Dear yamahaya88102012,Hi,In order to reduce custom taxes could you please send this package as gift? Or would it be possible to put some less value in the custom declaration note?
As of now, we have not been able to confirm your payment.We would like to send out the item, but we cannot know what address to send the item to since payment information has not been confirmed. We would like to send out the item, so please let us know your address and email.We will send an invoice from Paypal directly.
I apologize for the late response.I would like to order the 2014 SS Model.I will attach an order form, so please confirm.Also, the invoice for delivery 2 is in Euro.Could I have the invoice in US dollars?
Thank you for your continued business.I am very fond of the items that I receive from you.My customers are also very satisfied with the products.I am grateful.I plan on continuing to buy from you in bulk.That said, I have a question. If you can allow me to be a dealer, would you be able to issue a discount coupon?I have purchased from you in the past, but I will also purchase in large quantities in the future.Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you for your continued business. This is Yamada from Japan.Please send any items that are in stock for the order placed the other day.Please cancel the items that are not in stock. I appreciate your kindness in this matter.I look forward to the arrival of the items. Thank you for the reply.I don't mind late delivery of the items; I look forward to their arrival.Your store has many items that I am interested in.I look forward to doing business again in the future.I am always grateful for your store's support.I appreciate your swift response,
I was asking if you might like to barter I have some transformers that are worth the same or more than the set. Is there anything you might want to barter for? For example,I have: MIB God Bomber from Transformers Masterforce,MISB Black Big Convoy from Beast Wars NeoBotcon only Sweeps set, Botcon only Sharkticons setI can send pictures if that would help. I was wondering if you might consider a trade? Are you at all interested in other action figures like Transformers? I have a few rare items in my collection that would easily match or exceed the price you are asking. Otherwise if you are interested in trading for something else, please let me know what, and if not, would you consider a price reduction?
物々交換ができるかお伺いしたつもりでした。私は、セットと同じ価値かそれ以上の価値のtransformersを持っています。何か交換できるものはありませんか?例えば私が持っているのは、Transformers MasterforceのMIB God Bomber Beast Wars NeoのMISB Black Big ConvoyBotconだけのSweeps set, BotconだけのSharkticons setもし写真が必要であれば、送ります。交換を検討して頂けると幸いです。Transformersのようなアクションフィギュアに興味はありませんか?私は、あなたが提示している値段と同等の価値があるものや、それ以上の価値のいくつかのレアな品物を持っています。他に交換として受け入れて頂ける物があれば、それが何だか教えて下さい。また、交換を検討して頂けない場合、割引は可能でしょうか?
ご連絡遅くなって申し訳ございません。質問についてですが・・・商品は発送してしまいましたので変更は出来ません。伝票番号は下記になります。・送料については明日に出ますので、送料・梱包費・諸経費を除いた額を返金致します。・商品ページに間違いがありました。申し訳ございません。Maimiya M645は写真に写っている物が全てになります。もし、ご購入をご検討頂けるのであればこれもご縁ですのでサービス致しますよ。ご希望などがあればお気軽にお尋ねください。
I am sorry for the late reply.Regarding the question:・The item has been send so changes cannot be made.THe invoice number is as below.・The shipping cost will be known tomorrow, so the amount minus the shipping and handling costs will be refunded.・There was an error on the description page. We apologize.Maimiya M645 will consist of what is shown on the picture.If you are considering a purchase, we can offer a bonus.If you have any requests, please let us know.
先日はYoutubeのメッセージ機能からご返信ありがとうございました英訳にしたメッセージを再送します に向けて、xxxという曲の収録を進めていますご収録戴きたい箇所は、「xxx.pdf」のリハーサルマークA2とEのパートになります最大で8/5の23:59まで〆切りの延長となりましたが、8/4迄にヴァイオリンパートの収録は可能でしょうか?現状は、他パートの収録は終えていますご返信お待ちしております
Thank you for the message through Youtube.I will send you the message that's been translated into English.To go forward with are proceeding with a song called xxx.The parts we would like for you to record are rehearsal marks A2 and E on "xxx.pdf".The deadline was extended to August 5th at 23:59, but would it be possible to have the violin part recorded by August 4th?The recording for other parts are already finished.I look forward to your reply.
Thank you for the email.We confirmed that we have 3 units of the item in stock.We are grateful if you are thinking about purchasing from us.Thank you for the email.I am very sorry.This item will be sent from Japan, but adding a tracking number will increase the chances of being inspected at customs. We believed that this item had a good chance of being stuck at customs, so we decided not to add tacking. We apologize that there was a problem with the product.We are sorry for the inconvenience, but please send us a photo showing the condition of the item.
