[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 同じ物語が小説と映画と両方で作られた場合、大概どちらかの方が格段に良かったりする事が多い。そんな中でもこれは両方共に満足が出来た作品である。小説では映画の...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は z_elena_1 さん 3_yumie7 さん mdtrnsltn さん tee86 さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 237文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 30分 です。

movie1による依頼 2015/05/20 08:26:51 閲覧 1312回
残り時間: 終了

同じ物語が小説と映画と両方で作られた場合、大概どちらかの方が格段に良かったりする事が多い。そんな中でもこれは両方共に満足が出来た作品である。小説では映画のように時間制限があるわけでもないので、登場人物の生い立ち、より細かい背景などが楽しめる事ができた。映画では文章では読み取れない細かい顔の表情などが見る事ができたし、自分が空想するよりも, よりリアルに物語を楽しむ事ができた。物語的には、映画も小説もほとんど相違がないが、若干訴えるメッセージが違ったようにも受け取れる。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/20 08:47:09に投稿されました
If the same story is created as a novel and a movie, most of the times one of them is much better than the other. However, in this case both bring the same satisfaction. In the novel there is no time limit, so I was able to follow the growth and development of characters, more detailed background etc. In the movie I could watch facial expressions that cannot be derived from written text, and the story was more real and not so much created by my imagination. Concerning the story itself, there was almost no difference between the movie and the novel, but it seems that the message of each was a bit different.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/20 09:00:50に投稿されました
When the same story is adapted both in a novel or a film, in most cases, one of those are considerably good. However, in regard to this piece, both novel and film are very well made.
As the novel does not have the limitation of time like a film, I could enjoy the personal history of the characters and more detailed background. As for the film, I could watch the expressions of faces which can not be read from letters and I could enjoy it in a more realistic manner than my imagination. The stories do not have many difference, but the message to appeal may be slightly different.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/20 09:01:07に投稿されました
When a story is made into a novel and a movie, generally one or the other turns out to be much better than the other. This was an exception in the sense that both the novel and the movie were very good. In the novel since there was no time limit, I enjoyed the characters' life stories and more detailed backgrounds. In the movie, I enjoyed the fine facial expressions that I could not read into in the written words, and I enjoyed the lifelike storyline rather than conjuring up the images myself. The storyline was basically the same in both the movie and the novel but I had an impression that messages they threw at us were possibly slightly different.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/05/20 08:57:12に投稿されました
When a story is made into movies and novels, in many cases one is significantly better than the other. Having said that this story can be satisfied in both. In the novel, it does not have the time limitation like in the movies, so the personal histories of characters and detailed background of the settings can be enjoyed. In the movie, the facial expression which cannot be precisely readable in the novel can be seen and instead of imagination, the story was more real. There were no major differences in the movie and the novel, but I thought that the message they tried to convey were slightly different.



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