[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 6/6(土) 名古屋「music」リリースイベント詳細発表! New SINGLE「music」リリースイベント決定!(6/6名古屋) 【日時】20...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さん awp_p さん sujiko さん yoppo1026 さん bluecoral さん greene さん nyarat さんの 7人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2140文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 51分 です。

nakagawasyotaによる依頼 2015/06/01 14:35:10 閲覧 2535回
残り時間: 終了

6/6(土) 名古屋「music」リリースイベント詳細発表!

New SINGLE「music」リリースイベント決定!(6/6名古屋)

【日時】2015年6月6日(土) 13:00~
【会場】名古屋・アスナル金山 明日なる!広場
【MC】塩尻 奈都子アナウンサー(メ~テレ)


【「優先観覧エリア整理券」抽選会 開始時間】11:00~

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:06:17に投稿されました
On Jun. 6, Nagoya "music" release event's details will be announced!

New SINGLE "music" release event was decided! (Jun. 6 in Nagoya)

[Day & Time] Jun. 6, (Sat.), 2015 1:00 pm ~
[Venue] Nagoya/Asunaru Kinzan, Asuraru! Plaza
[Content of Event] mini live & shaking-hands party
[Performer] DAICHI MIURA
[MC] Natsuko Shiojiri announcer (Me~TV)

[Opening Time of CD Sales on the event day] 10:00 am ~
*It will sell at the booth specially prepared for the CD sales near the stage.

["Priority Seat Area's numbered tickets" Lottery Starting Time] 11:00 am ~
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 14:45:04に投稿されました
More details announced for Nagoya "music" release event on June 6!

New single "music" release event! (June 6 at Nagoya)

Date: June 6, 2015 (Sat) 1 pm onward
Venue: Nagoya Asunal Kanayama Asunari! Square
Event: Mini live performance & handshake event
MC: Announcer Shiojiri Natsuko (Mētere)

CD sales on event day starts from 10 am
*CD will be sold at a special booth near the stage.

Lottery for "Priority viewing area ticket" starts from 11 am
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 14:54:51に投稿されました
6/6(Sat) Nagoya"music" Release event information!

New single "music" release event!(6/6 Nagoya)

【Where】Nagoya/ Asunal Kanayama, Asunal! Hiroba
【What】Mini live & handshake session
【who】Daichi Miura
【MC】Broadcaster Natsuko Shiojiri (Me-tele)

【Start time for CD sales on event day】10:00~
※CDs available for sale at special CD booth near the stage.

【Start time for "Priority viewing area ticket" drawing】11:00~

※複数枚「リリースイベント参加券」をお持ちのお客様で握手会に2度目以降のご参加の場合は再度 列の最後尾にお並び頂くこととなります。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:02:24に投稿されました
*CD purchase are payable in full by cash on event day. We do not accept credit card.
*We might terminate the handshake event due to bad weather or on-site circumstances even there are customers in line.
*Customers with multiple event tickets have to join the end of the queue for the handshake event after their second time.
*Please note that event tickets are not re-issued in case of loss or theft.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:10:23に投稿されました
※ Only cash will be accepted for payment for CD on the event day. No credits cards accepted.
※ Handshake session is not guaranteed for everyone on the line. The session time can end earlier for the convenience of the facility or due to the weather.
※ Customers with multiple "Release event tickets" need to stand at the end of the line after second time for handshake session.
※ Please note that "Release event ticket" cannot be reissued for any reasons(include loss or theft).


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:12:54に投稿されました
*Event tickets are only effective during the specified time on event day.
*Photographing, recording and videotaping of artist's performance is strictly prohibited.
*There are a limited amount of goods and event tickets on the day. Please note that sales will end once we run out of stocks.
*A special event ticket for child is required for accompanying children in grade school and above.
*Customers are to bear the cost of transport and accommodation for the day.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:18:36に投稿されました
* "Release event admission ticket" will only be valid during specified time on the date of event.
* No photo taking, recording, video taking is permitted during artists on stage.
* Availability of merchandises for the day and "Release event admission ticket" are limited. It will be first come first serve basis. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
* Elementary school student or elder are required for a "Release event admission ticket" for him/herself.
* Cost of transportation and accommodation etc should be bear by guests.


