yyokoba 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
yyokoba 英語 → 日本語

What’s interesting about this is not so much that some Chinese rivers are full of trash — this should not come as a great shock to anyone — but that it is a clever way of making a local issue into a national one. Sina Weibo has proved to be fertile ground for this, and we have seen the same story play out with corruption over the past few years and more and more weibo users realize that corruption isn’t just a local issue after reading weibo accounts of “local” corruption all over the country. Deng Fei appears to be trying something similar here, as while one river being full of trash is a local problem, everyone’s rivers being full of trash might point to a larger problem.


この運動で興味深いのは、中国の川にはゴミだらけのものがあるということ(これは誰にとっても大きなショックではなかった)よりも、地方の問題をを全国的な問題にする巧妙な手法であるということだ。Sina Weiboはこういうことには格好の場であり、我々は過去数年の間に汚職について同様なことが起こるのを目の当たりにした。より多くのWeiboユーザーが国中の「ローカル」な汚職の話を読むにつれ、汚職は局所的な問題ではないことを理解した。Deng Fei氏は同様のことをやろうとしているように見える、というのは、一つの川がゴミだらけなのは、その地域の問題だが、皆の川がゴミだらけだということは、より大きな問題を暗示しているかもしれないからだ。

yyokoba 英語 → 日本語

(Of course, not everyone’s rivers are full of trash, and Deng’s campaign has taken off in part because some people just want to show off the nice rivers in their hometowns.)

Whether or not anything comes of Deng’s river campaign, this kind of movement will be quite a bit more difficult to engineer if Chinese users continue to move to WeChat, making that their primary social network of choice. WeChat, of course, is all about local, which is great for a chat app, but I wonder if some of the social issues weibo has helped to publicize will disappear from the public consciousness again if everyone moves to WeChat to get their social fix.




yyokoba 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Sorry for the long waiting. I was out of the city yesterday and not able to get internet access so I just saw your email.

I will contact HongKong today and ask for a new invoice for you. I am confused about what do you mean by my name and address? Does the custom need my name and the United States address? I think the name of the company and address in Hong Kong is enough, isn't it?
We usually do not provide any of our names to others due to some security reasons so we just give the name of the company or the name of the shipping company.

Please let me know how you want me to do it and I will try my best.





yyokoba 英語 → 日本語

Thank you very much for your email.

It's possible to pay with paypal. They charge us roughly 4 % for payments we receive from outside the European Union, so if you would like to pay that way we wouldn't grant you the advance payment discount any more. Our registered email with paypal is info@.com . You can decide from order to order which option you prefer. For small orders paypal is probably cheaper and for larger ones bank transfer might be. If you want to use paypal for this order, you would pay the proforma invoice attached, if you prefer to do it by bank transfer, you'll use the proforma invoice I've sent earlier.

Have a nice day!

Kind regards,






yyokoba 英語 → 日本語

Dear yamahaya88102012,

Your last response was on the 16th, it is already the 21st and it is 2 days away from the time I can revise my feedback, so I'm wrong for chasing you to resolve it fast so i can revise the feedback to your benefit? How are you going to ship for it to arrive in time? And next, I'm not pleased because i don't even know if you are going to follow up with the sale, I had to withdraw my funds in Paypal yesterday because I didn't know you're going to honor your deal. Paying you today would mean I have to pay you via credit card which means losing an additional $25 due to exchange rates.


