石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

This is a unique, real, large Alaskan Coyote taken on trapline in March. Skull is big and is in perfect condition w/ very solid skull and all teeth w/ great canines... What makes this skull really cool is at some point in this coyotes life he/she appears to have been "bitten" by another animal in top of skull. You can see 3 distinct puncture wounds in top of skull that had healed back (they weren't fresh punctures). I'm guessing it was a fight with another coyote or possibly a wolf. Many of you love skulls with this type of character. Measures 7.625" long and 3.875" wide... Very cool skull for the collection.


これは、三月にわなで捕獲された珍しい、本物の、大型アラスカ・コヨーテです。大きな頭部は完全な状態を保ち、非常に頑丈な頭蓋骨と大犬歯を含むすべての歯を備えています... この頭部を実にすばらしいものにしているのは、生きていた時のいつかの時点で、このオスまたはメスが頭頂部を別の動物に「噛まれて」いるらしいことです。頭頂部三カ所にはっきりとわかる穿刺創の治癒痕が残っている(新たな穿刺創ではない)のがわかります。別のコヨーテかあるいはオオカミと戦ったものと推測されます。この種の特徴を持った頭蓋骨を好む人は多いでしょう。長さ7.625インチ、幅3.875インチ処置... コレクション向きの非常にすばらしい頭蓋骨です。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

I'm COMPLETELY sorry for this as I should have gotten them shipped out before my job sent me out of town on business.

I made the mistake of leaving them for someone else to mail them for me and they didnt get them shipped out. It worried me that you hadn't gotten them yet but now I know why.

I will ship them out monday morning and I will update with all of the shipping info as well. I will send them priority so u get them very fast. I will update each package delivery confirmation number as well.

I can't apologize enough for this delay because I'm normally super fast with my shipping. My job just sometimes makes it difficult on me when im selling stuff on ebay.






tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

The new word puzzle where three's not a crowd!

Get stars playing and redeem them to unlock the full game for FREE!

Tap three letters to make words. If it's a match, you score up and watch them vanish. Brag about your score on "Game Center". Compete with your friends for the ultimate "TriWord" champion.

★ Exciting fast-paced action in a thrilling puzzle.
★ Discover the meaning of the matched words with the integrated thesaurus.
★ Ten achievements along the game for you to unlock
★ Two completely new game modes after completing the challenge
★ Brag about your score with your "Game Center" friends.

(*) Available using In App Purchases. IAP is completely optional and is not necessary to enjoy the full game experience


三つでも愉しくやれる(three's not a crowd)新しいワードパズル!


★ スリルに富んだパズルを刺激的なペースの速いアクションで行います。
★ 統合シソーラスでマッチした語の意味を見つけ出しましょう。
★ あなたが錠を開けるそのゲームで10語達成すれば鍵が開きます。
★ 挑戦完了で、二つのまったく新しいゲーム・モードに入ります。
★ 「ゲーム・センター」友人とあなたの得点を自慢し合ってください。

(*) In App Purchasesを使って入手できます。IAPは完全にオプションです。それなしでも完全なゲーム経験が楽しめます

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

I am a little confused with the amazon email regarding discontinuation of PAAPI use for sellers and was wondering if Amazon Associates are still able to use this service after Aug 31?

It will be the sellers only. Associates are fine..I've confirmed it through MWS Tech Support

For me I'm not totally sure and have to email in to find out for sure. Granted I am a seller, a developer and have had an Associate account for a long time but not sure where I will fall.

Once I found out my account was Legacy/Seamless and couldn't have a related Webstore unless I basically opened a new account and lost all feedback I put it off. I was told account were getting converted to the new format but I'm still not sure that'll help..



使用は販売業者だけに限られることになります。準社員は大丈夫です...... それは今、MWS Tech Supportに確認しました。


tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

The image you project of what is perfect or ideal from your point of view may find
little support at home. Others could oppose or block you in these matters, and
maintaining your dreams may be at the price of your friends and surroundings. You
may find your background, environment, and all that is traditional less than ideal, even
flat and uninspiring.

You are a natural architect and builder, able to use your mind to make decisions in
matters of form and function. For you, the goal and the way to get to it are the same
thing. You like to build each step and have each decision be an end in itself. Things
must be done correctly. You also have great skill with the law, whether man-made or
those of nature.


