spdr 翻訳実績

約10年前 男性 60代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
spdr 英語 → 日本語



I would like to ask your favor for creating Sofia. I would like to request you to make the temple hairline, the hair whorl, the hairstyle, and hair implanting look like the ones as shown in the attached pictures. The hair color is black. And, I think it is difficult to work on because the kit itself is hard, but I would like to request you to make the skin flesh color with sense of translucence and realistic baby skin. However, please avoid using reddish paint. Please make the eyelid colored with light pink. In addition, I would like to have the soft suede body with flesh color. Furthermore, I would like to have three kinds of dresses including a rompers, a coverall, and a sleeper. I am sorry for my many requests, but thank you for your cooperation.

spdr 英語 → 日本語

I have done my research and found that, when you have tried sending an email to the buyer, informing him about the delivery date of his order, you are receiving an error message stating 'Unreceived message: Recipient's email address is invalid '.

Please be informed that, whenever you get this error message, it means that, these messages are still available in their buyer account if the buyer comes to look, however it is the notification to their email inbox that they will not receive.

However, as a work around, we suggest you to kindly contact the buyer by using the phone number '(607) 584-4164' which has been provided by the buyer.


調査をしたところ、販売店様が購入者に注文の配達日程を連絡しようとしてメールを送ろうとしましたが、「メッセージ未配信:送付先のメールアドレスが無効です。」のエラー メッセージを受取っています。

販売者様のこのエラー メッセージを受信するときには何時でも、購入者がアカウントを調べに来るときはメッセージを見ることが出来ることを意味しますが、これらのエラー メッセージは、送付されてくるメッセージを受信しない事を意味する購入者の受信箱に送られる通知です。

しかしながら、このエラー メッセージに対処するためには、購入者によって提供された電話番号(607)584-4164を使って購入者に連絡を取っていただく事を提案いたします。

spdr 英語 → 日本語

Thanks for getting back to me.

Take note to this please...If it is the price am ready to offer you any additional $$ to avoid delay with the shipment.

Please end the auction and help me out in getting this item cos i really want this item shipped as soon as possible so get back to me with your paypal email account so i can make the payment.


I wish, if you can write directly from your paypal email account to my paypal email account at; tradealert077 aT GmAiL dOt CoM.

Many thanks for your understanding.

Hi, did you get my previous mail with the request of your paypal account for the payment??? Write back from your paypal to my paypal account at - tradealert077 gmAil com --- so i can make the payment. Thanks




本当にこの商品を出来るだけ送球に出荷してもらいたいので、入札(オークション)を停止し、私がこの商品を手に入れられるよう手助けをしてください。支払をするために販売店のペイパル アカウントのメールアドレスを連絡してください。


直接メールすることが出来るのであれば、販売店のペイパル アカウントのメールアドレスから私のペイパル アカウントのメールアドレスtradealert077@Gmail.comにメールをしてください。


こんにちは。私が前に出した「支払をするために販売店のペイパル アカウントのメール アドレスを連絡してください」との依頼のメールを受取りましたか。販売店のペイパル アカウントのメール アドレスで私のペイパル アカウントのメール アドレスtradealert077@Gmail.comに返信をしてください、そうすれば支払をすることが出来ます。よろしくお願いします。

spdr 英語 → 日本語

I just received the Adamas by Ovation Guitar - 1687-GT-#151374212932 you shipped to me. While it is very lovely, it is not as I viewed it in your photo, on ebay.

In your photo you had a white/beige outer portion on the face, and an inner light black portion. This was the only reason I went with your company, because the guitar you pictured was so very special, in that it looked exactly like the one Bob Marley played in his beautiful song, "Redemption Song."

I saw guitars like the one you shipped to me for $3,849.00 - U.S.

Again, the only reason I purchased yours for $6,040.99 - U.S. is because of how it was depicted in your photo. I thought it was very unique,


送ってもらったオベーション アマダス ギター1687-GT #151374212932を今受取りました。大変素晴らしいギターなのですが、eBayに掲載されていた写真のギターのようには見えません。

写真では、前面の外側は白/ベージュで、内側は薄い黒でした、写真のギターは大変特別で、Bob Marleyが彼の美しい曲を奏でるときに演奏していたギターと全くそっくりだったので、販売店様から購入する唯一の理由だったのです。



spdr 日本語 → 英語





We would like to express our deepest apology for the inconvenience we have caused because of listing the products without selling approval within European Economic Area or EEA.

Upon receiving your notification, we removed all the products of Tamron Company from our listings.
We would like to commit that we will never list the products of Tamron Company from now on by putting our best efforts to prevent the recurrence of same mistake while adding the checking processes prior to listing the products.

Now, we are working for resolving the case by communication the Tamron Company having the selling right of the products.
We also have requested them to inform you when the case would be closed. So, I would like to request you to lift the suspension of our selling privilege upon receiving the contact from Tamron Company.