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:23:17に投稿されました
How to view the mini live performance:
The live performance are free to watch, but we have set up a priority viewing area for the purpose. Guests with tickets for the viewing area can enter the area according to the number listed on their tickets.

Viewing area tickets are available to event ticket holders through a lottery which starts 2 hours before the event at 11am.

Guest with the ticket for the viewing area are to gather around the stage 30 mins before event starts.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:26:16に投稿されました
[How to watch mini live performance]
Watching mini live performance is free of charge, but the priority audience area will be prepared. For those guests who have "Priority audience area ticket" will be welcomed to the area in the order of the number on the ticket.
Lottery for "Priority audience area ticket" is scheduled at 11:00 which is 2 hours prior to the start time of the event for those who has "Release event admission ticket".
For those who have "Priority audience area ticket", please come around the stage 30 minutes before the event starts.

- 整理番号抽選会について -


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:33:14に投稿されました
- Regarding the lottery for viewing area numbered ticket:
Guests participating in the lottery will draw a number from the lottery box. It is open to all event ticket holders who are allowed one draw per ticket.

*"Losing tickets" are included in the lottery box.
*Lottery queue will begin right before the lottery. Guests will be informed about the location then.
*Please note that you might not get a chance to draw depending on the number of participants as lottery will end once we reached maximum number.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:39:34に投稿されました
- About lottery for numbering ticket -
For those guests participate in lottery will draw a numbering ticket from a lottery box. For those guests who have "Release event admission ticket" is welcomed to participate in lottery for a single attempt.

* Lottery could potentially have a "void ticket".
* Line for the lottery starts just right before lottery. The location of lottery will be informed at that time.
* Depending on the number of participants in front of you, there is a possibility that all the ticket are run out and you would not have a chance to draw lottery. Thank you for your understanding.


対象店舗または当日イベント会場にてNew SINGLE「music」を全額前金にてご予約頂くと先着で「リリースイベント参加券」をお配り致します。参加券をお持ちのお客様はミニライブ終了後に行われる握手会にご参加頂けます。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:45:18に投稿されました
*You can watch the live performance without a viewing area ticket. However, you might not be able to see it properly as you might end up watching it from the side or back of the stage. You might also not be able to watch it if the halls are crowded. We kindly ask for your understanding in this case.

How to join the handshake event:
Guests who made advanced payment for the new single "music" at selected shops or during the event will receive the event ticket on a first-come first-serve basis. Event ticket holders can join the handshake event after the live performance.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:51:31に投稿されました
*You can watch the mini live performance even if you do not have a "Priority audience area ticket". However, in some facility, you might have to watch performance from the back or side off the stage where it is difficult to watch. You might be asked to refrain from watching depending on how crowded the facility is. Thank you for your understanding.

[How to participate handshake meeting]
If you make a reservation of the new single "music" with the advanced payment in full at designated stores or at the event venue on the day, "Release event admission ticket" will be presented, first come first serve basis. For those who have the ticket will be invited for the handshake meeting which will be held when mini live show is over.

- 握手会の順番について -

対象店舗:新星堂 アスナル金山店
 ※リリースイベント参加券配布対象 予約期間 6/4(木)~6/5(金)
対象商品:6/17発売 『music』

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 15:53:32に投稿されました
- On the order of handshake event:
Queue for handshake event will start from the guests at priority viewing area due to space constraints.

Selected shops: Shinseido - Asunal Kanayama branch
*Reservation period to be eligible for event tickets: June 4 (Thurs) June 5 (Fri)

Targeted items: "music" (out on June 17)
(MV version: AVCD-16529/B, Live version: AVCD-16530/B, CD Only: AVCD-16531)
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:00:52に投稿されました
Order of the handshake meeting
Due to the space constraint in the facility, guests in the priority audience area will be the top of waiting line for handshake meeting.