I apologize for reporting late. The new website is finally done, and your product has been listed. Please take a look. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know.
We would like to have the documents printed and included in the package. I will send you the documents as a PDF file by email.Please let us know how to proceed.
Thank you for contacting us.We are still strongly hoping that we can buy from you directly. In the event that we cannot sell it exclusively, could we purchase it from you and sell it on ***?I am looking forward to a positive response.
Thank you for your email!I apologize for the late reply!I began drawing after becoming an adult. I wanted to go to art school, but I ended up going to university for programming instead. I learned film production in a club that I belonged to at that university, and I continue work in film production today. I am happy that you complemented my drawing! Thank you so much. I would have liked to attend a class on illustration with you. You seem to be learning a variety of different designs! That's impressive!It's a real labor to carry around heavy tools used for designing.
We have no intension of treating you like a criminal.Just as you would not want to pay for an item that has not been delivered, we cannot issue a refund on an item that has not been returned to us.We do our best to have the items delivered to our customers as quickly as possible.You can confirm that we shipped the item as soon as the order was placed.However, there is no way for us to check whether there was a notice from the post office.We can only know that an item was not delivered when it has been returned to us.Thank you for your understanding.
今回はマニュアルオーダーの方法で注文しました。buyer centralを使うことはできないでしょうか。私は日本のクレジットカードしか持っていません。アメリカ国内に発送する場合はアメリカのクレジットカードでなければ、buyer centralを使うことはできませんか。Billing AddressにYamatoの住所を入力するだけでは不可能ですか?何か方法があれば教えて下さい。buyer centralだと注文時にすぐにバックオーダーになっているアイテムもわかるので便利です。
I ordered it using manual order this time.Is it possible to use buyer central?I only have a Japanese credit card.When shipping within the US, is using buyer central possible only if using an American credit card?Could I just enter Yamato's address for billing address?Please let me know if there is a way.Buyer central is useful since it let's you know upon ordering which items are backordered.
Unbelievable! !You're at fault for sending me 3 defects!!Did you really read what I wrote?I'm not saying "you have to pay for shipping" but rather "just give me a refund without demanding a return."Either that or send me 3 replacements. Choose whichever costs your company less.Why in the world should I have to pay you again?Also, reply to my messages promptly.If you don't get your act together, I will leave a negative feedback.
Thank you for your question!I have accepted your best offer, so I will make the shipping cost $60 and send you an invoice.Would that be ok with you?
Thank you for confirming the order.There was an error in the contents of the order that I made yesterday.The order was the same as Order0703, which is what I ordered last week.I will send a new order.Have you already shipped yesterday's order?If you have, I will have Yamato return it directly, so please cancel it.Please also cancel the items that were backordered from yesterday's order.Thank you in advance.
もっとあなたの商品がほしい!!またあなたから商品を買いたい。たくさん商品を買いたい!!~様お久しぶりです。お元気ですか?以前あなたから「商品」を買ったHironori Kawanoです。ebayIDは~です。ペイパルメールアドレスは~です。あなたの商品は素晴らしく、私の顧客も大満足でした!!なので、私たちはまたあなたから商品を買いたいと思っています。どんな商品がありますか?「マキタ」はある?たくさん買うから金額と在庫数を教えてください。よろしく。Hironori Kawano
I would like to purchase more of your products!I would like to purchase from you again.I would like to purchase many products!Dear ~,It has been a while. How are you?My name is Hironori Kawano and I recently bought 「商品」from you.My eBay id is ~.My email address on Paypal is ~.Your product is great and my customers were very satisfied!So I would like to purchase from you again.What kind of products do you have?Do you have "Makita"?I would like to purchase in large quantities, so please let me know the price and how many you have in stock.Thank you in advance.Hironori Kawano
お世話になります。こちらの商品が⇒ 返品になっているようですがいつ再出品されるのでしょうか?またこの商品は未開封品ですがパッケージ等は開封されていないのでしょうか?もし開封されてた場合は新品扱いにならないですよね?その場合はどうすればいいのでしょうか?ご回答お待ちしてます。
Thank you as always.This item ⇒seems to have been returned, but when will it be relisted?Also, this item is in its original packaging, but has it been opened?If it has been opened, it would not be considered new I suppose?What should I do in that case?I look forward to your reply.