Please accept my apologize for the inconvenience.We don't know the arrival date yet due to the delivery trouble.So we try to solve your problem as best as we can.We ordered the item attached from Amazon Canada.It will arrive on 15th Dec.Please use it instead as a substitute.We're really sorry about this and we appreciate your understanding. Thank you.
ご連絡有難う。それでは”Your Orders”を見て下さい。そこから該当商品を探し”Return item”を押します。そこからリターンリクエストが出来ます。リクエストが届きましたら返送先についてお知らせします。宜しくお願いいたします。大変ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。商品代金を全て返金いたします。到着は遅くなりますがおそらく商品は届けられます。今回は貴国の関税が厳しいために残念な結果となりました。ご理解の程よろしくお願いします。
Thanks for your email.Then please get into "Your Orders", finding the item and click "Return item".Then you can do the return request. After receiving the request, I would let you know the returning address.Thank you.I apologize for any inconvenience.I would refund you in full. I think the item would arrive eventually though it's late.Sorry for the regrettable results due to the customs duties of your country.We appreciate your understanding.
Hi every one! It has been a while! Please check the 3 new posters! Japanese style Kaijyu Series. Ultimate collections for Kaijyu otakus. You will love them even you're not a kaijyu otaku. Sale on A shop from next week. Don't miss the pre-order! Please have a looking if you're interested. Have fun!
あなたから以下のメールを貰った為、何度か正式なキャンセルリクエストをしてくれるようメールしましたが返信が無かった為オーダーをキャンセルしましたご了承の程宜しくお願いします顧客が以下のメールを送ってきたので、何度も正式なキャンセルリクエストをするようメールしましたが返答がありませんでした発送期日が来たのでこの注文をキャンセルしましたがこれに関して私に責任はありませんCancellation Rateが悪くなるのを懸念していますこのオーダーを調査し適切な評価をして下さい
Because I have received your Email below, I replied you asking for formal cancelling request many time. But since I haven't got any reply yet, the order has been cancelled. Please understand it.The customer sent me the Email below, so I asked for formal cencelling forms for many time. But he never replied me.It was the deadline of shipment but this order had been cancelled. It is not my responsibility.I'm afraid that the Cancellation Rate would get worse though.Please investigate and review this order sufficiently.
I would like to order five hundred of pro and fifty of v300 this time. We never sell v200 before and it is too risky to order two hundred in the first time, so we would just see it off this time. As the payment is higher than usual, please send us a contact from your general agency as a payment condition. Thank you in advance.
彼は、この商品は、あんまり欲しくなかったけれど、彼の条件を受け入れる事で受注をもらいました。運送費用は、今回の利益でまかなえないでしょうか。以前 メーカーから倉庫までの運送費用は、1000円ぐらいだと伺っています。商品代金を安くしていますが、他の経費をお客さんが負担するので、弊社の利益に関しては損をしないと思います。申し訳ないですが、この条件で承諾お願い致します。出荷が遅れると商品の引き取りをキャンセルされてしまいます。
Although he does not want this product that much, but as we accepted his conditions so it was ordered. Can the profit cover the delivery fee? It was approx 1000 yen last time delivering from the maker to the warehouse.The gross price is getting cheaper, but since the customer will pay all other fees, I think it would not decrease our company's benefit that much. I'm really sorry but please accept this condition. If the shipment is delayed then the collection of the product will be cancelled.
Firstly, please make the payment before getting on board on the day.Since the number of people would change on the day, so you do not need to transfer the money.Also you can pay by credit card as well as cash.Now you have 7 people but if it changes on the day, it would not be a problem. The max capability is 10 people.If you would like to book, please confirm the information below and reply an Email to me. Thank you.
55Culinaria De Gustibus Bistro is going to serve the products of the network members (our small wine and food producers), family run and high quality farms in Tuscany who represent the excellence of our region.The kitchen, the realm of the young chef and friend Sasha Bindi, will offer dishes from the culinary traditions of the Mediterranean countries (North African, French, Spanish, Italian cuisine) prepared using raw materials almost exclusively homegrown.Culinaria Bistro is also a small shop, where you can find and buy products coming from our member producers that we have selected during all these years of our activity.
55 クリナリア・デ・グスティバス・ビストロではいつも地元のワイナリー・農家の製品を提供しています。どちらも家庭経営で、トスカーナ州の優良ファームであり、地元でも最高級の製品です。若いシェフと友人のサーシャ・ビンディさんがリードしているキッチンにより地中海の諸国(アフリカ北部、フランス、スペイン、イタリア)の伝統料理を味わうことができます。素材は当然すべて家庭栽培で新鮮なものばっかりです。また、クリナリア・ビストロは小さいお店でもあります。厳選した農家製品も沢山販売しておりますので是非お足を運んできてください。