Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] We apologize to Amazon and clients for giving so much trouble this time. We ...

Original Texts
その為、私達は発送管理と顧客対応、それぞれ専門のスタッフを雇いました。 これにより、販売数が増えても顧客対応が疎かになる事はありません。私達は以前のようにお客様から高い評価を得る事ができます。
Translated by gabrielueda
We apologize to Amazon and clients for giving so much trouble this time.
We were managing our operations with few staff members. Until some months ago, as we had a low volume of sales, we were able to respond to our clients needs even with few people, so we had a positive feedback from our clients. But since 2 months ago, we saw our sales increasing, which made difficult to manage all the shipments and dealing with clients.
That is why we hired staff specialized in shipment management and client support.
Thanks to this, we will no longer neglect the support to our clients, even if our sales increase. We are sure we can get a positive feedback from our clients like before.
As we plan to expand our sales even further in the close future, we will be very careful with staff members increase whenever it is necessary.
If the suspension continues, my staff and I get stuck. So we ask you please to consider lifting our ban as soon as possible.
Once again, we apologize for this terrible situation.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
13 minutes
gabrielueda gabrielueda