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Ogilvy’s ‘Social Media Equivalents’ in China 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

Ogilvy’s Asia Pacific arm has recent republished its ‘China Social Media Equivalants’ chart. One of the most notable changes since the last time the group published this graphic is in the SNS/Microblogging section, where a couple of Weibos (Sina and Tencent) straddle both classifications.

The graphic is pretty solid, I think, with our only suggested addition being social games. But then again, is there a Chinese answer to a company like Zynga? Not yet, anyway.


オグルヴィ:2011年度版 中国の「ソーシャルメディア対応表」(インフォグラフィック)




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The TV-time mobile apps break things down into three searchable segments: what’s playing now on TV; ‘hottest’ TV series; and program listings. Using any one these, users can find the shows they like, and then read and/or engage with other viewers in the apps, in the form of comments or starting new discussions. As with BBS, which are so popular in China – especially in the form of Baidu’s (NASDAQ:BIDU) Tieba, or the indie MOP.com – TV-time encourages expert users to lead the way, and thereby make the service into a more insightful watching companion than general news or showbiz websites.

Annoyingly, TV-time demands a separate sign-up, with no third-party login – eg: via Weibo, or Kaixin – yet available.


このモバイルアプリのTV-timeは検索可能な3つのカテゴリー(現在放映中の番組、大人気のテレビ番組、番組表 )に分かれている。これらのいずれかを使って、ユーザーは好きな番組を見つけることができ、アプリ上の他のユーザーのレビューを読んだり、もしくはコメントをしたり、新しいトピックを始めるなどして他のユーザーと交流することができる。中国では非常に人気のあるBBS—特に百度(ナスダック:BIDU)の「Tieba」や自主制作の「MOP.com」ーと同様に、TV-timeもエキスパートのユーザーにサービスを先導するよう呼びかけている。そうすることで同サービスを一般のニュースやショービジネスのサイトよりも見識のあるテレビガイドにすることができるからだ。


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The report asserts that one reason for this is that Japanese media companies are more protective about free content, with limited streaming media options available. Japanese respondents watch a lot of TV (205 minutes on average) but out of this sample Japan had the highest ratio watched on conventional TV, as opposed to video on demand, or over-the-top TV (more on OTT here).

Japanese respondents also were the least likely to have visited a social networking site among all nations surveyed, at a mere 30 percent. Compare that with 70 percent of respondents in Korea, and 67 percent of respondents in the US. McKinsey concludes by invoking sci-fi writer William Gibson:


同報告書は、その理由の1つが他国と比べて日本のメディア企業は無料コンテンツに保守的でストリーミングメディアのオプションも限られているからだと断言している。日本の回答者はテレビをよく見る(平均205分)が、同じ調査で日本の回答者は有料ビデオ視聴や「over-the-top TV(見たいテレビ番組を自分で選択してインターネット経由で配信される)」と比べると、従来通りのテレビ視聴が一番高かったことが分かった。


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Mr. Lei also said that personally, he invests only in markets and people that he’s familiar with. This might seem obvious — why would you invest in a person or business you don’t understand? — but Lei takes it to the next level, saying that once he’s chosen to invest in someone, he might follow them through multiple failed projects, so long as his faith in the person remains intact. “We’ve already lost the money anyway, must we also lose a friend?” he asked rhetorically. That might seem unwise, but before you scoff at him, remember that Lei Jun has a lot more money than you do (probably) and most of it came from his successful investments.



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Nevertheless, Lei Jun was convinced by the iPhone that the smartphone would eventually entirely replace the PC even in terms of things like work, and he began thinking about how a phone could fill new roles like, for example, how phones could serve as office tools that are even more convenient than say, word processing software. Those thoughts are now manifesting themselves in his company’s software, like MIUI, their Android-based OS, and Miliao, their chat app, which Lei Jun suggested could work well as an office tool too, although these products are still in early iterations and will be improved with further development and streamlining.



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His belief in mobile e-commerce as one of the next big market directions led him to market and sell Xiaomi exclusively through the web, a move which he says helps them keep the phone’s price down. Touting the phone’s speedy 300,000 preorders, he said the approach has obviously been successful, although later in the evening he ducked a question from an audience member about how the online-only sales operation would handle repairs and other issues if problems arose with the phone. In response, Mr. Lei spoke about the company’s website, the promises they’ve made, and how he’s confident they will meet or even exceed them, but his answer was glaringly void of specifics.



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Asked about China, McClure said that Geeks on a Plane had come to learn about the market and entrepreneurship, of course, but that really what was important to them was meeting new people and the cultural exchanges that take place when two cultures meet. When asked about the differences, he joked that “[Chinese entrepreneurs are] most likely smarter and more aggressive than us” — Lei Jun grinned at that — and that the pace of innovation was faster in Beijing than in Silicon Valley. “There’s [sic] less rules here,” he said, adding that at least from an entrepreneur’s perspective, that probably isn’t a bad thing.


中国について聞かれると、マクルア氏はもちろん「Geeks on a Plane」は市場や起業家精神について勉強するために来たのだと答えたが、本当に大事なことは新しい人に会うことや、2つの国が出会う時に繰り広げられる文化交流であるとも述べた。両国の違いについて尋ねられると、「(中国の起業家は)おそらく私達よりも賢くて積極的だ」とマクルア氏は冗談を言った。—雷軍氏はそれに対し、にやりと笑った—そしてイノベーションのスピードはシリコンバレーよりも早いということにも。「(原文のまま)ここにはルールが少ない」と述べ、少なくとも起業家の観点から見れば、おそらくそれは悪いことではないと付け加え語った。

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Although Xunlei has metamorphosed from its origins as an indexer of mostly illegal P2P content, potential investors would surely balk at the fact that not all of the company’s content is yet legit. Xunlei is now pricipally – but not entirely – a video streaming service and social gaming platform, with mostly licensed TV shows and movies, but it’s a minor player in a segment dominated by Youku (NYSE:YOKU) and Tudou (NASDAQ:TUDO). But a lot of its ad revenue still comes from its ongoing P2P apps and services, which are a major liability.

Up to the end of last year, Xunlei made most of its money from online advertising; paid subscriptions are a growing, but still small, part of its revenue:


迅雷(Xunlei)は違法P2Pコンテンツ(ほとんどのコンテンツが違法)のナビゲーターというサービス開始時の姿からは変様しているが、出資を考える投資家は、同社が扱うコンテンツが100%正規品ではないことに必ず尻込みをするだろう。現在、迅雷は基本的には(完全ではないが)動画ストリーミングサービスとソーシャルゲームプラットフォームを提供し、扱っている作品の殆どはライセンス契約のあるテレビ番組や映画なのだが、優酷(Youku、 NYSE:YOKU)や土豆(Tudou、NASDAQ:TUDO)が独占するセグメントでは二流プレイヤーだ。だが、広告収入の多くは依然として、継続中のP2Pアプリやサービスから来ているのだが、そのアプリやサービスは大きな重荷でもある。

昨年の末までは、 迅雷は収益のほとんどをオンライン広告から得ていた。有料契約者は増えているものの、収益全体に占める割合は依然として小さい。