・This exchange is a course of A company > B company > C company, and is checking the question of A company for C company.
Via the man who is also several at the inside of B company, when, it takes time for communication.
Even if it asks C company a technical question directly and carries out it from A company, it is satisfactory.
- The future exchanges will go along the flow Company A>Company B> Company C, so Company C will check Company's problems. By passing by Company B, few Company B employees will have to work on it and the communication will cost extra time.
There are no problems for Company A to ask Company C directly when it is about technical problems.
-The current exchange takes the route of company A > company B > company C, and questions of company A are being confirmed by company C. But through company B go several people, and communication takes time.
There's no problem even if practical questions are directly posed from company A to company C.
- The questions are exchanged by way of company A>company B>company C. We ask company C about company A's question. It is exchanged through some staffs in company B, so it will take some time to communicate.
It is all right to ask company C about company A's technical question directly.
The question with me technical for A company explained that only two persons (I and you) entered at B company.
A company understood. Therefore, I think that former and a way continue not to change.
There is an one-point question. Is it C company which answered that the way made direct became early?
Of course I think that, timewise, that would be more quick, but I think the main reason why replies are slow is that company C's replies are late and there are many times when company B (that is us) cannot reply. I've explained how, as for technical questions from company A, there aren't just two people (me and you) in company B. Company A did understand, so I think we won't change the way we've been doing this up until now, and continue to do so hereafter. I have one question. Was the one who replied that making things directly would make it more quick company C?
Certainly, it is faster in terms of time. The reason why we (company B) can't respond soon is that company C responds late. I explained to A that only two of us are involved in technical questions. They understood, and they will do the same way in the future. I have a question. Did company C say that the respond will come faster if we ask directly?