3. Each game has its own deadzone and sensitivity settings. For the best result, perform advance calibration on each game if you feel it is needed.4. Eagle Eye can store up to two Key Mapping/Calibration on its hardware. The Advance Calibration Setting is attached to each the Key mapping memory slots.5. If after calibration, it still feels jagged or not what you desire, be sure to check our forums game section (www.penguinunitedforum.com) or our Eagle Eye Database (http:// www.penguinunitedforum.com/library/) to look at other people’s configs and suggestions for the game you want to play.A. Updating your Eagle Eye’s Firmware to beyond 3.0
3. 各ゲームはそれぞれ異なる死角と感度の設定がされている。最も良い状態を得るには、必要と感じた際はアドバンス目盛設定を各ゲームごとに設定しなおして下さい。4.イーグル・アイは最大二つのキー・マッピング/目盛設定をハードウェアに保存できます。アドバンス目盛設定はそれぞれのキー・マッピング・メモリースロットに付属されています。5.目盛設定をされた後、まだずれていたりご希望の状態にならない場合、我々のフォーラムのゲームセクション(www.penguinunitedforum.com)もしくはイーグル・アイ・データベース (http:// www.penguinunitedforum.com/library/)へアクセスし、貴方のプレイされたいゲームに対する他の人のお勧めの方法を確認ください。A. イーグル・アイのファームウェアを3.0以上にアップデートされるには
Please note the game play experience for the same Advanced Calibration settings will vary depending on the game you are playing, the mouse/keyboard you are using, and the Eagle Eye Converter firmware you are currently on.Step 1- After you are done with the calibration system and have pressed F6 to save your new Advanced Calibration setting on your EEC, your current settings will be temporarily saved on your Eagle Eye Converter in the Key Mapping Memory Slot (Key Map 1 or Key Map 2) you are currently on.Step 2- Unplug your Eagle Eye Converter, this will officially save your new Advanced Calibration setting on your EEC on your Key Mapping Memory Slot.
While this is the newest version of the Eagle Eye, you will have to update your Eagle Eye’s firmware for future updates beyond version 3.0. In this latest version of Eagle Edit 3.0, you are now able to update your Eagle Eye’s firmware quickly in a 32-bit and 64-bitwindows OS easily through Eagle Edit 3.0. Please note if you have version 1.0 or 2.0, you will still have to manually update to 3.0 before you can utilize this feature. Please refer to the Penguin United support page for more detail on how to manually update yourEEC to 3.0 http://www.penguinunited.com/info/Eagle%20Eye %20Support%20Page.htmlStep 1:
現時点ではこれがイーグル・アイの最新版ですが、将来的に3.0版からのアップデートが公開されましたらイーグル・アイ・ファーウェアをアップデートする必要があります。この最新版のイーグル3.0版では、貴方のイーグル・アイのファームウェアをウィンドウズOSの32ビットと64ビットですばやく簡単に更新することが可能となりました。もし貴方が1.0版か2.0版をお持ちの場合、まず3.0版に手動でアップデートして頂く必要があることをご留意ください。EECを手動で3.0にアップデートする方法の詳細につきましては、Penguin Unitedのサポートページをご参照ください:http://www.penguinunited.com/info/Eagle%20Eye %20Support%20Page.htmlステップ1:
それでこのMotor arm.の部品のみを購入する事はできますか2つほしいです。良品かどうか確認をして送ってほしいです。必ず良品の確認をお願いします。また日本へ送ってもらう事は可能でしょうかお返事を早急にお願いします。
Therefore, is it possible to purchase just the parts of this Motor arm?I want 2 pieces.I would appreciate if you could inspect and make sure they are in good condition before shipping.Please make sure they get inspected.Also is it possible to get them shipped to Japan?I will be looking forward hearing back from you soon.Thanks.
