself with all tears and all words which can’t even describe from the bottom of her heart, that work is completed as squeezing out all of her emotion and it will stick to the listeners directly.
Following the previous work, the lyrics of all the songs were also created by herself, and this self-produced album became the one we can feel the breath of May J highly purely.
May J,Ultra-awakening over 6 years, open the second chapter.
The self-produced album which were named "Brave" and all songs words were written by herself, will release on 12/5.
Just like to drop all her tears and speak all her words, May J Squeezes all her emotion from her heart inside to finish this work, which directly breakthrough her perform of words and sounds before.
Following the previous work, all songs words written by her own self. You can feel the high purity of breaths from May J in this self-produced album.
PS3ゲーム 「時と永遠~トキトワ~」主題歌「Rewind」、ホーユー「ビューティーラボ」CMソングとして春と夏に大量O.A.された「GO! GO! BABY♥」「Summer Breaker」、更に小西康陽(ex: Pizzcato Five)と練り上げた、映画「FASHION STORY ~Model~」(主演:本田翼 / 加賀美セイラ / 河北麻友子)の主題歌「私がカバーガール」など、全12曲を収録。
「成長」を超え【覚醒】したMay J.の吐息を感じられる作品に仕上がっている。