バイヤーにはご不便をおかけしたことのお詫びをし、ネガティブフィードバックを変更して頂けないでしょうか? 返信お待ちしておりますと誠意を示しメッセージを送りましたが、返信全くありません。知り合いのebay特別セラーの方に相談したら、この場合はセラーの責任範囲外なのでebay側で取り消してもらえる内容とのこと。相手から返信がない場合はフィードバック変更要請してもおそらく無視され無駄になるので、ebayに伝えて削除要請した方がよいとのアドバイスを受けましたので宜しくお願いします。
As had apologized to the buyer for the inconvenience that I had caused, could you change the negative feedback? I had written a sincere message saying, "I will be waiting for your reply," but I did not receive any reply. I had spoken with a special ebay seller who is my acquaintance and was told that in this case, as this was beyond the responsibility of the seller, ebay should retract it for me. In the event that the other party did not send a reply, it is likely that the application for the change in feedback will be ignored and all will be in vain. Therefore, would you kindly convey to ebay that they should cancel the application.
Today, as I reflect back on the things which I had achieved in 2018, and based on my reflections, I think about what are the things that I want to achieve in 2019.The things which I had achieved in 2018 are as follows.In terms of business, my work has taken up 120 out of 180 days. These 180 days were originally my target that should be achieved. When we convert days into monetary terms, It is ten thousand out of twenty thousand.Next, the lessons that I had been put in charge of has increased by 2; I became able to take charge of Kokugo and mathematics lessons.Although everyone may think that I had only accomplished 2 tasks, in reality, I do not think that amount of 2 tasks is trivial.This conclusion is a problem that demonstrates that as a business, there is no growth.
Now then, as a business, why is there is no growth?As a result of me pondering, I have reached the conclusion that being private is a big reason.I think that in 2018, being private is extremely unstable, hence there is a lack of concentration and endurance in everything. These are the main reasons that I am greatly involved in romance, however I am not obliged to speak more regarding this matter. I thought that I had worked hard in 2018 and the previous year but I when I reflected and tried to analyse this, I was shocked that I did not have as much of an achievement as I had expected. As a result, I had lost my confidence.
Using these as a reference, I tried to think about my target for 2019.Firstly, my top priority is to stabilise being private. Consequently, the following 3 points are important to me.The first point is to get rid of stress as long as it is possible. For example, it is essential that by using the system of working from home, I can get rid of commuting stress.This may be irrelevant but self-hug is effective in removing stress. It is simple to do. You would only need to maintain this state for only 3 seconds.My next point is to exercise. It is especially effective in gaining muscles. The reason for exercising is because the brain matter that is obtainable through the process of acquiring muscles, is effective in increasing confidence.
My third point is to have a good diet and good sleep. These are essential for maintaining a good state of mental health. I think a diet based on vegetables, a good bed and a quiet room that I want to sleep at is good.Lastly, a chance encounter with a good partner. Personally, i think this is the most important, however that is all I am going to say here.Next I would like to try to think about my target for my work in 2019.As a daily target, I can think of the following. If one isn't good in English, this will deal a deadly blow to the business. It is essential that the chance to speak English should be created compulsorily.
Consequently, I had suggested taking English conversation lessons during lunch. Even if I am busy with work, I think I can manage to find time a once per week, using the 1 hour lunch break to talk with an English teacher and creating a chance for me to actually speak English.It is important that this be carried out during working hours. If this is the case, I think it becomes compulsory and is also effective.Furthermore, I think I want to increase the chance for me to speak with my colleagues regarding technical issues. Even more so, I should share my knowledge in my brain with everyone.Next, as a mid-term target, I want to strive to speak at a local, or possibly at an international conference.
Furthermore, in order to think about how should my company progress and grow from now on, it is crucial that I learn about branding and management. For the sake of working as the assistant to the President, this is extremely important.Lastly, as a long-term goal, I can think of the following.First, I will develop my own products. This is especially crucial in carving my own niche. A successful business will carry my products. Of course, I would publicly reveal this product on the internet.
Actually, this product had been developed since the start of this year, however as of late, motivation has been lacking and the development had been halted. Secondly, I should hone my area of expertise firmly. I think this can be achieved by having my own products. I have not yet decide on the specifics of what I am going to do, but at least, I would want to be able to talk more strongly about my resignation letter.The above is my reflections on 2018 and my target for 2019.
Regarding the extra cost, could you kindly acknowledge the quoted amount?If you do not acknowledge the extra cost, we could not negotiate with the supplies. As a result, please be clear about this point. As this is urgent, please include in your content, your acknowledgement and reply to this mail.As the method that we have received will be sent back to the drawing board and we will be reviewing appropriate suggestions, we would like you to wait for a short while. For your reference, we will first send you the catalogue for our products.The usually delivery timeframe will be about 1.5 months, as we are tied up with GW, please expect a delay up to 2 months.
To customs officials,Despite having the above tracking number on the parcel which was sent from Japan postal office via 'EMS: International speed postal services' on the 23rd of March. the parcel was stopped at your customs since the 27th of March. It has already been close to 3 weeks since it was stopped. As a result, there is no point in me sending the parcel via 'International speed postal services'. This parcel was purchased via Amazon Italy but it was delivered as a defective goods. The details on this product can be found via the URL above. Furthermore, the delivery of Amazon Italy is also affixed. Please explain to me why is there a delay. I would like you to complete your investigations quickly.
