②海外の電気店の店頭展示は、日本と比べてかなりシンプルな展示になっていると聞いています。では、製品に関する情報はどこで入手しているのでしょうか? また、店頭で製品を検討するのではなく、あらかじめ製品を決めておいて、購入するケースが多いのでしょうか?
Here I will have 2 questions.
1. It has been talked about a merger (to become same group) to Company A. Will this make me to be a part of restructure, or will my business outline will change drastically?
2. I've heard about it's becoming much simpler than Japan for electronics stores' storefront display. If so, how will they receive information about products? Also, are there more cases that customers are not considering products at storefront, but already decided then purchase them?
Thank you for your answers.
Then, let me ask you two points.
1. There is a plan that we will be in the same group with A (merger). Are we going to get laid off or the contents of our jobs to change drastically?
2. I heard that the storefront display of electric appliance stores in foreign countries is very simple compared to Japanese. Then, where do people get the information about the products? Are there situations that people choose the product firstly and purchase it at stores, not consider of the products at shops?
Thank you very much for your answer.
Then, let me ask two questions.
1. There is a rumor taht our company would belong to the same group (merger) with A company. Is it likely that we get downsized or our business content change drastically?
2. I hear that storefront displays at electrical appliance stores in foreign countries are fairly simple compared with Japan. If so, where do they get products information? Also is it more common to buy products deciding what to buy in advance, not to check at stores?
Thank you for your reply in advance.
Then, I would like to ask two questions.
① There is an idea that we will be in the same group with Company A (merger). Will we be gotten downsized or the work will be changed by a large margin?
② I am told that the store-front display of overseas electric store is simpler comparing with Japan. So, where do you get the information related to the products? In addition, are there a lot of cases that they purchase a product after deciding the product they will purchase, but not consider the product over the counter?
Thank you for your answering.
Thank you for pointing at me. 等となりますが、質問の機会をありがとうございます。の意の方が英語として場に即していると思われますので、そのように訳させて頂いております。ご確認ください。
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