[英語から中国語(簡体字)への翻訳依頼] 1) - Experience the rush of the early morning Tsukiji Fish market 築地市場, the...

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tktktkによる依頼 2012/12/28 13:25:33 閲覧 7339回
残り時間: 終了


- Experience the rush of the early morning Tsukiji Fish market 築地市場, the world’s largest fish market and a popular tourist destination surrounded by rows of delicious sushi restaurants.
- Spend the day shopping in Shibuya 渋谷109, an icon for the youth in Japan, and the most famous shopping building in Tokyo.
- Sightsee around Meiji Shrine 明治神宮, a delightfully simplistic Shinto Shrine near Harajuku 原宿.
- Witness the fashion and pop-culture of Harajuku 原宿 on Sunday, when youth dressed in exotic costumes and unique fashion styles take to the streets.
- Enjoy the night life and club scenes in Shibuya 渋谷 and Roppongi 六本木, a high concentration of high-quality bars and clubs.

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 16:34:52に投稿されました
- 体验一下筑地市场早市的热闹吧,筑地市场使世界上最大的鱼市,那里有很多寿司餐厅,是一个很受欢迎的观光地。
- 享受一下在涩谷109购物的乐趣吧,涩谷是日本年轻人的聚集地,还是东京最有名的购物中心。
- 明治神宫是位于原宿的一个很有意思的简约的神社。
- 在周日可以亲眼目睹原宿的时尚和流行文化,因为那天年轻人们都穿着很另另类的时尚服装去逛街
- 在涩谷和六本木是高档酒吧俱乐部的集中地,在那里你可以充分享受夜生活和各种俱乐部的感觉。
評価 50
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 15:34:23に投稿されました
- 体验了清晨築地鱼市場的忙碌, 世界最大的鱼市场和被许多美味的日式饭馆环绕及颇受游客们喜欢的所在地。
- 在涉谷109血拼了一整天,一个日本年轻人的指标, 还有许多东京著名的购物商场。
- 观光明治神宫,一座靠近原宿让人心旷神怡,朴素的神社。
- 见证了原宿星期日的时尚文化, 当年轻人都打扮的富异国情调与及独特的服装在大街上穿梭。
- 享受涉谷的夜生活 和六本木的许多高格调酒吧与夜店。

- Participate in the scrabble of Shibuya crossing 渋谷スクランブル交差点, the most famous intersections in Japan.
- Belt out your favorite ballad at one of the many Karaoke shops
- Step inside the 43-foot tall Hollow Buddha (Daibutsu 大仏) statue at the Kotokuin Temple in Kamakura 鎌倉.
- Walk around the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden 新宿御苑, a beautiful garden.
- Go to the Sunday pop-culture events in Yoyogi park 代々木公園 and witness live performances ranging from acoustic bands to hip-hop dance groups.
- Walk along the beaches of Odaiba お台場 and spend the evening relaxing at the Oedo Onsen Monogatari 大江戸温泉物語, an open-aired hot-spring, where you can wear a yukata 浴衣, a traditional Japanese robe.

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 16:46:36に投稿されました
- 请来涩谷スクランブル交差点, 这里是日本最有名的交差点.
- 来任意一家卡拉ok馆一展歌喉吧。
- 步入有43个台阶高的位于镰仓的大佛洞吧.
- 新宿御苑是一个很漂亮的公园,去那里溜达一下吧.
- 在周日去代々木公园参加流行文化活动吧,在那里你可以目睹乐队的现场表演和hip-hop现代舞.
- 穿上日本传统的浴衣沿着台場海滨走一走体会一下傍晚的大江戸温泉物語(露天温泉)的悠闲感觉。

- Enjoy Sumo 相撲wrestling matches at the Ryogoku Kokugikan 両国国技館, the National Sumo Hall.
- In the summer, walk around or climb Mt. Fuji 富士山.
- Re-live your childhood at the famous Studio Ghibli Museum ジブリ美術館, created by Hayao Miyazaki 宮崎駿, creator of My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away.


- Feel the history of Osaka Castle 大阪城. This castle is the home of the wife of 16th-century Japanese ruler Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉. You can see views of city and a history museum that uses holograms, 3D pictures and other technologies to describe the history of the castle.
- Walk for shopping in Shinsabashi 心斎橋. The street has shield and you can go shopping even in rainy day. Besides, you can go to Namba from here.

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 17:10:54に投稿されました
- 在国家相扑馆的两国国技馆可以看到相扑的摔跤表演。
- 在夏天可以去富士山散步爬山。
- 去宫崎骏的吉普利美术馆重新找回孩童时代的感觉吧。

- 去大阪城感受历史。大阪城是16世纪日本统治者丰臣秀吉的妻子的家。在这里你可以全览大阪,而且通过全息图,3D图和一些其他技术的描绘来了解大阪的历史。
- 在心斋桥散步购物。心斋桥有庇护所以你可以即使在雨天也可以无忧无虑的购物,从这里你还可以去难波。

- Get on the top of landmark of Osaka, Tentsukaku 通天閣 advertising Hitachi. It is located in the Shinsekai 新世界 district of Naniwa-ku 浪速区. Its height is 103 m: the main observation deck is at a height of 91 m.
- Go to one environment to another and feel as though you’re underwater in Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan 海遊館. You can see the wide range of habitats that make up the Pacific Rim on a tour of this fascinating aquarium.
- Spend the day shopping in Namba 難波. Takashimaya department store 高島屋 links up with the underground mall and there are shops everywhere.
- Enjoy the nightlife in Dotonbori 道頓堀 the heart of Osaka, this area is filled with theaters, restaurants, cafes, bars, arcades and nightclubs.

