The reason why the cups in the pictures look a little pinkish was that they were taken on the corner of the room with the lights on. Actually, cups in the pictures you have taken earlier looked partially ivory, not all in white. It is just the same thing. Would you like me to take pictures again for you?
This week I’ve noticed that the indoor pollution level tends to be just under half of what it is outside. So if it’s really bad out there, the air in your home is awful as well. Today, for example, it’s 110 out there (categorized as “unhealthy for sensitive groups”) on a scale that goes up to 500, but inside it’s 47 (“good”). Turning on the Mi Air Purifier quickly brings the PM2.5 level down even further, and it’s below 20 in less than 30 minutes.The built-in pollution read-out in the Mi Air Purifier responds quickly. Moving the unit to another room causes the number shown in the app to rise as it detects dirtier air.
今週気が付いたのだが、室内の汚染レベルは室外の約半分ほどになるようだ。つまり、外の汚染がひどければひどいほど、室内もひどいということになる。今日現在、室外のレベルは500を最高として110(「繊細な人にとっては健康を害する」レベルだそうだ)であり、室内は47(良好)であった。Mi Air Purifier をつけたことにより、PM2.5のレベルもより下がり、30分もたたずに20以下の数値になった。Mi Air Purifierに組み込まれている汚染感知機能もとても感度が高い。清浄機を他の部屋に持っていくと、汚染レベルが高くなったのを感知して、アプリ上の数値も上昇した。
The gizmo has three speeds, but usually it’s best left to the auto setting. The noise levels on the lower two speeds are fine, about the same as an air-con unit that’s not working too hard. However, the top speed setting is awful. Thankfully, you won’t really need the top speed setting unless the air is hideous, so I don’t think you’ll hear it too often. But listen to it drown out the music in my room when I turn it up from auto to max speed:
The only downside I can think of to the Mi Air Purifier is that you’d need three, four, or even more of these to keep an entire home purified. But that’s the same for those pricier models.Other Chinese firms are pushing the price down as well. This one from software company Cheetah Mobile is the same price as Xiaomi’s and looks funkier. Or, this sort of homemade contraption does the job for just RMB 200 (US$33).
Mi Air Purifierについて私が思いつく唯一の欠点は、屋内全ての空気を清浄したい場合は、3台・4台いやそれ以上が必要になる点だ。とはいえ、それは高価なモデルも同じである。他の中国企業は価格引き下げにかかっている。ソフトウェア会社Cheetah Mobileからの清浄機はXiaomiと同額でいて、デザインが一風変わっている。この機種は、たったの200元(33米ドル)だ。
I tried calling you on 125-0041, but couldn't get hold of you.First of all let me rectify what was previously said about refunding the buyer.Only when a buyer request to return an item and wants a refund for it, must you wait until you receive the item back from the buyer before doing a refund.In this case the buyer hasn't received the item and wants a refund. I would advise you to rather issue the refund to the buyer as it's not a fault on their side. Just preventing them from filing an A-Z Claim.Please try to contact the courier company again to find out about the where abouts of your parcel. If the item has gone missing, you can request compensation from the courier company.
Thank you very much for sending us the information on the meeting in detail.Unfortunately, Mr/Ms. A has an another meeting from 11:30,would you please change the meeting schedule so that it will be from 11:00 until 11:30?I have included Mr/Ms. Murakami and XX in this email as CC.Please coordinate further with them on this meeting.
その書類でOKですが、オリジナルが日本に届かないと、彼らを空港から外に出せない。このままでは、彼らが衰弱してしまう。厚生労働省の方へ貴方たちが連絡をとらなければならない。今から8時間後にここに(①に連絡をして、どの様にしたら彼らを空港から出せるかを聞いてほしい)。私達は、彼らに何もしてあげられない。。。心が痛い。早く助けてあげて。USDA獣医官からのオフィシャルレターにより説明も必要かと思う。オリジナル(スタンプが有る事) が直ぐに日本に届かないと、どうする事も出来ない。
The document should be fine, but without the original one, they will be kept at the airport. They will become weaker and weaker. You need to contact the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare on your side. In 8 hours, please contact (1) and ask for how to let them be free. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do for them... the situation is too painful. Please help them...!It would be quite helpful if there is an official letter from USDA veterinarian to explain the situation. Anyways, without the stamped original document, there is nothing we can do here in Japan.
■予約リンク先https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id955794193?at=10l6Y8アナログ:2015年3月14日(土) 定価:1800円(抜)■予約リンク先http://www.jetsetrecords.net/p/814005021992収録楽曲:1. Don’t stop the music feat. 森高千里 - Yoshinori Sunahara Remix 2. populuxe - RAMZA Remix
Link for reservation on ituneshttps://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id955794193?at=10l6Y8Analog release : 14th of March, 2015Price : 1800 yen (without tax)Link for reservation on ituneshttp://www.jetsetrecords.net/p/814005021992Contents :1. Don’t stop the music feat. Chihiro Moritaka - Yoshinori Sunahara Remix2. populuxe - RAMZA Remix
Hi Fujirock66, I have a question, Can you can get the sportswear model of saunasuit (サ ウ ナ ス ー ツ · ア ク テ ィ ブ 7") using by Takayama Katsunary the Proboxer; Size Small, and I would appreciate If you can say me what is the price of That, If you can get the item
Mr. A has contacted Mr. Tanaka, the CTO of B company, for requesting a meeting at an event in March, as attached document.Were you aware of this exchange?
