Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Article 2 (Businesses) The consignee, in the name of the consignor, conduc...

Original Texts

(委託者)株式会社日本アンビスインターナショナルと、(受託者)              Zain Japan International Business Group Co.,Ltd. として、委託者、受託者間における、代理店契約を以下のとおり締結した。
第1条 (目的)

第2条 (業務)
第3条 (報告)
第4条 (手数料)
 手数料は、治療費の  %とする。
第5条 (競業禁止事項)
第6条 (契約解除)
第7条 (有効期限)
第7条 (有効期限)
2 前項の申出は書面によって行う。

第9条 (合意管轄)本契約に関する紛争に付いては、委託者の居住地の裁判所を第一審の管轄裁判所とする。

Translated by yakuok
Distributorship Agreement

This distributorship agreement is made by and between (consignor) Japan Anbis International Medical Support Center and (consignee) Zain Japan International Business Group Co., Ltd. as follows :

Article 1 (Purpose of Agreement)

The consignor entrusts the consignee to conduct sales and marketing business on behalf of China Jilin Guigu Hospital in the Middle East, and the consignee agrees to accept the said entrustment.
Article 2 (Businesses)

The consignee, in the name of the consignor, conducts advertising placements for China Jilin Guigu Hospital, explains the contents to its patients in accordance with the consignor's instructions and comes into agreements with the patients based on the estimated consultation prices quoted by the hospital.

Article 3 (Reporting)

When an agreement is made between the consignee and a patient, the consignee shall immediately send an agreement to the consignor and report on the contents.

Article 4 (Commissions)

The commission shall be an amount equal to _____ % of the medical fees.
With the total number of patients visited in a month and the monthly expenses, the consignee shall submit a financial statement by the 20th day of the following month. Based on the financial statement, the payment shall be made by the consignor into the bank account specified by the consignee.
Article 5 (Non-Competition)

The consignee shall not engage in advertising placements of other medical treatments of the same kind or shall not accept to conduct advertising placements of other medical treatments of the same kind for any other person or entity.

Article 6 (Termination of Agreement)

The consignor may, if one of the following clauses applies to the consignee, terminate this agreement without any notice or such to the consignee :
1. When the consignee is covered or declared by a restraining order, compulsory
execution or bankruptcy on other liabilities;
2. When the consignee violates other rules relating to this agreement.

Article 7 (Term of Validity)

This Agreement shall remain in full force for 1 (one) year from the date first this agreement is made, and the term shall be automatically renewed and extended for one more term of 1 (one) year if a renewal rejection statement is not submitted by either party within 2 (two) months prior to the end of the term.

2. The aforesaid renewal rejection statement shall be made in writing.

Article 9 (Jurisdiction of Agreement)

Any claim arising relating to this agreement shall be settled at a court in the consignor's registered address and the said court shall be appointed as the competent court of the first trial.

This agreement is made and executed as above. 2 (two) original copies of this agreement are to be made, and authorized officers are to bring 1 (one) set each with their official seals.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
yakuok yakuok