yasuyasu 翻訳実績

Kyoto Japan
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
yasuyasu 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

In mid 2012, a San Francisco startup called Leap Motion introduced a small device called The Leap. The gadget is as big as a USB thumb drive, but could do so much more. The Leap uses several cameras and sensors to create a three-dimensional map of up to 0.22 cubic meters. The main differentiator between The Leap and other similar devices is its accuracy of up to a hundredths of a millimeter, or about half the diameter of human hair. Another differentiator that The Leap has is its ability to distinguish between different parts of the body. The device knows if you’re moving your pinkie or your thumb, for instance.

Think Minority Report, but without the three-fingered gloves, and without you looking like Tom Cruise


2012年の中頃,サンフランシスコを基点とするLeap Motion社は「 Leap」と呼ばれる小型機器を発表した.大きさはUSBとほぼ同じであるが,中身はそれを遥かに凌ぐ.Leapは数個のカメラとセンサーを使い0.22立法メートル四方の3次元マップを作る.Leapと他の類似機器との大きな違いは,数百分の1mmの動きまで感知できるという点である.これは髪の毛の直径の半分に値する.またLeapは体の各部位を判別することができる.例えば親指と小指の動きを別々に判別することができる.


yasuyasu 英語 → 日本語

Embedded into devices

In August last year, Leap Motion offered developers the ability to play with the device so that they can develop applications based on gesture controls. Qualified developers were given a free device, which was then planned to retail for US$70 apiece once it was ready-to-market.

In recent news, Leap Motion has reportedly partnered with Taiwanese manufacturer Asus to embed its motion-sensing technologies into high-end notebook computers and top-of-line all-in-one personal computers. Leap Motion is also planning to launch an app store within the year, noting that such hardware will not be relevant without practical applications.



昨年8月,Leap Motion社はジェスチャーを利用したアプリ開発のために,デバイスを用いて遊べるかどうかの可能性の発掘を開発者に依頼した.開発者の中には市場で70$で販売予定だったデバイスを提供された者もいる.

最新の情報によると,Leap Motion社は台湾のAsus社と共同開発し,最新のノートパソコンとデスクトップパソコンにはモーションセンサー技術が搭載されていると報告されている.Leap Motion社はすでにアプリケーションストアを年内に始めることも予定している.注意すべきは,実際のアプリケーションがなければそのようなハードウェアも適切ではないかもしれないことだ.

yasuyasu 英語 → 日本語

I mentioned the 3D movies in yesterday's e-mail. I should also mention that
I went to CES earlier this month and saw some innovative products. One of my
favorites was a small (approximately six cm square by 10 cm tall) Bluetooth
speaker that you can use in an office. It was very neat-you can sync it to a
smart phone a stream audio or use it for telephone conferences.

Another interesting product was adventure cameras that you can mount on
bicycles, or helmets, or cars, and film your adventures. GoPro is the
leader, but this company makes good quality products and has been in
business for a long time.

There we other products there as well-some game related, others not. But
those were the most interesting to me.



