Hello,I would like to confirm with you that this book will in fact come with a VALID UNUSED code for the in game airship minion.I have been stung far too many times from other sellers who sell these items without a valid code. Please advise asap
こんにちは。あなたに一点確認させてもらいたいことがあります。この本を購入すると、airship minion用の正規で未使用のコードが付いてきますでしょうか。同様の商品を、正規のコードがないまま販売している販売者さんから、何度も痛い目にあっています。返信お待ちしていますので宜しくお願いします。
Instagram now lets brands share advertising ‘stories’Instagram said today it has begun offering its advertising partners a new way to share their marketing “stories” on the photo-sharing service.In a blog post, Instagram said it now lets brands share what it calls “carousel ads.”“Carousel ads give brands more flexibility in telling their stories,” Instagram wrote, “by allowing people who view their ads to swipe left to see additional images and link to a website of the brand’s choice.”
Essentially, Instagram is looking at this as a way for brands to share what amounts to multi-page print advertisements on the mobile service, but also the ability to bring users to a Web site to see more. “For instance, a fashion company could use the carousel to deconstruct the individual products in a ‘look,'” Instagram said. “A car company might share an array of different features of a vehicle and provide a link to learn more about the new model. Or, an advertiser could showcase how multiple ingredients come together to make a delicious meal.”
2/28(土)「TOKYO DANCE PARK 」出演interFM「TOKYO DANCE PARK 」出演日時:2/28(土)11:30~14:00http://www.interfm.co.jp/tyodancepark/
Appearing in TOKYO DANCE PARK on February 28th (Saturday)interFM "TOKYO DANCE PARK"Date: 11:30 - 14:00 on February 28th (Saturday)http://www.interfm.co.jp/tyodancepark/
According to Walker Sands, 49 percent of consumers it surveyed said they want to try Oculus when it is released, and 32 percent said they think they’ll buy it. Fully 63 percent said they “expect such [virtual reality] capabilities to change they way they shop,” Walker Sands wrote, while 35 percent say they would be “more open to purchasing more online.”On the other hand, this could be bad news for traditional retailers. “Twenty-two percent of consumers,” Walker Sands wrote, “say they will be less likely to visit a physical store” after Oculus is released.
Walker Sandsによると、調査した消費者のうち49パーセントが、Oculusが発表された時は試してみたいと述べ、32パーセントがおそらく購入するだろうと述べた。Walker Sandsはまた、63パーセントもの消費者が「(バーチャルリアリティのような)可能性が物の買い方を変えて行くと思う」と述べ、35パーセントの消費者が「もっとオンラインで購入することに前向き」であると伝えている。一方、通常の小売業者にとっては悪いニュースかもしれない。Oculusが発表された後は「22パーセントの消費者が、実際の店舗に行くことは減ると答えた」とWalker Sandsは書いているからだ。
Building a startup in the ’90s, you might need to find a friend with a garage for your first office. You might need to forego employment and sell your car to afford servers. You might jeopardize relationships with the people closest to you.You’d definitely need to build everything from scratch, and it would take a lot of time and money.All this might continue to pay off in 70 years, like my grandmother’s photography business.Or, you might take all these risks just to answer the question of whether people want what you’re making, only to learn that they don’t.
A few weeks ago, I saw a group of strangers come together on the Internet and launch a business. They were designers, developers, copywriters, and marketers.The team started from scratch and set out to launch within a week. They worked collaboratively, sharing ownership based on what they’d each put in.Watching this, it dawned on me that we’re now entering a new era, and all those remaining costs – labor, office space, accounting, legal, marketing, etc. – are dropping to the floor. Just like last time around, it’s going to mean that we see 10 times more products launching, 10 times as fast. It means we can do with $250 what a startup five years ago could do with $250,000.
Spending less than $100, this small team just took an idea, built it, and got it to market. Now they know people want it, so they are continuing to focus on performance and feature improvements to satisfy a growing customer base.If things keep working, they may be able to quit their jobs and grow this into a multimillion dollar business, but nobody’s mortgage is riding on it.Like my grandmother in 1945, they had a hunch that people wanted SignupSumo, so they created it. Unlike my grandmother, they hardly had to risk anything to start interacting with the market.(You can see my live-tweet of the seven day building of SignupSumo here.)
For example Baidu Tieba, the largest Chinese-language forums, with nearly 100 million daily active users, they’ve been commenting [on Baidu Tieba] since December of 2003. Every comment that came in was indexed and searched by Baidu. A bit later on Baidu Knows, Baidu Wiki, and other services all came from this concept. We allowed our users to create portals and to create content, and then used search technology to index it. That was the biggest difference between Baidu’s approach and Google’s during Baidu’s development in the PC search era.