AMAZON.COMで6月と7月に購入しました。日本在住です。商品名Motor arm.のギアの動きが悪くMixing paddle.が動きません。2台購入しましたが2つとも不良品です。AMAZON.COMでは部品のみの購入ができないです。Commercial-style compressor.はコンプレッサー内臓のため海外の返品はできない状態です。
I purchsed on Amazon.com in June and July.Residing in Japan.Item NameThe gear of the Motor arm. does not work well, and the mixing paddle does not operate.I purchased 2 of this but both are defected.It looks like Amazon.com does not carry just the parts for these.Comecial-style compressors have the compressor built in so it cannot be sent back oversea.
Will you please ship out the ordered items as quick as possible?As shown in the picture, there are some pealed spots inside the pocket where the credit cards go in.As shown in the picture, the pocket for credit cars does not open wide enough, and cannot be used.Can you re-send me non-defected items?
We will call your interpreter company the day before and confirm the time with them in regards exact time to be at our office, as well as we will write you an email the day before and let you know what time to be here. So, please when you arrive to Atlanta the night before , check your email right away to make sure you know what time to be at our office for procedure. Due to your late time arrival in Atlanta, we will be out of office already and will not be able to call and confirm with you the exact time of the procedure that next morning, so we will email you before we leave the office to confirm your timing. Please make sure to check your email as soon as you get to Atlanta.
Why do I have to cover the shipping fee for returning a defected item?That fee wouldn't have been needed if the machine was not damaged.Your company is responsible to cover the shipping cost when returning an item.If you say you inspected before shipping, do you mean there was an accident during shipping?Then shouldn't you charge the shipping company for the fee?It is unacceptable to charge such fee to customer.
I'm still thinking...Could I have a few hours of your time?No problem at all. I had the Camaro done this afternoon but didn't like the way the paint came out in one corner and also the body didn't fit right in one back corner so I took it back apart and the paint is curing now. It turned out much better now. Take your time on the decision. We can also do one, two or all three in the European blistercard if you like. Just let me know and I'll get our project wrapped up and sent to you by the end of the week.
まだ悩んでます・・・あと数時間お待ちいただけますか?全く問題ありません。今日の午後カマロが仕上がりましたが、1つの角の部分の塗装の出来が気に入らなかったのとボディーの後方の角のフィットが正しくなかったので、また解体し、塗装はいま硬化しているところです。だいぶ良くなりました。判断には必要なだけ時間を取って考えてください。もしごきぼうでしたら、1つ、2つもしくは3つ全部をEuropean Blistercardですることも出来ます。いつでもご連絡頂けましたらプロジェクトをまとめて週の割までに貴方にお送りします。
Its very well made and has little tags in Japanese above each opening where the gauge would go. The gauge would require small screws to install it and I have a box of screws that came with it. I have $800 in it but will take $650 for it. I would have to make a box for it so that would take a couple of days if your interested.
It seems like the previous mail did not explain well.The reason of no delivery address is because "you did not put my name on the recepient".If there is no name on the recepient, the shipment will not be delivered due to uncertain shipping address.However, the Japanese post office contacted USPS and asked "what to do with this shippment".Then USPS replied "please ship back the shipment."Couldn't USPS check with you then?First of all this happened because "you didnt put my name for the recepient".Does this make sense for you?
Please agree to cancel your recent purchase.Hi xxxx recently opened a cancel transaction case for an item you recently purchased: New Sony Official PS3 Wireless Stereo Gaming Headset Playstation 3 Sealed Box PC.Reason for cancel transaction request: The seller says that both of you disagreed over the terms of the transaction.Seller comment: Limit - one (1) order/item per customer (household) - if you need 2 or more - please contact me before biddingClick the "Respond now" button to accept or decline this cancellation.If you don't take action by Jul-25-2012, the seller will be able to cancel the purchase without your consent.
