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[Translation from English to Japanese ] This paper has above tried to make three arguments concerning the development...

Original Texts
As those examples such as the study of
Latin American politics has demonstrated, the hope to create a “Chinese school” of
political science lies here rather than with the rejection of foreign influences in
political studies.
From both the practical and epistemological points of view, the importance of
Chinese politics as a subject of social science is self-evident. For political science as
a discipline, the poverty of comprehension of Chinese politics undermines our
understandings of human political phenomena. For China studies as an interdisciplinary
endeavor, research on Chinese politics is an indispensable element for a
better grasping of China’s economic, social, and cultural developments.
From the perspective of practice, the rise of China has attracted worldwide attention, and
China’s unfinished economic, social and political transitions demand tremendous
intellectual support. The study of Chinese politics has been developing rapidly in
many countries, but so far, not in China.
This is a great irony, not for other
countries, but for the Chinese nation. Is that possible that one day the Chinese
language will become the primary language of academic publications on Chinese
politics? Is that possible that one day China’s homeland will become the major venue
where the study of Chinese politics is programmed, funded, conducted, and taught?

Translated by tatsuoishimura
これは、他諸国にとってよりも、中国という国にとって、大いなる皮肉です。ある日、中国語が、中国の政治に関する学術的出版物の主要言語になっているということはありうるのでしょうか? ある日、中国本国が、中国政治研究がプログラムされ、資金調達され、運用され、また教えられる主要な場になっているということはありうるのでしょうか?
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 14 hours
tatsuoishimura tatsuoishimura
shibata shibata

1982年3月 早稲田大学 政治経済学部 卒業
 同   4月 一部上場エレクトロニクス関係の会社に入社