例えば、1億人近いアクティブなデイリーユーザーを持つ、中国語で一番大きなフォーラムBaidu Tiebaでは、2003年12月からユーザーたちが(Baidu Tieba上で)発言しています。これらの発言は全て索引づけられ、Baiduで検索することが可能です。その後すぐに、Baidu KnowsやBaidu Wiki、別の様々なサービスがこのコンセプトから生まれました。ユーザー自身がポータルを作り上げ、内容を書き込み、そして検索テクノロジーがそれを索引できるようにしたのです。パソコン検索の時代におけるBaiduの発展において、これこそがBaiduとGoogleのアプローチの大きな違いになります。
Helen Michels, global innovation director at the Futures Team at Diageo, said in a statement, “Mobile technology is changing the way we live, and as a consumer brands company we want to embrace its power to deliver amazing new consumer experiences in the future.”She added, “It sets the bar for technology innovation in the drinks industry.”Diageo Technology Ventures was set up in September to help solve the company’s business challenges and unlock growth opportunities. The project takes advantage of advancements in sensors, electronic printing, material sciences, and mobile technologies. Diageo owns brands such as Crown Royal and Tanqueray, and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Diageo社Futures TeamグローバルイノベーションディレクターHelen Michels氏は声明で次のように述べた。「モバイルテクノロジーは私たちの生き方を変えています。消費ブランド企業として、そのテクノロジーの力でお客様に素晴らしい経験をお届け出来るようになりたいと思っています。」彼女はこのようにも述べた。「飲料業界における技術革新の基準を決めることになるでしょう」Diageo Technology Venturesは、企業のビジネス上の問題を解決したり、成長戦略を推し進めることを目的として9月に設立された。このプロジェクトはセンサーや電子プリント、物質科学やモバイルテクノロジーの進歩を利用している。Diageo社はCrown RoyalやTanquerayといったブランドを所有し、ニューヨーク証券取引所に上場されている。
Zeemaps is a dead simple, free-to-start service that allows you to upload a spreadsheet of locations and instantly create a custom map that you can share with your sales group. It allows you to add colored markers, so you can indicate whether a location is a prospect, customer, or competitor, and to add custom fields, such as phone number and website, as well as the ability to shade regions to mark off territories.It also supports a zooming feature where if you click on a location, the number of locations that’s shown as a single number expands into a list of the actual map points.No more flipping back and forth between several different maps, and doing lots of Google map searches while talking to prospects.
Zeemapsはとてつもなく簡単で、無料で始められるサービスである。住所のスプレッドシートをアップロードし、即座にカスタマイズされた地図を作って、営業チームと共有することができる。また、色によってマークすることができるので、その住所が顧客なのか、競争相手なのか、今後顧客となりうる相手なのか、など識別することができる。その他にも、電話番号やウェブサイトなどのカスタマイズしたフィールドを追加したり、あるエリアを暗く色づけして担当エリア外を示すことも可能だ。ズーム機能も搭載しており、住所をクリックすることによって、それまで番号で示されていた多数の住所が、地図上の点としてリスト表示されるようになる。顧客になって欲しい相手と話す際に、毎回異なる地図を見比べたり、Google mapで検索したりしなくてすむのだ。
AAA末吉秀太 3/6発売 写真集「S」(エス) 発売記念イベント 大阪追加受付決定!!申し込み多数の為、一度終了となっていた3/7(土)の大阪 発売記念握手会イベント追加受付が決定しました!2/22(日) 10:00~ グランフロント大阪店にて、電話受付を開始致します。※お一人様4冊までとさせていただきます。※上限冊数に達し次第、受付を終了とさせていただきます。予めご了承ください。詳細は必ず下記書店HPをご確認ください。
The additional acceptance has been decided for the event, commemorating the sales of his photo book "S" on March 6th, by Shuta Sueyoshi from AAA!!The additional acceptance has been decided for handshake meeting of the sale commemoration on March 7th, Saturday, in Osaka after its application had been closed due to too many applications!The application will be accepted in Grand Front Osaka by phone from February 22nd, Sunday, 10 am.- Each applicant will be able to order 4 books at maximum.- The application will be closed as soon as the order will reach the upper limit of the book.Please refer to the following website of the book store for more detailed information.
☆URL:http://www.sho-bi.jp/misafia/talkshow201502.html本日より【ミサコン】開催決定!本日1月9日(金)より〝ミサコン 2015 Winter”開催!「ミサコン」とは、「ミサフィア」を着用したコーディネートコンテストのことです。ミサフィアを着用したコーディネート写真をハッシュタグ「♯ミサコン」を付けてツイッターに投稿してください☆このハッシュタグに投稿されたコーディネートの中から、UNOとスタッフが優秀賞などを決定予定です!