Designated Store: Shinseido Asunaru Kanayama
* Release event admission ticket will be available
Reservation period: June 4th Thursday and June 5th Friday
Designated Item: "music" which will be released on June 17th
(MV version: AVCD-16529/B, Live version: AVCD-16530/B, Only CD: AVCD-16531)



評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:04:02に投稿されました
Please take note of the following points when you participate in this event.

*We will have to refuse any present given personally. Please use the present box set up along the queue for the handshake event.
*Watching is free on the day, but you might not be able to see it due to the crowd.
*We anticipate a big number of participants for the handshake event so we will have the participants to proceed on without stopping.
awp_p- 9年以上前
訂正(最後の行):big number = huge number
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:11:09に投稿されました
Please observe followings in participation of this event.

* Please refrain from handing out a gift directly in person. Please use gift BOX which will be available for the line of handshake meeting.
* On the day of the event, mini live performance is free of charge but you may be asked to refrain from watching depending on how crowded the event venue is.
* As there will be a lot of participants is expected for handshake meeting, so please do not stop and keep proceeding forward to.
評価 51
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- 2015/06/01 16:17:31に投稿されました
Please observe the following rules when participating in the event.

※ We do not permit any presents to be directly given by hand. Please use the Present BOX placed near the lines at the handshake event.
※ The event will be conducted in a free-viewing basis, but it may be difficult to see the event depending on the congestion situation.
※ Since many people are expected to join the event, we ask those in line to continue moving forward without stopping.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:06:27に投稿されました
*In the hands shaking, staff might touch your shoulders and arms to make the concert proceed smoothly in the hall. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
*By putting top priority on safety of customers, artists, talents and others, we inspect your belongings and accept it temporarily.
*We manage the concert in the hall with full preparation. However, if you witness an unidentified person or item, we ask you to let the guard know.
*In the hands shaking, we ask you to remove accessory such as ring, bracelet and other.
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翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:13:13に投稿されました
*Our staffs might touch your arms and shoulders to allow the event and the queue to proceed smoothly during the handshake event.
*We will carry out checks on bags or keep them with us temporary for the safety of our guests and artists.
*The event hall is being carefully managed, but please contact security if you spot any suspicious person or objects.
*Please remove any accessories like rings or bracelets when participating in the handshake event.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:19:19に投稿されました
* During handshake meeting, event staff may touch your shoulder or arm for the purpose of keeping venue organized and smooth proceeding. Thank you for your understanding.
* For the safety of guests, artist and performers, baggage inspection will be conducted and temporary baggage storage is available.
* Event venue is operated taking all possible measures, but please let security know if you find a dubious person or doubtful items.
* Please put off accessories like rings and bracelets when you participate in handshake meeting.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:12:58に投稿されました
*The participation ticket of release event is used when you participate in the hands shaking after the end of the mini live concert. It does not guarantee that you can watch the event.
*We are going to hand out the participation ticket of the release event to customers who purchase the item on the day of the event. However, if we complete distributing the participation ticket before or on the day of the event, we will close it. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
*We are going to start selling the CD at 10 o'clock on the day. However, we might change it without notification if it is crowded on the day. We appreciate your understanding.
評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:25:45に投稿されました
* The release event ticket is for participating in the handshake meeting after the mini live. Please note that it doesn't guarantee the viewing of the event.
* We are going to give the release event ticket to those who purchase the targeted product on the day of the event. However, it will finish if the number reaches the upper limit by or on the day of the event, which please note.
* The CD sales will start at 10:00 on the day. However, it may change without notice due to the congestion situation, which please note.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/01 16:28:04に投稿されました
* Release event admission ticket is only for participation to handshake meeting when the mini live performance is over. It doesn't grantee your watching of the mini live performance. Thank you for your understanding.
* For those who purchased the designated items on the day of the event will also be presented for a release event admission ticket but availability is limited and it will end if and when all tickets are run out on or before the day of the event. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
* Start time for the sale of CD is planned for 10:00, but it is subject to change depending on how crowded the venue would be.



アーティスト名は「DAICHI MIURA」に統一下さい。


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