Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Right now it’s not too bad, but I don’t want our clients to ask me where I wa...

Original Texts
今はだいぶマシだけど、いつも取引先の社長とかが私のfacebookをみて、〜にいたでしょ? 〜で飲んでたの? とか聞いてくる。聞かれるのが嫌だからあんまり更新してなくて。
彼らはまるでストーカーみたい。 笑



[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
It's calmed down a bit now but the boss who's my business dealer checks out my facebook and asks me whether I've been to certain places or been drinking at certain places all the time. I want to avoid those questions so I don't update it that often. He's like a stalker lol

Does this happen in your country too?

I'm glad I could help.
Finding a good place to live is important so I pray that you'll be able to find somewhere nice.

I don't have particular plans for the Halloween Party. My friends are all busy anyway...

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
8 minutes