石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

1.5 a)
As between JX and AMP, title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Licensed Materials and any improvements, modifications, fixes, or enhancements that arise as a result of or during the term of this Agreement, other than the JX Enhancements, are and shall remain with AMP. JX acknowledges such ownership and intellectual property rights and will not take any action to jeopardize, limit, or interfere in any manner with Amplicode’s or its licensors’ ownership of or rights with respect to the Licensed Materials or Other Enhancements.
The Licensed Materials and Other Enhancements are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international treaties.


1.5 a)
JXとAMPの関係では、本許諾材料に対する権原、所有権、および知的所有権、および本契約の結果、もしくはその期間中に起きるいかなる改善、修正、調整もしくはエンハンスメントも、本JX エンハンスメントを除き、AMPのものであり、かつあり続けるものとする。JXは、そのような所有と知的所有権を承認し、いかなる方法によっても、本許諾材料もしくは本その他エンハンスメントに関するAmplicodeの、もしくはその使用許諾者の所有や権利を危うくし、制限し、またはこれに干渉するいかなる訴訟も起こさない。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

JX specifically acknowledges that it has no rights to register, patent or otherwise seek intellectual property protection for the Licensed Materials or Other Enhancements. JX further acknowledges that AMP has no duty or obligation to notify JX of or provide JX with Other Enhancements.
As between JX and AMP, title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the JX Enhancements that arise as a result of or during the term of this Agreement, shall remain with JX. AMP acknowledges such ownership and intellectual property rights and will not take any action to jeopardize, limit, or interfere in any manner with JX's ownership of or rights with respect to the JX Enhancements.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

JX Enhancements are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international treaties.
AMP specifically acknowledges that it has no rights to register, patent or otherwise seek intellectual property protection for the JX Enhancements.
With respect to the Materials and any derivative works of the Materials, and to the extent regulatory approval is required, JX shall use its best efforts to obtain the approval of each applicable regulatory authority prior to the first commercial sale in each country/jurisdiction in which JX intends to license the Products, and JX shall be solely responsible for any and all liabilities arising out of or resulting from JX's failure to obtain such approval.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

JX will not license or give access to the Licensed Materials, the Other Enhancements or the JX Enhancements to any entity or country to whom disclosure is prohibited by US Export laws and regulations, including, without limitation, giving access to any person or entity on the US Export Control List, as the same may be modified or updated from time to time.
Should a modification of such export laws and regulations result in one of the parties to whom JX has already disclosed the Licensed Materials, Other Enhancements or JX Enhancements to a party to whom disclose is then prohibited, JX shall immediately notify AMP of such situation in writing and work with AMP to resolve the issue.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

* The Dual prosthesis actually comes in 3 sizes ( see pic attached)
The Mid Dual at $1450 AU does not appear on the website yet.

The Dual is app. 12 cm in circumference.
The Mid Dual is app. 12.2 cm in circumference
The Large Dual is app. 13 cm in circumference

* You can use a harness but the prostheses are designed to be used without the use of a harness , just Medical adhesive and solvent( cleaning product for the adhesive ), tape and the hairpiece ( optional) will all assist to keep the prosthesis in place.
I sell all of these.

* Most Japanese go with the lighter shades like , 21/4s 21/2s 13/4s 1 1/2s or even 3s.


* この「デュアル(Dual)」の人工器官は、実際には、3つのサイズとなります(添付画像を参照のこと)。1,450オーストラリア・ドルの「ミッド・デュアル」 はまだウェブサイトには載せていません。

「 ミッド・デュアル(Mid Dual)」は、円周約12.2cm。
「ラージ・デュアル(Large Dual)」は、円周約13cm。

* ハーネスの使用は可能ですが、人工器官はハーネスを使わずに用いるよう設計されており、医療用接着剤および溶媒(接着剤のための洗浄剤)と、テープおよびヘアピース(オプション)のすべてが人工器官を固定するのに役立ちます。

* ほとんどの日本人は、明るい色合いを選ばれます。たとえば、21/4s、21/2s、13/4s、1 1/2s、さらには3sなども。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Further components are imported and of highest quality, audiophile capacitors, such as Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con capacitor filters, high-quality metallic resistors, all packed into a rigid, well-shielding and very durable aluminum enclosure with aluminum front panel.
Sound quality is excellent full in Class A, warm, silk-like smooth, but also precise, transparent and powerful over whole very wide frequency range with high dynamics, realistic, without coloration, music background calm and noise on very low level.
Different power supply voltages are available.
The already excellent unit allows tube rolling and in this way as well as by other measures can be tuned to an absolute Highend Sytem.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Perhaps the humanistic legacy of having graduated from a top liberal arts college has inoculated the more authoritarian women in this sample from closed-mindedness. In considering these findings on authoritarianism, it is important to keep in mind that this sample was generally nonauthoritarian (M=2.30 on a 5-point scale). The generally low score in part reflects the fact that the sample was college educated. It is unclear to what extent these results would replicate for less educated populations. Prior research on authoritarianism, however, has shown few differences in patterns of correlates between very different samples(e.g., see the range of samples reviewed by Winter, 1996, chapter 7).



