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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Kiwanis International Annual General Meeting for the first time in Japan I...

Original Texts

ちば国際コンベンションビューロー(CCB-IC)が、日本初開催となる「第99 回 国際キワニス年次総会」の誘致に成功した。

世界三大社会奉仕団体の一つである国際キワニスの第99 回年次総会は、アジア太平洋地域での開催が決定していたものの開催国および都市は未決定だった。
Translated by mbednorz
Kiwanis International Annual General Meeting for the first time in Japan

International Convention Bureau in Chiba (CCB-IC) managed to succed in inviting the 99th Kiwanis International Annual General Meeting to Japan for the first time ever.

The 99th Annual General Meeting of Kiwanis International, which is one of the three major voluntary social service organizations in the world, was already decided to be held in the Asia-Pacific Region, but the exact country and city to host it was still undetermined.
In this situation, after direct negotiations, the organization's headquarters in the US chose Chiba city in Chiba Prefecture, having taken into consideration the proximity of Tokyo, Narita and Haneda airports and the entire area's highly valued support and enthusiasm.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
mbednorz mbednorz
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