zhizi 翻訳実績

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zhizi 英語 → 日本語

When will your HeX Air Robot be for sale, and how could it be used?

George: Actually there are several stages in the development of HeX. The first stage, which we are on now, [means we’ve] finished the first prototype of it and we’re improving it. We plan to sell it on Kickstarter.com, which we estimate might happen at the end of January, to raise funds for the next stages of evolution. With the money we could raise, we’re going to add some sensors and an airborne computer on HeX to make it able to avoid obstacles automatically. Ultimately, we plan to mount a camera on it (pictured below) and make it able to track a moving target and film it so that extreme-sports fans can use it as an aerial filming kit.


HeX Air Robotはいつ発売される予定ですか?また、どのように活用できるのでしょうか?


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Your hardware website is all in English – which markets are you aiming at?

George: We’re aiming at foreign markets, particularly North America that is a huge and mature market for things like HeX.

Does your startup have any funding, and how large is it right now?

George: We haven’t drawn any funding yet. That’s why we’re planning to get funded on Kickstarter.com and we hope to draw some seed funding as well. Right now we have six employees and two interns.

We’ll let you know when HeX hits Kickstarter. In the meantime, check out this two-minute video of the drone in flight:







zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Among China’s Airbnb Clones, It’s a Battle Between Ants and Little Piggies

Our first two bits of Chinese startup funding news of 2013 could not have gone to companies with weirder names. Beijing-based Xiaozhu.com (meaning “little piggy” in Chinese) is actually a short-term rentals site in the mold of Airbnb. Today Xiaozhu revealed that it brought home the bacon recently with “nearly US$10 million” in series A funding.

Likewise, the similar Mayi.com (meaning “ants”) disclosed that it had been spun off as an independent entity from its parent company, Ganji, and also secured about $10 million in backing. Mayi’s round is led by VantagePoint, with participation from BlueRun Ventures and Sequoia Capital.




同様に、同じようなサービスを展開するMayi.com(中国語で「蟻」という意味)も、親会社であるGanjiから独立企業として分離し、およそ1000万ドルの資金を確保したことを発表した。Mayiの資金調達ではVantagePointがリードインベスターとなり、BlueRun VenturesとSequoia Capitalが参加している。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The growth and progress of Xiaozhu is pretty impressive for a travel site that only launched in August of last year. The investors in its initial major round haven’t been revealed yet. Xiaozhu has properties in 13 Chinese cities thus far. But it’s not just focused on China’s middle-classes and fancy homes (like the one pictured above), and even has listings in places like student dorms for a few bucks per night.

As for Mayi (pictured right), it claims to have surpassed 300,000 rented room nights in its first year of operations. But if its commission is 10 percent, then it’s difficult to see how short-term rentals can actually be profitable for startups once they’ve splashed out on prohibitive marketing campaigns




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The good news for these two curiously-named travel rivals comes eight months after series A funding for the site that will surely be the nemesis of both sites: Tujia. It attracted interest and funds from China’s biggest online travel company, Ctrip, and followed that up by adding over 2,000 overseas listings in conjunction with its American co-investor HomeAway.

The double investment whammy for Xiaozhu and Mayi is sure to shine a spotlight on the Chinese holiday rentals industry, which has so far been overshadowed by a lot more dynamism in Southeast Asia, with lots of recent action from Travelmob, 9Flats, and Airbnb itself.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Douban.fm first launched in November 2009, and can be streamed from the website or within its apps for iPad (pictured), iPhone, Android, WP, and Symbian. In a Chinese-language blog post, Douban explains that a higher quality music stream with no ads is the perfect experience for music fans, but prohibitive bandwidth and licensing costs mean that a paid music sub is the best solution for now. It seems that Douban, which first came to life in 2005 and now has over 50 million registered users, is being very cautious with its pricing, putting a full year six months at not much more than it costs for one massive frappucino at a certain coffee chain beloved of Chinese consumers.


Douban.fmは2009年11月にローンチし、ウェブサイト、もしくはiPad(写真)、iPhone、Android、WP(Windows Phone)、Symbian向けのアプリ内でストリームすることができる。中国語のブログ投稿で、Doubanは広告がなく質の高い音楽ストリームは音楽ファンにとって申し分のない環境だが、帯域幅の禁止とライセンスコストの問題を考えると、有料購読の音楽サービスが今は1番良いソリューションだと説明している。2005年に誕生し、今では5000万人を超える登録ユーザーを持つDoubanは、同サービスの料金設定に非常に慎重になっているようで、(1年*)6か月の利用には、中国人が大好きな、あるコーヒーショップの大きなフラペチーノを若干上回る料金を設定している。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

IMII Brings Intensive Digital Marketing Training to Indonesia

The UK-based digital marketing and e-commerce community EConsultancy, together with Indonesia-based digital marketing company Techad 1, wants to grow Indonesia’s marketing talents through a local digital training division called the Internet Marketing Institute of Indonesia (IMII). In three weeks’ time, IMII will hold its first fast-track digital marketing training course in Indonesia. Here are details:

・Date and time: January 30th and 31st, 9am to 6pm

・Venue: The Energy Building 29th Floor, Layang-Layang Business Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia

・Registration fee: IDR 5,000,000 ($518)



イギリスのデジタルマーケティング/eコマースコミュニティーEConsultancyとインドネシアのデジタルマーケティング企業Techad[1]が、Internet Marketing Insutitute of Indonesia(IMII)というインドネシアのデジタルトレーニング部門を通じて、同国のマーケティングに従事する人材の育成を目指している。今から3週間後に、IMIIはインドネシア初の即戦力に繋がるデジタルマーケティング・トレーニングコースを開催する。詳細は以下の通り。


・開催場所:インドネシア・ジャカルタ、Layang-Layang Business Centre、
      The Energy Building 29階


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Participants in the course will also receive a six-month silver membership at Econsultancy, where users can have access to full market reports, best practice guides, the member forum, event discounts, and others benefits. EConsultancy has opened training divisions in other Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

This is part of IMII’s monthly digital marketing courses in Indonesia. You can see more information about this training course here.

Techad Group now has three subsidiary companies under it: performance-based ad network Adplus, digital advertising company Brightstars, and IMII.




1.Techchad Groupは現在、Adplus(業績ベースの広告ネットワーク)、Brightstarts(デジタル広告企業)、そして、IMIIの3つの子会社を傘下に持っている。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Ford Makes a Play for Chinese Drivers with In-Car Weibo App

While we’re not attending the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, we are paying close attention to news coming out of the annual tech event. Among all the headlines, American car-maker Ford (NYSE:F) made a play to bring more mobile applications to its Sync voice-activated system, and surprisingly China’s most popular microblog, Sina Weibo, is one of nine new apps to be added.

According to the announcement, Ford’s collaboration with Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) makes the Weibo mobile app available in the vehicle via the AppLink API, allowing drivers to access news, weather, microblogging, and location-based services using voice control.



私達はラスベガスで開催されている「Consumer Electronics Show」には参加していないが、この毎年恒例のテックイベントに関するニュースには細心の注意を払っている。そのなかに、米自動車メーカーのFord(NYSE:F)が同社のSync音声認識システムにモバイルアプリを更に追加したというニュースがあった。驚くことに、同システムに新たに加わった9つのアプリのうちの1つが、中国で最も人気のあるマイクロブログサービスSina Weiboなのだ。

発表によると、FordとSina (NASDAQ:SINA)の提携により、AppLink APIを通じて同Weiboモバイルアプリが車内で利用でき、ドライバーは音声認識システムを使って、ニュース・天気・マイクロブログ・位置情報サービスにアクセスできるとのこと。