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Despite our finding described above, it seems likely that there are few bivariate correlates between authoritarianism and variables like neuroticism. Future work, though, could examine the life events (e.g., unfulfilled expectations about parenting) by which authoritarianism might lead to neuroticism and forms of more serious pathology.
The lack of a correlation between authoritarianism and openness to experience is harder to understand. Experts know that college education reduces emerging adults’ (aged 18-25) scores on authoritarianism (e.g., Altemeyer, 1988). Presumably college does this by exposing students to a wide range of ideas, both classical and modern.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

It appears that an authoritarian disposition may exact a psychological price later in life as women prepare for entry into old age. This finding regarding neuroticism is particularly interesting because recent evidence has suggested that authoritarianism is primarily uncorrelated with depression, negative affect, unhappiness, or most forms of pathology. However, evidence from Block and Block (2006) and Milburn, Conrad, Sala, and Carberry (1995) has suggested that ideological beliefs may be predicted by complex interactions of demographic and clinical-type variables (e.g., gender, high punishment backgrounds). This research is important to consider because authoritarianism has ideological components.


女性が老年へと入ることに備え出すとともに、権威主義的な気質は人生の後年で心理的な代償を強いる可能性があるように見えます。最近の証拠から、権威主義が気持ちの落ち込み、悪影響、不幸もしくは大部分の形態の病理とそもそも無相関であることが示唆されていることから、神経症的傾向に関するこの発見は特に興味深いものです。しかし、イデオロギー的な信条が人口統計学上や臨床タイプ変数(例えば、性、高い刑罰歴)の複雑な相互作用により予測可能であることは、ブロックとブロック(Block and Block )(2006)およびミルバーン、コンラッド、サラとカーベリー(Milburn, Conrad, Sala, and Carberry (1995)による証拠から示唆されました。権威主義はイデオロギー的な構成要素を持っていますから、この研究を考慮することは重要です。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Prior research on authoritarianism has been conducted primarily on student samples, but the correlates of authoritarianism may change as people age. In terms of neuroticism, the narrow social focus of an authoritarian lifestyle may lead authoritarians to feel out of place as a younger generation assumes positions of social, economic, and familial authority. Also, the more authoritarian women in this study did not seem to be as happy in the roles of mothers and wives compared to less authoritarian women. For these reasons it may be not be surprising that the more authoritarian women increased in neuroticism(as shown by the regression data) over time.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Scores on authoritarianism were uncorrelated with scores on conscientiousness and openness and positively related to age 62 scores on neuroticism. These findings are somewhat inconsistent with past feelings on authoritarianism. The lack of a relationship between authoritarianism and conscientiousness, however, is not too surprising given the usually weak magnitude correlates that exist between the two variables(e.g., Heaven & Bucci, 2001). But the results for neuroticism and openness were a surprise.
If we take these results as valid, we might explain the openness to experience and neuroticism findings as having to do with the age of the sample.


権威主義についてのスコアは、良心的であることや開放性についてのスコアとは相関性がなく、神経症的傾向の62歳時のスコアとは正の関連がありました。これらの調査結果は、権威主義についての過去の感情といくぶん矛盾していました。しかし、権威主義と良心的であることの関係の欠如は、この二つの変数の間に存在するのは通常弱い規模の関連要因であること(例えば、ヘブンとバッチ( Heaven & Bucci)、2001)を前提にすれば、あまり驚くべきことではありません。しかし、神経症的傾向と開放性の間の結果は意外なものでした。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

They felt confident with the power that they wielded, they felt a sense of identity certainty, and they were not overly concerned with growing older. Finally, generativity was positively correlated with life satisfaction and with positive personality characteristics. The more authoritarian women, by contrast, seemed somewhat stagnated. They did not wield power confidently, and they did not feel particularly generative in their early 60s. Furthermore, satisfaction with life was uncorrelated with authoritarianism. These findings for the feeling items and life satisfaction were hypothesized. However, unexpected findings emerged between authoritarianism and conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.

