We will appreciate if you send A with the order next time.
How much will it cost to send them to Japan by the delivery service you use?
How many corporate items can we order from?
How much will it cost for express?
I would like to pay before because it takes several days to transfer.
We will happy if you send them as soon as possible, because we had been already ordered.
It would be helpful if you ship A with next order.
How much is the shipping to Japan with your shipping company?
I would like to cut down the time to avoid making the customers wait by ordering the minimum lots every time.
How many is the minimum order for a cooperate?
How much do you think costs for shipping?
It takes few days to send money so I am thinking of paying in advance.
I already got some orders so it would be helpful if you can send me as soon as possible.
May I ask you to send A with the next order?
How much does the delivery company you use charge when we send an item to Japan?
I want to order by smallest volume each time, and deliver the item to customer as fast as possible.
What is the minimum number of corporate item I can order?
How much will be the shipping charge?
As it take a few days to send money, I am going to pay in advance.
As I already have an order, would you send it as soon as possible?
I would be glad if you send A next time when I place a new order.
How much is the delivery fee of the delivery agency which you use?
I would like to shorten the lead time to deliver item to the customer as short as possible by placing minimum amount of order for each.
How many is the minimum amount of order for corporate items?
How much would be the shipping fee?
As it takes a few days to send money, I will pay in advance.
As I already received the order, I would be happy if you send them as soon as possible.
I would appreciate if you send A with the next order.
How much would the freight charge to Japan be with the delivery company your company use?
I would like to order in a minimum slot so that the customers can get their products faster.
What is the minimum order for the corporate products?
how much would the freight charge be?
I was thinking that I'd pay first because it would take couple days to send the money.
Since there are orders coming, I would be happy if it can be sent as soon as possible.