Shintra (takamichis) 翻訳実績

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Though speculators may make up the larger group of the total Bitcoin holders and would like to hoard some waiting for the price go up, the smaller group, Bitfash believes, would like to spend it for goods and services online. And before Bitfash, there was no fashion brands that could be purchased with Bitcoins.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of Bitfash’s customers are male and tech-savvy. But there are also high street consumers. Website visitors by location: 35% from Asia/Oceania(China: 8%), 32% from USA, and 32% from Europe. Most of users are between ages 18-34. Currently the majority of its customers are from the USA and Australia.



当然のことながら、Bitfashの顧客の大部分は男性で技術に詳しい。だが、繁華街で買い物を楽しむ顧客も存在する。地域ごとのウェブサイト訪問者は次の通りだ。アジア/オセアニア 35%(中国 8%)、米国 32%、ヨーロッパ 32%。ほとんどのユーザーは18歳~34歳の間となっている。顧客の大部分は現在、米国人とオーストラリア人である。

takamichis 英語 → 日本語

“From this moment going forward, you will see more Bitcoin infrastructure come online (which we believe will manifest itself as more efficient exchanges, easy-to-use merchant services, and of course government regulation). This will gradually lead to gains in confidence and hence you will see more people purchasing Bitcoin for personal use and therefore putting upward pressure on the Bitcoin price”, he said.

Bitcoin actually has become a hot topic in China, at least among media. Woods noticed even CCTV, China’s state TV station, broadcast two features, with positive or neutral tone, on Bitcoin in the past month. Some Taobao retailers started accepting it and a few Chinese are mining Bitcoins.




takamichis 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Keep your beer taps clean and safe with the beer tap plugs Stop wasting time wrapping beer taps overnight to keep fruit flies dust and other contaminants out These innovative plugs are inserted into the ends of your beer tap and when removed they help eliminate the build up of contaminants and microorganisms that cause bad tasting beer and pose a health risk. Using these beer tap plugs is easy too. When you re ready to close up simply insert the Kleen Plugs into your beer tap openings until they are completely covered. The next morning twist the plug to remove it and be sure to dispense some beer from each tap to dislodge particles and microorganisms.


ビール蛇口をビール蛇口栓で清潔・安全に保ちましょう。ハエやホコリ、その他の汚染物が付着しないようにと一晩中ビー鶴蛇口をラップで包んで時間を無駄にしないようにしましょう。こちらのビール蛇口栓は、ビール蛇口の先に挿入するものです。取り外すと、ビールの味を劣化させ、健康リスクをもたらす汚染物や微生物を除去してくれます。こちらのビール蛇口栓は簡単に使うこともできます。蛇口を閉じるときは、しっかりと蛇口がふさがるまでKleen Plugsをビール蛇口に挿しこんでください。翌朝、栓をひねって取り外し、各蛇口から少しビールを流し出し、粒子や微生物を必ず除去してください。

takamichis 英語 → 日本語


Remote access refers to the use of network resources from a remote location, which is not directly attached to the network. There are different ways of remote access, such as using a pair of modems and a communication link to connect the remote user's PC with the network. Hence, there are three areas need to be protected: the remote user, the network resources and the communication link.
SSL-VPN is one of the latest technologie for remote access. It should be also used secured.
• Clearly identify users who would be granted with remote access privileges and what types of services could be provided to them.



SSL-VPN(Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network)は最新のリモートアクセス用技術のひとつだ。これも安全が確保された状態で使用する必要がある。

takamichis 英語 → 日本語

• Only authorised users should be allowed to gain remote access to the network with proper authentication and logging.
• Properly configure firewall system to restrict remote access.
• RAS and modem pool should be physically secured.
• Connection to RAS should be logged to record the login session initiation and termination, the connection starting and ending time, the addition, updates or deletion of user accounts on the RAS and etc.
• Encryption should be used to protect user credentials or data during transmission over these links.
• Dial-in services can also be flooded by repeatedly dialling. The setting of time-outs counters or dial-in time limitations can be used to reduce the chance of being flooded.



takamichis 英語 → 日本語

Authentication Servers

Firewall and proxy servers can perform some kinds of user authentication functions. It can also consider the use of a central database, known as "authentication server" to centrally store all the necessary information for authenticating and authorising users such as user passwords and access privileges. In addition, these authentication servers can support stronger authentication schemes such as the use of tokens and smart cards, which may not be able to be supported by proxies.

For example, Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) and Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) are common schemes used for remote authentication.





takamichis 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

First of all, honttoni arigatou gosaimashita, for accepting my wheel chair so easyly. Many people, atleast those I've met, are not that good at accepting differences): . Secondly, I don't deserve all the respect for living on my own. Most of it belongs to my family and to those 5 people who help me to go through the daily routines:)

Actually, I too have the habit of drying my ears, but not with the ear pick I dry them with ear bud. It's a stick that has a little bit of cotton wool on both ends. Unexpected gifts can be either good or bad ones and some people are not so happy with them but this one gave me a laugh so it was a good one:)




takamichis 英語 → 日本語

WeFuel: Food Delivery for Happy and Productive Employees

In order to fund and sustain itself, Singapore-based non-profit organization One Cent Movement has launched a food delivery project called WeFuel, which strives to deliver quality food for employees.

For a start, the team will be delivering soup dumplings (“xiǎo lóng bāo” in Chinese) within the Singapore central business district (CBD) area in the morning from 8.00 am to 12.00 noon. Each box of soup dumplings costs S$3 (US$2.43) and contains five of the steaming hot confections. To allow the law of economies of scale to work, WeFuel currently caters only to companies that place 60 or more orders at one time.


WeFuel: 就業者の喜びと生産性向上のための食事配達

シンガポールに拠点を置くNPO法人One Cent Movementが、自らの資金調達と運営維持のため、WeFuelという食事配達プロジェクトを立ち上げた。同プロジェクトは、就業者においしい食事を届けようと奮闘している。
