Taking Social Translation to Europe: Conyac at ICT Spring in Luxembourg
Conyac team has just returned from Luxembourg, where we attended the ICT Spring Conference. At the 2-day event we learned about the latest ICT technologies and solutions, listened to inspiring keynotes, met many potential partners and introduced Conyac to the European market.
Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Tokyo invited us to attend the conference along with 9 other Japanese startups. Our Japanese group was warmly welcomed by members of the Luxembourg Consulate in Tokyo, Japanese Embassy in Luxembourg, government officials, financial experts and local business leaders.
Conyacチームはちょうどルクセンブルクから戻ってきた。私達はICT Spring Conferenceに出席した。この2日間のイベントで、最新のICT技術やソリューションについて学び、刺激に富んだ基調講演に耳を傾け、可能性を秘めた多くのパートナーに出会い、コニャックを欧州市場に向けて紹介した。
コニャックチームはルクセンブルクで開催されたICT Spring Conferenceに参加し、先ほど戻ってきたところです。私たちはこの二日間のイベントで最新の ICTテクノロジーとソリューションを知り、感銘を受ける基調講演を聴き、たくさんの将来性のあるパートナーに出会い、そしてコニャックをヨーロッパ市場に紹介しました。
私たちのグループは現地で在日ルクセンブルク大使館と在ルクセンブルク日本大使館の職員、政府関係者、財政の専門家、そして現地のビジネス・リーダー から暖かく迎えられました。
In the recent years, Luxembourg is driving extensive programs promoting their country to the foreign businesses and organization, encouraging international collaboration and supporting innovative projects. Successful steel, finance and high technology industry, strategic position in the heart of Europe, low tax rates and high quality of life make the tiny country one of the greatest places to work. It also boasts an ultra-modern data center park with low latency connections to major European Internet hubs. Luxembourg has a lot to offer to any organization that is ready to expand their business in Europe. And we witnessed their enthusiasm at ICT Spring.
ICT Springに於ける催しで、その熱意をご覧頂けるでしょう。
In addition to having our booth at the venue we also took an opportunity to present our product during the startup pitching session. We were also very grateful for an invitation to a networking breakfast with our peers and ICT experts from KPMG and other companies.
We were flattered by the positive feedback that Conyac got from the attendees and we also identified some product features we could adjust for European business needs. We will continue delivering best possible translation experience for our users > worldwide!
会場への出席者からConyacへの嬉しいフィードバックを受け嬉しく思い、又一方では、今後に於けるヨーロッパでの我社の製品の明確な展開方針の調整をする事にいたしました。 我社の優れた翻訳をお客様の為、又、世界中の方達のため、今後も供給し続けて行く覚悟でございます。