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 18:09:22に投稿されました
- 爬上登着日历广告的通天阁,它是大阪的标志性建筑物,它位于新速去的新世界,有103米高,其91米处是最主要的瞭望台。
- 去另外一个地方感受一种就好像在水族馆里水下的感觉.你可以看到很多太平洋周边地区的水底栖息地。
- 在难波购物. 高岛屋和地下商城相连接,这里有世界各的商店。
- 在大阪中心地区的道顿堀享受夜生活。这个地区有很多剧场,餐厅,咖啡厅,酒吧,拱廊还有俱乐部。
★★★☆☆ 3.0/1

- See vaudeville-like comedy performances such as Shin-Kigeki (”New comedy”), Kontos (”comic chat”), Manzai (”comic duo”) and Rakugo 落語 every day in Nanba Grand Kagetsu(NGK ) なんばグランド花月. It is the headquarters of Yoshimoto 吉本, a universal brand of Japanese comedy.
- Experience extremely popular theme park, the Universal Studios Japan. It is equivalent to the Universal Studios in Hollywood and Orlando, and features shows, rides and restaurants based on famous movie themes, like Jaws, Back to the Future and Terminator.


- See the most famous attraction in Kyoto, Golden Pavilion 金閣寺. This temple was originally built in 1397 as a residence for shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu 足利義満.

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 19:12:16に投稿されました
- 在难波剧场花月每天都可以观看到类似于歌舞剧的戏剧表演,例如新幽默剧,相声还有落语。这里是一个日本通用幽默品牌吉本的总公司。
- 体验极其出名的主体公园日本通用摄影室,这里装备着在好莱坞和奥兰多通用的摄影设备,还有各种展示,骑乘,各种有名电影主题例如回到未来,终结者中的餐馆。


- 看看京都最有名的旅游胜地金阁寺。这个寺庙是最初在1397年作为足利义满的居住地所建造的。

- Go to most-visited temple in Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple 清水寺, which was built to honor Kannon 観音, the goddess of mercy. It's beautiful hillside location offers magnificent views of the city and valley below.
- Visit Sanjusangendo Hall 三十三間堂, containing the greatest examples of religious art in the world. It was once part of a large Buddhist complex known as the Rengeoin "Lotus King Temple".
- Look for the Geisha 芸者 in Gion 祇園. The most famous place in Kyoto is also known as the Geisha district. There are teahouses and private clubs that you can catch a glimpse of a geisha in full dress including white makeup.
- Experience the home of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 in Nijo Castle 二条城, one of the most powerful men in Japan.

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 18:24:32に投稿されました
- 去京都最受欢迎的清水寺看看吧, 这里是为了观音这个慈悲之神而建的。这个美丽的山脚之地为人们提供了一个绝好的观赏山下城市的好地方。
- 参观三十三间堂, 这里保存了世界上最多的宗教艺术的样本. 这是最大的被认为是莲花王庙地域的一部分。
- 寻找坻园的艺人. 在京都最有名的地区要算是艺人街道了。 这里有茶室和私人俱乐部所以你可以看到着装华丽的艺人。
- 在二条城体验一下日本最有实力的一个人---徳川家康。

- Just sit and admire the beautiful garden, Sanzen-in Temple 三千院. It is the main attraction of the rural town of Ohara 大原.
- Sightsee a small town on the Oi River, Arashiyama 嵐山, which has famous bamboo and pleasure boats that are available for rent. Its bridge, Togetsu-kyo 渡月橋, is a beautiful, beloved wooden structure.
- Visit to Zen temple built in 1482 by the shogun Ashikaga 足利義満, Silver pavilion 銀閣寺. This temple was supposed to have been finished in a coat of silver, but never occurred.
- Feel beautiful air in Japan's most famous rock garden, Ryoanji Temple 龍安寺.
- Walk along thousands of vermilion tori gates in Fushimi Inari Shrine 伏見稲荷大社. The tori gates straddle a network of trails .

評価 53
翻訳 / 中国語(簡体字)
- 2012/12/28 18:38:49に投稿されました
- 坐下来用心聆听美丽的三千院花园. 这里是大原这个乡村城镇最吸引人的地方了。.
- 在岚山的Oi河观赏小城镇,这里最有名就是竹子和船,这些船都是可以用来出租的。这里有一座桥叫渡月桥,十分漂亮,完全是木制的。
- 参观一下足利义满在1482年建造的Zen庙和银阁寺. 银阁寺最初是计划全部都镀上银,可是这个计划始终没有成功
- 在最有名的龙安寺感受日本最最清新的空气.
- 沿着伏見稲荷大社的成百上千的朱砂的鸟门散步. 你会发现这些鸟门都是按着训练作战的位置排列的。



This is for the explanation page of travel tourism spots about several cities.
1) Tokyo, Japan
2) Osaka, Japan
3) Kyoto, Japan


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