Held at posh night club Avalon, which sits on the waters just outside Marina Bay Sands, the official launch saw ProxNex CEO Mohamed Ismail, ERA “key executive offer” Eugene Lim, and DTZ vice president Evan Chung – all heavyweight companies in Singapore’s real estate industry – turn up to vouch for the startup. Of course, it helped that Saverin was there to sell the idea too, and he painted a picture of 99.co not just bringing the best search results, but helping users find the homes that most suit them.
マリーナベイサンズのほとりにある海辺の豪華なナイトクラブAvalonで開かれたローンチには、ProxNexのCEOであるMohamed Ismail氏、ERAの"key exective offer"であるEugene Lim氏、そしてDTZの副社長Evan Chung氏など、シンガポール不動産業界の重鎮が訪れ、スタートアップにお墨付きを与えた。また、Saverin氏がその場で理念を語り、99.coがただ単に最良の検索結果をもたらすだけでなく、ユーザーにとって最適な住居を探す手伝いをしているという明確なビジョンを描いたことも大きかった。
“As a salesperson, it’s very simple. What do we want? Phone calls [from potential property buyers]. After a one-year free trial, if the calls come, we pay,” says Chung.Singapore has about 31,000 property agents, so assuming a quarter of them pay for the app, that’s an annual revenue of US$2.3 million tops based on subscriptions alone. That means the startup will need to add in more revenue streams, or expand overseas in the not-too-distant future. 99.co plans to expand to the rest of Southeast Asia this year.The startup also operates Homie.co, a site for rent seekers to find roommates.
「営業担当者としては、とてもシンプルです。何が欲しいかって? (お客様からの)電話です。一年間のお試し期間の後、電話が来れば支払いすればいいんです」とChungは言う。シンガポールには約31,000の不動産業者が存在しており、その4分の1がこのアプリに支払いを行っているとすると、その手数料だけでも年間230万米ドルを超える。ということは、スタートアップはより多くの収入源を増やすか、近い将来に海外へと進出する必要に迫られることになる。99.coは今年、東南アジアの他の地域へと進出する計画だ。スタートアップはまた、ルームメイトを探すためのサイトであるHomie.coも運営している。
According to SimilarWeb, PropertyGuru’s and iProperty’s Singapore site traffic declined from November to now. IProperty confirmed the drop, but attributed that to “seasonality” and added that the drop isn’t a concern as the company is getting entirely organic traffic and users are actually transacting more.“Everyone can draw people in front of their shops by offering money. Not everyone can get them in the shop to buy and inquire. And the best way to assess that is the revenues of the website. And that’s where we are number one in the markets, except Singapore,” says Georg Chmiel, managing director and CEO of iProperty.
SimilarWebによると、PropertyGuruとiPropertyのシンガポール版サイトでは、11月から現在までトラフィックが下降をたどっている。iPropertyはこの減少を認めてはいるが、その理由を「季節的なもの」としており、同社のトラフィックは純粋にオーガニックなものであるため懸念はしておらず、実際はユーザーが前よりも頻繁に利用していると付け加えた。「店の前でお金を配れば、誰でも人目を引くことはできます。ですが、実際に興味を持ってもらったり購入してもらうことは難しいのです。その効果を知るのに一番なのは、ウェブによる歳入を見ることです。シンガポールをのぞいて、我々はその点において業界一位を誇っています」とiPropertyのマネージングディレクター兼CEOのGeorg Chmiel氏は言う。
今回のフライトがとても過酷だと言う事は理解している。全て貴方を信頼し委ねます。成田検疫所に添付した私の事前確認の書類の件で、U.S. Origin Health Certificateの枚数の件が今迄より1ページ分(日本向け)少ないとの指摘を受けました。以前の書類も確認しました。やはり3ページで1セットでした。貴方の添付してくれた書類は2ページ分でしたので、私が聞きたかったのは、日本向けの為の1ページの書類です(例をメールに添付)。大寒波の時期の空輸、宜しくお願いします。
I am aware of the situation that this flight could be very tough. We believe you for flying safely.U.S. Origin Health Certificate has pointed out that there was one page (for Japan only) missing on the prior confirmation document I have submitted to Narita Airport Quarantine. I have checked the documents we have used earlier, and it was three pages long, not two. Since you have attached the document with two pages, I requested to give us the missing one page which is for Japan. Please see the attached example. Thank you for air transportation under the severe deep freeze.
I have just now received the merchandise actually,and it seems I was mistaken. Thank you very much for your prompt action.Also, I am sincerely sorry for the email earlier which might have offended you. Since the merchandise was quite expensive, I was too nervous.Here is my humble request.There was no receipt attached for Mr. / Mrs. XX, which appeared on the picture.I would like to keep it as a proof.Would you please mail it to me, or scan the receipt and email it to me as PDF file?
Hi! U seem a very honest person.. But I'm not sure about the other person whos selling it. I think I prefer the refund. Sorry things didn't work out. I really try to find the camera. Thanks for all. I'll be waiting the refund.
Please assure that we are receiving all the orders.We have never requested Amazon to reject any payment or to change the origin of the payment.The following is the reason why you have received the call from Amazon.We are receiving the most orders ever at the moment.Since processing these orders took time than expected, Amazon has temporarily prevented any buyers from placing orders.Half of those orders have been processed within today, which should solve this problem soon, probably today or tomorrow.We sincerely apologize any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience before confirming your order.
" It is a better idea to use bicycle for the sightseeing since it would be too tough on us if we walk around all the way. We had a nice breakfast at a cafe off the main road, and then took a break at the parking lot nearby the main temple gate, having bought red-bean rice balls, which will usually be sold out in the morning. It was very fun. I think we ran bicycle quite a lot.By the way, the information on parking lots can be appreciated."