Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] My understanding of e-bay policy is that once a bid has been entered on an it...

Original Texts
My understanding of e-bay policy is that once a bid has been entered on an item, the "buy it now" option is no longer available. Did you perhaps enter a bid instead of "buy it now"? To re-activate the "buy it now" option, I will need to cancel the aution and re-list the pen. It might be possible to cancel the auction and sell it to you at the buy it now price. I will need to call e-bay to find out. I will let you know.
Translated by yakuok
eBayのポリシーに関して私が理解しているのは、該当商品に一度入札したら、"今すぐ購入する" というオプションはもう利用できなくなるということです。貴方はもしかしたら、"今すぐ購入する" の代わりに入札を選択されたのではないでしょうか? "今すぐ購入する" のオプションを再度有効にするには、まず私の方で出品をキャンセルし、ペンをオークション上で再出品しなければなりません。出品をキャンセルし、貴方に "今すぐ購入する" のオプションにてお買い上げ頂くことが可能かもしれません。eBayに連絡し情報を入手します。また後ほどご連絡差し上げます。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
yakuok yakuok