Thank you very much for your interest and business. I am a reseller and the quantity that I get a month does not usually equal $5000.00. The most I would be able to provide is 40 XX a month. I have full versions, upgrades, student versions, and multi user versions. I am most readily available via email as I work a full time job as well. Please let me know any questions you may have, and thank you again.
I had to pay € 42.99 Shipping costs. So it would fit if you pay me 20 € of it. I think it's around 25$.Product Price was 173,36€. This are around 219$.So at the end it would be 244$ (193,36€).I hope I have not mistaken.Please check it.
der von mir erstandene Artikel, konnte aufgrund fehlendem Rechnungs bzw. Zahlungsbeleg aussen an der Sendung nicht zu mir zugestellt werden und liegt nun auf dem Zollamt in Kaiserslautern. Ich bitte um Klärung, damit das Paket an mich weiter versendet werden kann.Es wäre nett, wenn Sie mir die Rechnung nochmals per Mail zukommen lassen könnten.Vielen Dank im Vorraus.
1.Guten Tag.Es tut mir leid,dass ich auf deutsch nicht gut sprechen kann.Ich meinte nicht 15.Dezember.Ich werde bis am 15.November bezahlen.Ich werde mich sehr auf Ihr Antwort freuen.2.Es tut mir leid,dass ich auf deutsch nicht gut sprechen kann.Alles klar, ich werde sofort bezahlen.Koennen Sie mir bitte die Rechnung bei paypal schicken?3.Ich habe es bezahlt.Ich werde mich auf das Paket sehr freuen.
Yes, sorry I did receive your order. However, the kettles we currently have in stock do not have the stainless steel ball in the spout. However, they are being made. I will contact you and send an order form once they are ready.The patented Snoogle by Leachco is a full-body solution for expectant moms that replaces the arsenal of pillows you otherwise have to use to get comfy. The Snoogle supports your back to prevent sciatica and lower back pain, tucks between your knees for help with back pain and temperature control, cradles your tummy, and props up your head to aid in breathing and help prevent heartburn and other pregnancy pitfalls.
does not work ZOOM. I can not turn the ring. Available adjustment only at position 24-22. Everything else, except zooms, works great.
Sorry Lisa.I thought you received my package, so I wrote you back.I was afraid,that I missed a figure of custom duty and my shipment has been shut down. Now I see! Your article on Facebook was written while you were on the beach(#^.^#). Sorry that I couldn't notice that.So, my secret be out of the closet. As you said,I left here on 16th and we passed each other.I'm looking forward, that you receive my package,after you go back home.Enjoy your vacation!Love you, LisaYuka
同アルバムを携えて回る2ヶ国51公演のツアー「KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2014 〜Bon Voyage〜」を開催中。 8月16日に台湾公演でファイナルを迎える。2014年8月6日には、最新サマーシングル「HOTEL」をリリースする。
She is now on tour "KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2014 - Bon Voyage - " to promote her new album. The performance on 16.08.2014 in Taiwan will be the final stage.And she is going to release a new single "HOTEL" on 06.08.2014.
2010年2月に発売したアルバム『BEST~ third universe~ & 8th AL "UNIVERSE"』がオリコン・ウイークリーランキング1位を獲得。7月には日本人女性アーティストと しては初となる横浜スタジアム2DAYSのライブを成功させ、その模様が音楽ライブとして日本で初めて3D生放送された。
Her album[BEST~ third universe~ & 8th AL "UNIVERSE"] sold on February 2010 was the top of the weekly charts,which put on by Original Confidence.On July of that year she performed live in "Yokohama Stadium" for two days successfully and these live were broadcasted live on television in 3D.
TVアニメ「トータル・イクリプス」のオープニングテーマ曲として抜擢。また、11月7日の大阪城ホールを皮切りに東京、名古屋、福島にてプレミアムライブ「Koda Kumi Premium Night~Love & Songs~」を開催。2012年12月、2007年に発売した「愛のうた」に続く極上のラブバラードソング「恋しくて」をリリース。2013年2月には2作目となるカバーアルバム「Color The Cover」を発売。
Her 53th single"Go to the top" was chosen as an opening theme of "Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse".She performed a premium live "Koda Kumi Premium Night - Love & Songs - " in Osaka on 07.11.2012. And then also in Tokyo, Nagoya and Fukushima. On December 2012, she released her second love ballad song "Koishikute",which is as moving as her first love ballad song "Ainouta" released in 2007.Then on February in 2013 her second cover album "Color The Cover" was released.
初回生産盤には、日本を代表するフォトグラファーの蜷川 実花氏が撮り下ろしたフォトブックレット、そして自身初となるドキュメンタリー映像をDVDに収録。2013年7月、55枚目となる約2年ぶりのサマーシングル「Summer Trip」をリリースし、同9月、シングル購入者限定ミニライブを自身初の日比谷野外音楽堂で開催した。31歳の誕生日を迎えた11月13日には、グラチャンバレー2013のテーマソング「Dreaming Now!」を発売。
First-run limited edition of this album included booklet taken by japanese one of the most famous photographer Mika Ninagawa and first-time documentary DVD features on KUMI KODA's life. On July 2013, she released new single"Summer Trip",which was her 55th album and was released as summer song for the first time in 2 years.And on September of that year she performed a mini live in Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall only for the Fans,who bought her new single album.She released a new single"Dreaming Now!" as a theme song of FIVB World Grand Champions Cup 2013 on 13th November, her 31th birthday.
「BREAK OUT」オンエア!テレビ朝日系全国放送「BREAK OUT」オンエア決定!日時:9/25(木)25:26~※地域により放送日時が異なります。詳細は番組ホームページでご確認下さい。※都合により、放送時間が変更・休止になる場合がございます。
"BREAK OUT" go on air!"BREAK OUT" is going to be televised nationwide on TV Asahi.Date: Thursday 25th SeptemberTime: 25:26*1 Airdate on your location can be different. You can look see the detail on our Website. *2 A program can be scheduled to be unbroadcast or changed in broadcasting time for certain reasons.
Meanwhile their new song "Bring It Down" will be distributed on the Internet on 1st.October,so that you can download it with your PC,Mobiles and Smartphones. Don't miss it!