[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] マグネシウムは工業に欠かせない金属であると同時に、動植物が生きていくために必要不可欠な栄養素という一面を持っています。このプロジェクトはマグネシウムその一...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 elephantrans さん [削除済みユーザ] さん tatsuoishimura さん monsox さん kumy さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 14件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1666文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 32分 です。

trinusによる依頼 2015/12/26 19:31:59 閲覧 2682回
残り時間: 終了



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 21:56:12に投稿されました
Magnesium has a side as an essential nutrient for the animals and plants to live as well as is a metal indispensable for the industry. This project focus its attention to that side of magnesium and is to be deviced and produced with the concept to utilize magnesium as a stylish fertilizer.

The current magnesium fertilizer is made to neutralize the acid soil, not to make use of it for growing plants conceptually. This work is to be placed near the plants as a decorative watering apparatus to provide magnesium and help them to grow.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/27 00:11:53に投稿されました
While magnesium is a metal indispensable to industry, it also has the aspect of being an essential nutrient for plants and animals to live. This project gives attention to that aspect, with the invention and manufacture of a practical application of magnesium as a smart fertilizer.

Magnesium fertilizers of today are used to neutralize acidic soils, and no thought has been put into capitalizing on magnesium for growth. This work provides watering plants placed close to decorative plants with magnesium to reinforce growth.

monsox- 9年弱前
"This work provides watering plants placed close to decorative plants with magnesium to reinforce growth." の代わりに "This work is to be placed next to plants as a decoration, providing magnesium to support growth." を利用してください。



ft designさんからマグネシウムが植物に与える影響の実験結果の公開許可を頂きましたので、こちらでご紹介いたします。


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 23:46:27に投稿されました
Effect of magnesium on plants

Among the contributed work on utilizing magnesium, there were others that expressed the influence on forming of the plant, but the key that made this work adopted was existence of the supporting material.

Because I had the publicizing permission of the laboratory finding of the influence that magnesium gives to plants from ft design, let me introduce it here.

Two prepare the same two plant (Spathiphyllum), and the experiment gives magnesium on one and already brings up one without giving it. I do water (two times of morning and evening), and both neighboring environment makes it the same.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/27 01:15:43に投稿されました
Effect on plant of magnesium

In the contribution work which utilized magnesium, there was the thing which declared influence on generation of the plant elsewhere, but the point that this work was adopted was existence of the proof.

Because I had the public permission of the laboratory finding of the influence that magnesium gives to a plant from ft design, I introduce it here.

Preparing two of the same plant (SUPATIFIRAMU) and do experiments giving magnesium to one, and with not giving another one any more while bring up. Water doing (twice of morning and evening) and the neighboring surroundings are made same both.







評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/27 00:10:46に投稿されました
Experiment start

I gave a magnesium board (like the exhibit below) only to a brown bowl (like the exhibit below) . The color and the size of the leaves were superior in the plants of the black bowl when the experiment started was black at first.

The experiment fourth day

Luster disappeared on the leaves of the black bowl (without magnesium).

The leaves of a black bowl came to wither up.

Furthermore the leaves withered up. The brown bowl with magnesium does not change from the experiment start time, and color and luster are good.

When I place them side by side and look, the difference becomes remarkable. However, I move magnesium as there is a possibilities that the individual in the black bowl was particularly weak.
tatsuoishimura- 9年弱前
「started was black at first」は、「started」と訂正いたします。
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/27 00:39:26に投稿されました
Commencing the Experiment

A magnesium plate that like in the lower left illustration was provided to a brown pot as in the lower right illustration. At first commencement of the experiment, the plants in the black pots excelled in leaf color and size.

Experiment Day 4
The leaves of the plants in the black pots (without magnesium) have begun to lose their luster.

The leaves of the plants in the black pots have begun to wither.

The leaves wither even further. In the brown pots in which magnesium was provided, there has been no change since the commencement of the experiment, with their color and luster being good.

In comparison, the difference is striking. However, in order to address the possibility of the individual plant in the black pot as being particularly weak, we are going to try to swap the application of magnesium.




評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 21:41:37に投稿されました
The one in the brown pot lost burnish and the leaves in the black pot began to become upward.