貴方の最近されたご購入のキャンセルをすることに、どうぞご同意ください。こんにちは。XXXX がさきほど貴方が最近されたご購入商品ひとつについてキャンセル手続きの申請をしました:新品のソニー オフィシャル PS3 ワイヤレスステレオゲームヘッドセット プレイステーション3 箱未開封 PC.キャンセル手続き申請の理由:売り手は貴方と売り手の双方が取引の条件について同意できなかったと言っています。売り手のコメント:顧客1名(1世帯)に付き注文は1件(1個)のみ-2個以上の場合は入札前に私に連絡してください。このキャンセルを承認、もしくは拒否する場合”Respond now(今すぐ返答)”をクリックしてください。この手続きを2012年7月25日までに行わない場合、売り手は貴方の承認無しにキャンセルが可能となります。
まず自分がトップバッターで話す事になりました。自分の事を話すのは得意ではありませんが今回は好きな事について話したいと思います。 最近は時間が無いので観る本数は少ないです。以前は1日1本は観てました。 好きな映画は沢山あるのですが、1番好きな映画を選ぶなら、13歳の時に観た「街の灯」です。古いチャップリンの映画です。サイレント映画ですがラストシーンは本当に素晴らしいです。まだ観てない方は是非観てください。 最後に何かジョークを話すように強くリクエストされたので短い話を一つ。
I was assigned to be the first one to speak.I am not good at talking about myself, so I would like to talk about things I like.I do not have much time lately so I don't get to watch as many movies.I used to watch at least one film a day.There are many films I like, but if I have to pick the favorite one, it will be "City Lights" which I first watched when I was 13 years old. It is an old Charlie Chaplin movie.It is a silent film but the last scene is just wonderful.If you have never watched this before, please give it a try. I was strongly requested to throw a joke at the end, so here is a short story...
Hi there and thanks for looking at my auctions .If you mean an original model the car came just like you see it with the rare option of rear chrome wheels it is not a made up one or a custom made one I bought this in 1995 with the other one that I am selling on ebay in California and they have been in storage since that day.
Please let me know hwne the arrival date is confirmed.It is a shame because the items always arrived quick.By the way, I received a claim on one of the three machines you've sent me earlier.Attached is the pictures of it. Please take care of it.- Damaged rubber ring- Deteriated tape (?)- Rust on screw and clasp- Tear on tool bag- Red bulb not lightingThey said overall condition is old, and deteriated.Please handle this immidiately, with exchange in consideration.Thanks.
Will include original box and Styrofoam.Appears to be missing the sunroof.
Thank you for getting back to me. If you prefer to keep and use the TRIA, we are happy to offer you a credit back for $80, however, this would then make this unit non-returnable and we want to make sure you are aware of this. Also, before issuing the credit, the funds have been taken from us because you are disputing charges with the card company. Please cancel the credit card dispute so we can issue the credit of $80 back to your card. Thank you again and please let us know when this is done.
The outside box does not have damage, but the actual main component inside the box was defected. After inspecting it closely, the adhesive that is suppose to glue the lid on the side and the main body is peeling, and it looks like the lid fell off. I believe this is not a damage due to shipping, but rathe a defect that exhisted even before shipping out of the factory. The operation itself is not affected from this, so it does work.
Please note you will need to appoint and authorize the Forwarder, so please have the Name, Address, Phone, and a Contact Name available. You will be responsible for providing the Power of Attorney to the U.S. Forwarding Agent. By signing the Acknowledgement, you certify you have read and understand the terms of the Acknowledgement, and all statements on the documentation are true and correct. Making any false or fraudulent statements or violating any US Export Laws and Regulations may result in civil and criminal penaltiesPlease note that your order is currently on HOLD. If we do not hear back from you within 7 days, we will assume that you are no longer interested in this transaction and will cancel your order
This is how the booth I worked on looked like.I completed a huge line up of anime character items, figures and KAWAII style items such as Rilakkuma.I was also happy to see a French customer who purchased from me before.There was a Europian Cosplay contest held at the Japan Expo, and I got to see wonderful performances.I will inform in this blog when I get to travel over sea next time, so I hope we get to meet each other!