Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] The one dominant at that time being either an extreme melancholy, a fine air ...

Original Texts
The one dominant at that time being either an extreme melancholy, a fine air of gloom -the gloom of Negroes and Indians is truly magnificent -which recalled the memory of a lost civilisation, or else a physical and psychic revolt which, on days of carnival, took the form of hurling aside all restraints of morals or custom and becoming -for the duration of the feast -monarchs of all they surveyed.
Translated by tatsuoishimura
その時優勢であったのが、極度の憂鬱とか、失われた文明の記憶を呼び起こす微妙な陰気な雰囲気 ― 黒人とインド人の憂鬱は本当に素晴らしい ― あるいは、カーニバルの日々にはモラルや慣習のすべての制限をわきに投げ、調査したものすべての支配者と ― 祝祭の期間中 ― なる形を取った、身体的かつ精神的拒絶であった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
tatsuoishimura tatsuoishimura