[日本語からネイティブ 英語への翻訳依頼] 「日本発の、ゲームではないソーシャルなサービスで海外進出しているものはまだ一つもありません。私たちが目指すのはそこです。2012年6月時点でCUUSOO全...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は katrina_z さん naruru さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 10件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1545文字

masaruikeda2による依頼 2012/08/25 12:57:29 閲覧 1181回
残り時間: 終了

「日本発の、ゲームではないソーシャルなサービスで海外進出しているものはまだ一つもありません。私たちが目指すのはそこです。2012年6月時点でCUUSOO全サイトのユーザの半分が海外。LEGO CUUSOOは9割が海外ですが、今後もっと海外で通用するサービスにしていきたい。また、例えばAPIを公開するなどして、KickStarterのようなサービスと繋げやすくしてあげることも考えています」。

評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 13:20:21に投稿されました
"There is still not a single social service that's not a game originating from Japan and entering into the foreign markets. Our aim was there. As of June 2012 half of the users for the entire CUUSOO site live overseas. LEGO CUUSOO is 90% overseas but we want to make a service that's even more popular overseas. And we're also considering making it easy to connect to services like KickStarter with, for example, making an API public."
★★★★☆ 4.0/1




“No pain no gain.”です。Painがないgainは振り返ると忘れてしまう。生きていて、あれ大変だったけど良かったよなとか。本当に死ぬかと思ったくらい事故が続いた展覧会があったんです。本当にもう絶対間に合わないって修羅場を何とかやりきって。

評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 13:30:17に投稿されました
It's what he earned because he made up his mind and looked at the problem square in the eye.

Finally, I asked Mr. Nishiyama some questions about himself.

Q. What's your motto?

"No pain, no gain." Without pain you can forget about any gains looking back at you. It's hard to live by but also good. There was an exhibition that continued incidents where I felt like I really may die. I fight as long as I can until there's really no more time left.


評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 13:41:21に投稿されました
Although I would never want to experience that again, facing such troubles and hardships head on is necessary to live as a human. Even if you say sorry twice you'll forget the project you didn't want to face directly and the results of it. I wouldn't say it's a waste but if nothing great becomes of it then it won't be of use to you.



評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 22:37:14に投稿されました
Q. What are your favorite websites?

The ones I use the most are Pinterest, Linkedin, Facebook, and Dropbox. I want to test out things Dream users do using the resources collected by these services. Or throw my own hypotheses as ideas to Kickstarter and Dream, collect orders, commercialize them, and sell on Etsy or somewhere what I made with my own two hands. Maybe I'll get royalties if I can mass-produce them and license them to a manufacturer. I am always learning from other users and wanting to try it myself.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 15:20:09に投稿されました
Q. What are your favorite websites?

Dropbox, Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest are the ones I often use. With the resources I've gathered in this kind of service, I want to try out something like a fancy user would be doing. Throw out kickstarter and my own imaginative hypothesis as ideas, collect reservations and sell hand-made crafts on Etsy and many others. If I could be licensed to a manufacturer and do mass productions, then I might receive royalties. I learn from other users all the time and I would like to try them out myself.


Marshall McLuhanの「The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects」、アルビン・トフラーの「第三の波」。でも一番は、ロバート・A・ハインラインが1957年に発表した「夏への扉」というSFです。アメリカSF界における傑作で、これを読んで空想生活をつくったといっても過言ではない。発明、起業、投資、あらゆる要素が入っていて、あっという間に読めてしまいます。

評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 22:18:03に投稿されました
Q. What are your favorite books, or your "bible"?

Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects," Alvin Toffler's "The Third Wave..." but my favorite is Robert A. Heinlein's Sci-Fi that came out in 1957: "The Door into Summer." It's a masterpiece of American Sci-Fi literature and it's no exaggeration to say that I made Dream Life when I read this book. It has everything in it: invention, business enterprise, investments... and I can read it in the blink of an eye.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 15:30:04に投稿されました
Q. Favorite book or bible?

Marshal McLuhan's "The Medium Is the Message: An Inventory of Effects," and Alvin Toffler's "The Third Wave." But my top favorite one is Robert A. Heinlein's Science Fiction novel, "The Door into Summer," published in 1957. A masterpiece in the world of American Science Fiction, even though I made a fantasy life reading this, I have nothing more to say. If there's invention, entrepreneur, investment, just about any element included, I will read it before you know it.




評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 22:23:08に投稿されました
What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I've thought about this a lot the past year but I'd have to say my strength is in starting up something. I'm really good at beginning something, I can produce results and put it into practice. I wouldn't say it's an ability so much as having good concentration. If I put my mind to it I can do something.

On the other hand, it's hard for me to manage once the organization gets big since my personality is that I want to keep doing something new. This impulse grows strong and rather than maintain what I've made for a limited amount of time I think about what I want to do next. Although I've been doing that for fifteen years (laughs).



評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 22:26:51に投稿されました
Q. What's your current goal?

This doesn't mean that I chose this myself but there are many "entrepreneurs." Overseas, and especially in America, you can meet many "entrepreneurs." I think I have to exit once. If I don't either list it on the stock market or sell it off then I don't think I will be complete. I'm good at making and getting up to turning a profit but if I don't maintain that then person I should hand it over to someone who can.

CUUSOO SYSTEMとエレファントデザインでそれは両方できましたが、今度それをキャッシュに戻すこと。自分で輪廻転生を完成させる、ワンサイクルをやり遂げたい。起業家プロセスの4分の3までできることがわかったので、数年以内にエグジットを経験したいですね。

評価 68
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/08/25 22:30:06に投稿されました
I was able to do it at both CUUSOO SYSTEM and Elephant Design but now I will turn it to cash. I want to be let to finish my cycle of life and death; I want to finish one cycle. I was able to do three-fourths of the entrepreneurial process and in a few years I want to experience taking my exit.



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