The one in the brown pot wilted and the leaves in the black pot raised upward and its skin became shiny.

When magnesium was removed from the good burnish plants its skin became worse and the dew was lost. And when magnesium was given to the almost dead plants without magnesium, its skin became better and the wilted leaves raised upward.
Of course this is one example consistently, but it was made clear that magnesium effects favorably to the growth of plants under certain conditions.
I am thinking to verify contentiously.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/27 00:28:48に投稿されました
Those in the brown pots lost their shine, and in the black pots leaves turned upwards.

Those in the brown pots withered, and in the black pots leaves rose up erect, showing color and luster.

When the magnesium is removed from the plants with good color and luster, the color and luster becomes bad, and vibrance is lost. Also, if it is given to withering plants lacking magnesium, the colorless and withering leaves become strong and erect. Of course this is a persistent example, and it is understood that under these conditions magnesium conveys favorable conditions on the growth of plants. We would like to continue with these verifications.

前回はft designさんに共有頂いたスパティフィラムの実験結果をご紹介しましたが、事務局でも別の植物を使って検証をしてみましたのでご紹介します




評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 21:13:05に投稿されました
Experiment using pentas.
We introduced the spathiphyllum experiment last time which ft design shared with us, but we did another experiment at our office so let us introduce it.

What we used for the experiment this time is Pentas which especially bloom in summer.
Blooming pink flowers on green leaves.

The experiment starts.

We got 3 pentas potted plants for the experiment, putting 4 small magneseum boards into the plant on the left, and 6 magneseum sticks into the plant in the right. And we see the difference between them.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/27 01:39:31に投稿されました
Effect experiment using Pentas
Last time I introduced an experimental result of SUPATIFIRAMU you share to ft design, but even a secretariat inspected using a different plant, so I'll introduce.

I used Pentas which blooms in summer in particular by a tropical plant for this experiment. It is a flower of light pink in bloom on the fresh and green leaf.

Experimental starting

I prepared three potted plants of Pentas by the experiment and inspected whether a potted plant (the photograph center) has some difference from without magnesium appeared by sticking four small pieces of magnesium boards into the left bowl and six magnesium stick into a right bowl.








評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 20:20:50に投稿されました
At the beginning of the experiment,
all potted plants are blooming.

Four magnesium plates have been put in the left potted plant.

Into the right one, six magnesium bars have been stabbed.

The center one is without magnesium. It is blooming beautifully.

This one is the fifth day from the beginning of the experiment and the flowers of pentas lanceolata without magnesium are already beginning to die. The ones with magnesium (left and right in the photo) are continuously blooming vigorously.

Only the one without magnesium (middle one), flowers died.

For the one with magnesium plates (left) and the one with bars (right), flowers are blooming even though they begin to die.
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 21:00:04に投稿されました
When the experiment starts
All the flowers are beautifully blooming.

I put 6 of magnesium sticks into the potted plants on the right.

The plant in the middle is without magnesium sticks. It is blooming nice.

It's been 5 days since the experiment started, pentas's flowes without the magneseum sticks are starting to die.. The plants with the magnesium sticks are still blooming well. (Lent and right one in the picture)

Only the middle one which is without the magnesium died.

The one without magnesium (left) and sticks(right) are starting to die but blooming.







評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 21:03:38に投稿されました
This is the 10th day from the beginning of the experiment.
The potted plant without magnesium has lost flower completely, but the ones with magnesium plates (left) and magnesium bars (right) are still maintaining flower.

Flower without magnesium (middle in the photo) has dropped completely.

Consideration for this experiment

By the experiment using pentas lanceolata this time, it is also assumable that magnesium has effected to improve the life of flower.

Additionally, the amount of the used magnesium this time was very small, however significant difference was observed compared with the one without magnesium.

I am thinking this result as an excellent example for the future productization.
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/12/26 21:04:28に投稿されました
10 days
The plant without magneseum, the flowers fell off completely but the ones with magneseum board (left) and sticks (right), they still have flowers.

The magnesium we used for the pentas this time was a few, but there are obviously big difference compared to the ones without magneseum.

I would like to use this result for producing good materials for the future.



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