10月6日熊本公演 KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ 会場・日時変更のお知らせ
KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2016~Best Single Collection~ 10月6日(木) 熊本市民会館 公演ですが、
We are deeply sorry for having the customer who have been looking forward to the show caused a lot of trouble, and we sincerely express our heartfelt sympathy to the people who suffered from the disaster.
We humbly apologize for those who longed for the performance and offer our messages to the victims of the quake.
<振替公演> 10月27日(木) 会場:熊本県立劇場 演劇ホール
開場 18:00 / 開演 19:00
Open 18:00 / Start 19:00
Customers who want to attend the show.
You need not to request the refund.
We will send a new ticket for the venue and the date mentioned above to you.
Customers who want to have a refund.
Please take steps below by June 30th (Thu).
Venue: Kumamoto Kenritsu Gekijo Theater, Engei Hall
Open: 6:00 PM/Start: 7:00 PM
For Those Who Choose the Replacement Performance
Those who choose the replacement performance do not need to take any reimbursement
procedure.We will mail the ticket for the replacement performance to you.
For Those Who Choose Reimbursement
Please proceed the following procedure by June 30 (Thursday) as below.
ローソンチケット払戻方法はこちら → http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
When you arrange for paying money within refund period, we ask you arrange for refund at Loppi that is set in Lawson or Mini Stop where you had paid by bringing "certificate of payment" you were handed out in the store.
If it is difficult for you to come to the store where you had paid, we handle you in the nearest store.
Refund of Lawson ticket is here. http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
Within the refund duration, please take procedures for refund from Loppi where you paid in Lawson, or Ministop with "certificate for payment" which was given to you at the shop when you made a payment.
Only when it is difficult to go to the store where you paid, we accept refund at your nearest store.
How to get refund of Lawson ticket → http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
I will also refund the various fees you paid.(Some fees are excluded)
For refund, you may need tickets for various fees along with the price payment certificate that was issued.
In case you have lost or discarded the tickets of various fees, we won't be able to process the refund. Please understand it.
※ For lost price payment certificate, we also won't be able to process the refund.
※Under a disaster situation, for those who are having hard time to process the refund, please contact below.
We will issue a refund including various commission fee.(except some fees)
In making a refund, you need "various commission fee tickets" issued with "the receipt of the money for the ticket".
In case you lost or Threw away "various commission fee tickets", please note in advance that we cannot make a refund for various commission fee.
※We also cannot make a refund for ticket if you lost or threw away "the receipt of the money for the ticket".
※In case you have difficulty to apply lost report or refund due to unavoidable reasons cause by the earthquake, please contact below.
< オフィシャルHP・LINE先行でご購入の方>
(To those who purchased at official homepage and Line by priority)
When you arrange for making a payment within refund period, we ask you to arrange for refund at Loppi set in Lawson or Mini Stop where you had paid by bringing "certificate of payment" you were handed out in the store.
If it is difficult for you to come to the store where you had paid, we will refund you in the nearest store.
<Those who purchased on Official HP/ Line in advance>
During the refund duration, please take procedures for refund at Loppi in Lawson, or Ministop where you paid with "payment certificate" which was given to you at the store when you made a payment.
Only when it is difficult to come to the store where you paid, we acccept refund at your nearest store.
<Customers who bought the precedence ticked Official HP and LINE>
Please apply the refund from the Loppi in Lawson or MiniStop where you made payment with the "Receipt of your payment" when you received at the paymant and purchase of the ticket during the period for applying the refund.
Only when you have difficulty in visiting the shop where you made payment, the nearest local shop to you
can cope with your refund request.
ローソンチケット払戻方法はこちら → http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
We will also refund the commission fee you paid. (excluding the partial commission fee.)
On refund, "commission fee ticket" which was ticketed with "the cetification of payment" is needed.
If you lost or trash the commission fee ticket, we can't refund the commission fee. Your understand would be highly appreciated.
We refund each type of fee that you had paid (excluding part of the fee).
When you request refund, you need "each type of fee ticket" that was issues with the "certificate of payment".
If you have lost or discarded the "each type of fee ticket", you cannot refund each type of the fee.
We appreciate your understanding in advance.
We will refund the various fees you paid as well.(Some fees are excluded)
For refund, you may need the tickets for various fees along with the price payment certificate that was issued together.
In case of lost or discard various fee tickets, we won't refund the various fees. Thank you for your understanding beforehand.
For inquiry for refund procedures : "0570-000-777(10:00~20:00)
<For those who are the member of Lencore card of Lawson ticket, or purchased at pre-request>
The ticket you won has completed payment by credit card on WEB.
Inquiry regarding arrangement of refund: 0570-000-777 (10:00 to 20:00)
(Those who purchased by Lawson ticket Lencore card member and prereques by priority)
We settle the ticket won on the website by credit card.
The number of issuer is "0570000777". If you find the call, would you answer it or contact us when you are available?
And, we will handle with refund respectively to only people who want to refund.
The calling telephone number is 0570000777, so please answer on incoming. Or, please cantact us in your convenient time.
The caller's number is "0570000777". Once you receive the call from it, please respond. Or call back when it is convenient for you.
The calling number is 0570000777, when you receive a call from the number, please either respond or call us back in your convenient time.
Inquiry regarding arrangement of refund: 0570-000-777 (10:00 to 20:00)
Please contact the following if you would like your reimbursement: 0570-000-777( between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM)