Tech in Asia Tour Tokyo results: 6 pitches, 3 VCs, but only 1 startup going on a free trip to Singapore
Tech in Asia Tour rolled through Tokyo this evening, with six of the Japanese capital’s most promising startups taking the stage for a chance to leave their mark on a panel of investors and gathered tech industry insiders.
There was more than glory at stake, however. The winner-take-all grand prize – round-trip airfare to Singapore, as well as accommodation, event passes, and a startup booth at Tech in Asia Singapore 2015 on May 6 and 7 – could be the winner’s ticket to fresh investment or international expansion in a lucrative Southeast Asian market.
Read below for a brief description of each challenger. Judge’s comments and the ultimate winner follow.
For busy individuals who rely on Google Calendar for scheduling an endless stream of meetings and events, Cu-Hacker is a tool from Genestream that allows them to simplify adjustments and better visualize free time. The service targets professionals in sales, HR, and management roles.
By clicking on an open slot in their schedule and selecting an appointment time, Cu-Hacker generates a custom URL that can be shared with attendees via email or Facebook message (in Japan, Facebook remains a more popular business communication outlet than than Linkedin). In the past three months, it has doubled its monthly active user base to 10,000 people.
Cu-Hackerは、常にGoogle Calenderに頼り切って絶え間ないミーティングやイベントのスケジュールを管理している忙しい人達の為の、ジェネストリーム社によるスケジューリングツールだ。そのサービスのターゲットは、営業のプロフェッショナル、ヒューマン・リソースや経営管理に携わるビジネスマン達である。
Cu-Hackerを使用し、スケジュール画面の小窓を開きアポイントメントの時間をクリックするだけで、カスタムURLが作り出される。そのURLは、会議の出席者達と、via e-mailもしくはFacebook messageといった形で共有可能である(日本ではFacebookはLinkedinよりポピュラーなビジネスコミュニケーションツールである)。過去3ヶ月における月間アクティブユーザーの数は、それまでの2倍の10,000人にもなった。
エンドレスに続く打ち合わせやイベントのスケジュールをGoogle Calenderに頼っているような忙しい方のために、GenestreamのCu-Hackerは調整を簡単にしたり、フリータイムを視覚化したりしてくれます。このサービスのターゲットは、販売のプロ、人事担当、経営者などです。
怒涛のような会議やイベントのスケジューリングでGoogle Calenderに頼っている人たちにとって、GenestreamのCu-Hackerは調整や空き時間の管理を簡単にしてくれる。このサービスのターゲットは営業、HRや管理職のプロたちである。
The startup also offers Reserve-hacker, a companion service that just launched. It creates a personalized, open calendar that individuals can use to manage their time.
Com3power harnesses the power of the sun to help businesses reduce the cost of green energy.
The startup’s hardware product, Ami, helps home and business owners that use solar panels save money and boost efficiency. The first edition Ami 001 targeted solar arrays, but the most recent one, Ami 003, is for individual homes.
最初のハードウェアプロダクトであるAmiは、ソーラーパネルを使用している家庭や企業を、経済面と電力アップの面において効果的な手助けをした。また、ファーストエディションであるAmi 001は太陽電池をターゲットとしているのに比べ、最新のAmi 003は各家庭をそのターゲットとしている。
AirCloset is a subscription fashion box startup with a twist. Unlike the usual subscription box where subscribers are sent a variety of discounted items to keep, AirCloset acts more as a rental service. Women receive a curated box of three fashion items – pants, shirts, dresses, and the like – which they can exchange as often as they like with no minimum subscription period. Of course, they can also pay extra to keep what they like.
AirCloset CEO Satoshi Amanuma delivered his pitch in English and noted that, if successful in Japan, he hopes to eventually ship Japanese fashion to women in Southeast Asia. The service has attracted more than 40,000 signups from all 47 prefectures in Japan since it was announced in October 2014.
Japanese businesses are crazy about loyalty cards, so much so that keeping track of them can become overwhelming for consumers. Tamecco, a mobile app, digitizes stamp cards, point cards, and membership cards so users don’t have to dig through their wallets and purses to fish out the correct one. As an added bonus, the app also automatically sends coupons to users based on their proximity to any business that has signed up for the service.
On the shop owner side, Tamecco harnesses the power of big data to help retailers capture and retain shoppers when they’re needed most.
Up Performa
Kyoto-based Up Performa has designed a team-tracking wearable device to help coaches visualize their movements on the field. The device, called Eagle Eye, uses location data to measure each player’s position, gauge their speed, and generate a heatmap of the entire team as a whole. The startup looks to build on the growing interest in sports analytics and sees the 212,000 soccer teams (amateur and professional) that exist in the EU, US, and East Asia as a huge opportunity.
京都を拠点とするUp Performaは、コーチがフィールド上でチームプレイヤーの動きを視覚化できるチーム追跡ウェアラブルデバイスをデザインした。このEagle Eyeとよばれるデバイスは、位置情報を用いてプレイヤー1人1人のポジションを計測したり、スピードを測定したり、チーム全体のヒートマップを作り出すことができる。同スタートアップは、関心が高まりつつあるスポーツデータ事業を足場としたいと考えており、21万2000にもおよぶヨーロッパ、アメリカ、そして東アジアの(アマチュアおよびプロフェッショナル)サッカーチームは同スタートアップにとって非常に大きなチャンスだとみている。
D Free
D Free is another wearable device, by Tokyo-based startup Triple W, but it’s probably unlike anything you’ve heard of before. Like many members of the audience, you might chuckle at its purpose – alerting wearers before they have a bowel movement. But the tiny wearable solves a very serious and embarrassing problem for elderly users and those with certain medical conditions.
The device, which is worn on the stomach, detects activity in a wearer’s intestinal tract and sends them an alert with the estimated amount of time before they should head into the bathroom. Why the name D Free? It’s short for “diaper free” – how the startup’s users would probably rather live their lives if they were able to control their bowel movements.