安全、確実に早くお届けするため書留便で発送しましたが、留守がちな方にとっては、いい結果にはならないようです。通常はこのような場合には再発送料を頂くのですが、今回は特別にこちらの好意で送料を負担させて頂きます。一度発送しましたので、輸送事情により商品の箱に潰れや凹みが見受けられますが、どうかご容赦ください。(商品の中身は全く問題ありません)こちらに商品が戻ってからの発送となりますが、よろしいでしょうか ?(完売して在庫がないため)できれば郵便局に取りに行って頂ければいいのですが
In order to deliver it safely and accurately, the merchandise is sent via registered mail. However, to a person who tends to be not at home, this would not result in a good outcome. Normally in such a circumstance, the delivery fee would be payed by the sender, however in this special case, I will bear the delivery fees out of goodwill. Since it had been sent once, due to delivery conditions, the box for the merchandise has been damaged or dented. Please forgive me. (The contents of the package are fine.)Would it be fine to resend the merchandise to me?(As it is sold out, there are no stock left.)As much as possible, I would like to collect it at a post office.
Thank you for your reply.I have acknowledged the shipping fees.As the payment which includes shipping has exceeded $10,000, will it incur a credit card handling fee of 3%?If this is so, I hope to keep the payment below $10,000, therefore I would need to draft another copy of the purchase requisition. Could you please void my previous order?I will place the order again. Sorry for the trouble.The product will be sold on the website. Could we use the images from your company's website?
ほたるオイスター 3種盛りほたるオイスター 8種盛り珍味3種盛り(鯛わた塩辛・梅水晶・なめろう)青森 梅水晶 長芋添え岩手 いわい鶏の塩麹漬け炙り焼き宮城 定義山三角揚げの炙り焼き丸ごとピーマンお浸し8種類のおでん盛り合わせサーモンハラス焼き厚切ハムカツ蔵王プレミアムバニラとほうじ茶アフォガードいちごあんみついちごパフェほうじ茶パフェ
Platter of 3 types of firefly oystersPlatter of 8 types of firefly oystersPlatter of 3 types of chinmi (Salted taiwata, ume-suishou, namero)Aomori ume-suishou, nagaimo includedIwate Aburi grilled Iwaidori (pickled with kouji)Miyagi Joge-san aburi grilled sankaku-ageSoaked whole capsicumPlatter of 8 types of odenGrilled salmon bellyThick-cut ham katsuZa-ou Premium vanilla and houji-cha avocadoStrawberry red-bean pasteStrawberry parfaitHouji-cha parfait
気になってる事があるんだけどなきみって、もしかして 私のこと 好きなの?どうしてって…だって仕事中に私の事ちらちら見るじゃないバレバレいまだってうろたえてるしあーやっぱりそうなんだねえ、私と話したい?したくない?こっちむいて? よくみたら、きみ 可愛い顔してるねまつげ長い…赤くなった……からかってなんかないよただ、かわいいなって思っただけ唇なんて、柔らかそうっ痛ったぁ、なに?ちょっと触っただけじゃない…そんなに、反応しないでよ力…強すぎ…
There's something that is on my mindDo you like me?Why?That's why you are looking at my stuff during work, isn't it?It has been exposedNow, I am upsetJust as I had thoughtWon't you want to talk to me?Or you would rather not want to talk?Please face meIf I look at you carefully, you do have a cute faceLong eyelashes...Getting redder...I'm not jokingI just think you are cuteYour lips are softThey hurt, why?I am not just going to touch your lipsDon't react in such a wayYour strength...It is too strong...
I have requested to an external production company for assistance in certain parts of this production. I have requested for A's signature, however I have not yet received the completed documents.Once the signature is received for the production company's documents, it will be submitted again.I am sorry that I would cause inconvenience if I am unable to meet the deadline.Is it possible to discuss the order requests after this?The production period lasts about a month. However, as there are consecutive national holidays in May, the production at the factory would be suspended during this period.As a result, it seems that the products will be completed in the latter half of May.I am sorry to have to make you wait for the products.
Thank you for your help during the meeting earlier.This is something which i created in order to determine if the calculation of A is correct. However, it is not an official document.By comparing the calculation method, A is much easier to understand, therefore I had sent this for your reference.There are several incorrect areas but it does not meant that it will affect the outcome greatly.Furthermore, at the meeting, all points could be answered. (As it was the plan from last year's spring)As for the questions which we had received, we will confirm them and get back to you soon. If there are questions that were not addressed by what the discussion during the meeting, please feel free to make ask me.
With regards to VN0014, as we are changing it’s size, it will not be in the container this time.I will send the diagram depicting the change in size in the next few days.With regards to this matter, it has been settled during our last discussion we we had visited your company.We had attached the price list that we have received during our last visit.Thank you.
Thank you for your kindness.I wish for 〇〇.Thank you very much.
I am deeply sorry for causing such a big inconvenience this time.Please give me some time to make arrangements for a replacement for the merchandise.Unfortunately, we do not carry this merchandise at our store.Would it be alright if we refund you the five dollars?Using the refunded amount, please purchase through our store via the URL below.We await your reply.
Thank you for contacting.We had sent the payment today.The payment will be transferred to your account within the next few days.The staff receiving the merchandise will not be around from 15th-17th of April.If possible, please do not deliver the merchandise during this period.