Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I live in a place called Shinagawa in Tokyo. You can get a feeling of where I...

Original Texts
僕は東京の品川区というとことに住んでいます。Googleでshinagawa stationという場所を検索すると僕が住んでいる場所の雰囲気は分かると思うよ。駅から2マイルほど西です。


Translated by ayaka_maruyama
I live in a place called Shinagawa in Tokyo. You can get a feeling of where I'm living if you Google Shinagawa station. I live about 2 miles west of the station.
I feel like Japan couldn't value nature, with its modern buildings... It's like a concrete jungle lol
We destroyed nature... So I envy the environment of where ** lives.

But Japan is still an amazing country. There is always someone willing to help you even if they don't understand your language, so it would probably be fine if you just came to visit on your own.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
9 minutes
ayaka_maruyama ayaka_maruyama
・Graduated from Keio University, Degree in Political Science (慶應義塾大学 法学部政治学科 ...