transcontinents 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
ビジネス 商品説明 旅行・観光
transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

1.Max. size = 120x60x60cm and max. weight = 31,5 kg
The problem is that our warehouse does not have boxes with a length of 120cm. Most of the boxes are smaller.

2.Here are the prices per kilo:
5 kg = 42 €
10 kg = 59 €
20 kg = 91 €
31,5 kg = 123 €

For the online booking, the prices are 2 € less. But you have to count 6 € (only once for the whole shipment) for collection at our office.

3.Approximate delivery time to Japan = 10 days

Your order is about 20 kg. If it fits in one box, the price would be 91 € plus 6 € = 97 €

If it has to be packed in two boxes, the price would be 118 € (59 € x 2) plus 6 € = 124 € (which will probably be the case!)

Any costs for importing the goods, you have to check from your side.


1. サイズ上限=120x60x60cm 重量上限= 31,5 kg

5 kg = 42 €
10 kg = 59 €
20 kg = 91 €
31,5 kg = 123 €


3. 日本への配達にかかる日数=10日




transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

May I know if this is still available? :)

by the way, is it still US$268? :)

Hello,my friend
I have not received the parcel post, I checked online, parcels in Madrid
can you help me?

Your listing did not use product details, although there is a match for your item in our catalog. Using the catalog when there is a match for your item is required in this category.

Although we haven't removed your listing, please keep in mind that sellers who repeatedly list items or fail to relist with the catalog when there is a product match may be subject to a range of actions including listing removal and limits to their selling privileges. Please use the information below to edit your listing so it follows our policy,







transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

Want to quit smoking? Quit Pro is the app for you

Trying to quit smoking? Quit Pro analyzes smoking patterns, and helps you evaluate how to avoid instances that trigger that craving for nicotine.

New year, new resolution! Well, at least that’s what some of us are trying to achieve this year. With the advancement of mobile technology, we can literally rely on apps and devices to help us in fulfilling that ever challenging resolutions that we have vowed to keep. Good news for all smokers out there who are trying to quit. There is an app called Quit Pro released by Singapore-based Bitsmedia, which allows the program to track users’ cigarettes and cravings to analyze their smoking pattern.


禁煙したいと思っていますか?Quit Proがお手伝いします。

禁煙しようと思っていますか?Quit Proは喫煙パターンを分析し、ニコチン欲求の引き金となる場面を洗い出してそれを避けるお手伝いをします。

一年の計は元旦にあり!とにかく、今年それを目標としている人が少なくとも少しいることは確かだ。モバイル技術の進化により、私達は文字通りアプリとデバイスの力を借りて自分の決心を貫くことができるようになった。禁煙したいと思っている喫煙者に朗報だ。シンガポールを拠点とするBitsmediaがリリースしたQuit Proのプログラムはユーザーのタバコと欲求を追跡し、喫煙パターンを分析してくれる。

transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

Roomorama: We focus on B2C type of listings as opposed to Airbnb’s peer-to-peer offerings, and further, most of our properties are in the mid-range to higher end. Wherever there are opportunities and potential for growth, there will be competition, and we think this is healthy for the market and the industry.

travelmob: For us, we’ve always maintained a regional dedication to building Asia Pacific as a destination for global travellers from Day 1. We continue to be committed to the region and to building solutions and services that cater to both travellers visiting APAC destinations as well as for property owners based here. Our mission remains: to lead the social stay market in Asia Pacific.


Roomorama: AirbnbのP2Pに対抗するB2Cタイプの掲載に力を入れており、中級から高級クラスの物件を主に取り扱っている。成長が見込める機会や可能性があるところには必ず競争が伴うものであり、我々にとってこれは市場にとっても業界にとっても健康的なことであると考える。

travelmob: スタート時から一貫してアジア太平洋を世界の旅行者のデスティネーションとして構築すべく、地元に密着したサービスを提供し続けている。これからも地域への貢献を続け、アジア太平洋を訪れる旅行者と、物件所有者両方に対するソリューションとサービスを築いていく。