Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] al78901 Getting attention from the world, Mana-sama is the charismatic leade...

Original Texts


MALICE MIZER(マリスミゼル)は日本の音楽バンド。一般にヴィジュアル系バンドとして知られる。1992年8月結成、2001年12月31日をもって活動休止。バンド名の由来は「悪意と悲劇」という意味を持つフランス語。

ヴィジュアル系の世界でも異彩を放っていたMALICE MIZER。

MALICE MIZER時代からブルーがテーマカラーのmana様。

Translated by tokyomanly

Mana is a charismatic figure in the Gothic-Lolita style that has attracted global attention.
So what is the story behind Mana who yearns to be a global Gothic-Lolita?

Malice Mizer was a Japanese band. They are generally known as a "visual-kei" band. They were formed in August 1992 and stopped producing music December 31, 2001. The band's name originated from the French translation of the Japanese words "akui" (ill will, malice) and "higeki" (disaster).

Even in the visual-kei world, Malice Mizer was an especially colorful presence.

Mana uses blue as her theme color from the Malice Mizer era.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
tokyomanly tokyomanly
Professional editor and sometimes translator with journalism degree and 10-pl...