☆URL:http://www.sho-bi.jp/misafia/talkshow201502.html"Misa-con" will be held from today!"Misa-con 2015 Winter" will be held from today, January 9th, Friday."Misa-con" is the coordinate contest wearing Misafia.Please tweet with your best coordinate picture wearing Misafiawith hashtag #Misacon.Uno and staffs will decide which should be rewarded as the best,among pictures tweeted with the hashtag.
1. Increase internet accessIn Southeast Asia, the share of internet users varies by country. In Indonesia, only around 16 percent of the population (39 million) use the internet. Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam also have penetration rates of less than 50 percent. Singapore and Malaysia, however, have rates that surpass two thirds of the population, bringing them close to “advanced internet economies.” In five out of the six countries, 60 to 80 percent of the people who are online also shop online. Indonesia is the exception, however, as only 12 percent of its users have shopped online to date.
1. インターネットのアクセス増加東南アジアでは、インターネットユーザー数は国によって異なる。インドネシアでは、国民のおよそ16パーセント(3900万人)しかインターネットを使っていない。タイ、フィリピン、ベトナムでもインターネット浸透率は50パーセント以下である。しかし、シンガポールとマレーシアでは国民の3分の2以上がインターネットを使用しており、「インターネット先進経済国」に近づいていると言える。6カ国中5カ国では、オンラインユーザーのうち60-80パーセントの人がオンライン購入をしている。しかし、インドネシアでは例外的に、ユーザーの12パーセントのみがオンラインショッピングをしている。
42nd Single "SAYONARANOMAENI"A song containing the special message to someone important,after regret or conflict when your romance with him/her is about to end.■Title : "SAYONARANOMAENI" Limited edition for first production■Date : September 17th, 2014■ Attached novelty (Same for each version): Trading card (one of 8 designs will be included randomly)
41thシングル「Wake up!」【SYUTA SUEYOSHIver.】AQZ1-76383【CHIAKI ITOver】AQZ1-76384 ※music cardは単品でのご予約も承りますが、特典ポスターは7種同時ご予約の方のみ対象となります。music card単品価格:¥540(税込)
41st Single "Wake up!"【SYUTA SUEYOSHIver.】AQZ1-76383【CHIAKI ITOver】AQZ1-76384 Reservation for each version can be made by music card.However, special poster will be given to a person who reservesall of the seven versions at the same time.Price for downloading each version by music card : 540 yen (tax included)
Watch how quick it is to vote in the most advanced democracy on earth, EstoniaIn Estonia, it takes voters less than a few minutes to vote for president on their mobile phones. The technology for super-quick electronic voting exists, but its available in only a few countries around in the world.Estonia’s Prime Minister explained in a YouTube video how easy it is to vote:Estonia held a round of voting this week, and happy citizens were tweeting how proud they were of the country’s technologically forward-thinking government.
“Gave just my vote in two minutes, being hundreds of miles away from home. How awesome is this. #election #Estonia” tweeted one citizen.The reason why America hasn’t adopted online voting remains complicated. The simplest explanation is that American elections would be a much (much) bigger target for hackers, so the security protocols have to be more stringent.Also, Estonia has been willing to use a national identity system, which helps citizens do more things online, from banking to voting. National IDs are politically contentious in the U.S., with critics and civil libertarians worried about the potential privacy implications and the potentially bloated bureaucracy necessary to maintain it.
「自宅から何千キロも離れたところで、2分で投票終えた。とても素晴らしいことだ。#選挙 #エストニア」と、ある国民はツイートした。なぜアメリカがこのようなオンライン投票を行えないのか、という理由は複雑である。簡単に説明してしまうと、アメリカの選挙はハッカー達から(とてつもなく)ターゲットとされやすく、セキュリティプロトコルがより厳重でないといけないのだ。また、エストニアは全国共通の認証システムを導入しており、銀行手続きや投票といった作業がオンラインで行えるようになっている。しかし、同様の認証システムはアメリカでは政治的に議論されている段階で、批評家や自由主義者たちが、プライバシーに関わる影響や、システムを管理する官僚機構が膨張していくのではといった懸念を表明している。
He was promoted four times in a span of four years, he said. In his most recent role, he had 80 data scientists or analysts working for him, he said. Before arriving at LinkedIn, he spent three years at eBay, where he was senior manager of site analytics.Zhang hasn’t secured any venture capital for the startup yet. He wasn’t able to name anyone who will be joining him. And he isn’t even sure what the company name will be, or where its office will be located. But all that will come in time, he said.
I am sorry for my late reply since I was away on business trip, longer than planned.Regarding SQ, it looks black on pictures. I was wondering about the color since I have ordered in blue. Would you please let me know about this color difference? My client ordered in blue and expected so as well, please make sure that it will be delivered in blue.Also, for the design of the belt, we prefer to be created as attached picture. Would it be possible for you to produce the belt in the similar way?I highly think of the whole design of the product, appreciating your ability and effort.