LAST ANGEL feat.東方神起
rhythm zone
フィーチャリングアーティストに、日本はもちろんアジア全土で大人気の東方神起を迎えた、コーラスワークと掛け合いが印象的なエッジの効いたアップテンポの一曲です。11月3日公開 『バイオハザードIII』日本公開版イメージ・ソングに決定!カップリングには、家族からの愛に感謝の気持ちを込めた柔らかなミディアムナンバー「Dear Family」を収録。
rhythm zone
Welcomed TOHO SHINKI as the featuring artist, who are the most popular Asian artist besides Japan. It is an up tempo piece of work with edgy chorus work and communication. The image song for the Japanese version of "Resident Evil III (a.k.a. Bio Hazard lll) "! As a coupling track, "Dear Family" is included as a mild medium number dedicated as the appreciation adressing the family ties.
rhythm zone
This is an edgy up-tempo song featuring TOHOSHINKI, that is very popular throughout Asia including Japan. It has an impressive chorus work and dialogue. It is going to be an image song of the movie, "Resident Evil 3" that will be released on Nov 3 in Japan! Its coupling is "Dear Family", which is a soft medium number with a feeling of thanks to the love from one's family.
rhythm zone
As Featuring artists, in Japan of course, TVXQ really caught on in whole Asia, the chorus work with dialogues is a impressive cutting edge up-tempo song. Release on 3rd November in「BIO HAZARD III」and was chosen as Japan release edition image song! Coupling with a soft medium number 「Dear Family」which appreciates being loved by their family is recorded.
DVDには二組のダンスパフォーマンスが冴える「LAST ANGEL feat.東方神起」ミュージックビデオと、その舞台裏に密着したメイキング映像を収録。