Vancouver Owl HootSuite eyes Indonesia with its localized dashboard, payment methods and craft packages
Hootsuite, the leading social media dashboard to manage and measure social networks has been seen “flying” around Indonesia. From Jakarta last September, to Bekasi and Jogja last month, Hootsuite is slowly gaining popularity in this part of Southeast Asia.
Formerly named BrightKit, the social media dashboard has its integration with major social media such as Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, MySpace,, mixi and WordPress. For additional integrations, Adobe SocialFlow, Digg, Flickr, Orkut, Tumblr, YouTube have also joined their app directory which provides more social offering to its 3.5 million users.
Catching up with Community Coordinator Stephanie Wiriahardja in Jakarta, she shared some interesting information on the individual meet-ups, ‘HootUps’ and the enthusiasm of Indonesian users. Her main duties include promoting the four-year-old start-up to international audience, not merely representing it in Indonesia.
Community Coordinatorを務めるStephanie Wiriahardja氏とジャカルタで話した際、彼女は「HootUps」という名のイベントやインドネシアのユーザーがHootsuiteに対して強い興味を示していることについて興味深い情報を伝えてくれた。彼女の主な職務は単にインドネシアにおいてその代理を務めるというだけではなく、この4歳となったスタートアップを国際的な顧客たちに対して宣伝することも含まれている。
We got a chance to interview Dave Olson, VP Community at Hootsuite who is responsible for forming and growing strong forces of ambassadors, advocates and enthusiasts worldwide, via email with the assistance from Stephanie to find out more about their outlook, presence and agenda for the country’s growing social media industry.
What’s your outlook on the internet, social media space as well as the community?
Internet is growing rapidly in Indonesia. In fact, the use of Internet in Jakarta is higher than TV and newspaper combined; in other Indonesian major cities, the use of Internet is slowly following a trend similar to Jakarta.
Overall, the projected number of Internet users in Indonesia will reach 168 million by 2015, marking 70 percent of the entire Indonesian population. Though Indonesia adopted Twitter late in comparison to North America, it has become the third largest Tweet producer after Brazil and US since November 2010. It is understandable for a nation that also has the second largest Facebook users to easily dominate the internet market.
We have seen a few Indonesian brands successfully use social media to maximize their marketing campaign such as XL Axiata, Rexona Men, and Dunia Cewe. Realizing this growing market, many businesses are redefining their marketing and customer servicing model by installing social media to be a part of their marketing campaign and by incorporating their Twitter handles and Facebook page to ads, billboards, and their sites. There are also a lot of social media meet ups, also known as kopdar in Indonesia, held almost every other day by the close-knit online communities to exchange experience, tips, and tricks from each other. All together, Indonesians love to share and have fun at the same time.
What have HootSuite been doing that you would like to highlight?
HootSuite signs up almost 1,000 new users everyday from Indonesia making it a top five country in our daily sign-ups. Although the number of users choosing the HootSuite Pro plan is still comparatively low, we expect this to change as the market grows and our localization efforts continue.
We began engaging with the Indonesian community in September with fantastic results. In June 2012, we held five HootUps, with a total of over four hundred people attending.
These informal events are meant to introduce the dashboard and its main features as well as sharing some tips and tricks.
インドネシアからHootsuiteへの1日毎の新規登録者数はほぼ1000人となっています。これは、国別の1日毎の新規登録者数でトップ5に入る数字です。まだHootSuite Proのプランを選択するユーザー数は比較的少ないのですが、我々は市場が成長し、ローカライズの取り組みを続けることでこれが変化することを期待しています。
To continue building and celebrating the Indonesian HootSuite community, we are working on translating the dashboard and mobile apps to Bahasa Indonesia. We are also listening to the user’s needs to closely find what features and integrations we can offer next.
HootSuite has also built great successes in other countries including bringing HootSuite to the popular Keitai phone in Japan and integrated the popular social network Orkut for the Brazilians.
So far, we’ve released Bahasa Indonesian for iPhone, Android and Blackberry – all of which are popular with Indonesian users – and we invite anyone to lend a hand to translate the web application via
現在のところ、我々は– すべてインドネシアのユーザーに人気がある –iPhone、AndroidとブラックベリーのためにBahasaIndonesianを公表し、を通してウェブ・アプリケーションを翻訳するために手を貸す人を誰でも招待している。
What’s inside your To-Do List for Indonesia this year?
We see a great opportunity with Indonesia and have a local Indonesian “owl” currently traveling around Indonesia to host HootUps and to engage with the community, both online and offline.
Part of this includes sharing practical workshops as well as cultural activities like our Indonesian Owly stickers and fun HootSuite treats like playing cards, pins and masks.
これには実地で役立つワークショップの開催、そしてインドネシアのふくろうのステッカーを使った文化活動やトランプ、ピンバッジや マスクによる楽しいHootSuiteのおもてなしといったものが含まれます。
We plan to fully localize the dashboard to Bahasa Indonesia with the help of our Indonesian friends by the end of July. From there, we’ll find ways to localize for preferred payment methods and possibly craft packages which fit the needs of Indonesian power users, companies and even government agencies like we have in other markets.
Many of the largest brands in the world and major world organizations use HootSuite but we take the time to listen to all the users no matter what their location, needs or budget.
Learn more and get in touch via @HootSuite_ID or @HootClub.