Our ODR is cancellation rate has exceeded 5%.Everyone misunderstand that the customer will bear the VAT,and there are cansels for late-shipping in the typhoon. Our improvement plan are as follows.Time that typhoon is expected is necessary to use the EMS instead of SAL,and necessary to ship so as not to be delay.Also, I don't know VAT amount unless it reached to,If there are request,of course,we have to bear about VAT charge,If the inquiry come,we absolutely will reply to customer.
Hello.I am very sorry that it was no stock so that products you had purchased were sold together.I can't annoy you, so I'd like to let me refund you at once,How about?I am sorry to trouble you,could you give me a response?I appreciate your support.
We are very appreciate that you correspond to doscount.Please allow to check several points.We think we would like to do business in the long term with you.But we can not trade with you in the case of fake.Is this product a new definitely?,and is it real Minox?If it is real,please allow to purchase at wholesale prices?Can you purchase from maker directly?Is it possible to purchase at wholesale prices from other maker too?If it is possible,please tell me the maker information.I am sorry that I hear you very rude matter.
●の発送はいつ頃になりそうですか?先に送っていただいた△ですがもう在庫がなくなりそうです再発注をしたいのですがまだ発送がされていない前回注文分と一緒に発送をしてもらえますか?なるべく送料を安く抑えたいです今回も△を40個発注致します以下の請求書を送ってください1 前回注文分が1週間以内に発送可能な場合、今回注文を同梱して 送る請求書2 前回注文がまだ発送できず、今回分だけ先に発送する請求書1の場合はいつ頃に前回分が発送できるか詳細の日程を教えてください場合によっては待ちます
When do you think that ● dispatch will be?△ you had sent earlier is likely to become empty.Since I want to order again, Could you order it with previous order products that shipping has not yet been?I want to keep cheap shipping as much as possible.I will order △ 40 pieces this time too.Please send an invoice following.1.If it is able to ship previous order products within a week,please send me the invoices bundled this time order.2.If it is not able to ship previous order products,please send me the invoices of only this time order.In case ''1.'',Please tell me the dates of detail that you can ship previous order products by around when.In some cases,I will wait.
In response to contact,we have scrutinized the problem. First, we apologize that our figures have worsened.Not to born bad image of our company and your company,we absolutely will correspond.The problem is that Typhoon No. 19 landed in Japan had led to damage our office and warehouse.Since we did my best to recover,we successed restoration to almost previous state.And as for the response to our customers,we increase two staff and commit to do rapid response.
Please support me immediately.Now, products have been stopped at the customs of Japan. It is a lantern of 20. Here, because there is no invoice,Procedures has been stopped. Could you send me the invoice in the attachmentan urgent? Because this situation need evidence.Also,please absolutely put invoice from the next time.Please be in detail the invoice.Since I will purchase many products in the future, I will trouble if it stopped by the customs of Japan. I am sorry that you are very busy,I'd appreciate your correspondence.
homepageの検索のzoom levelを調整したいと考えています。過去ログを見るとサポートしてないみたいですがどのファイルを編集すれば良いか教えてもらえますか?(ファイル名だけ教えてください)
I want to adjust the zoom level of the search of the homepage. Although it seems not support if I looked at the past log,Could you tell me should I edit which files?(Please tell me only the file name)
10月•11月のシフトに関しての変更・連絡です。大変申し訳ないのですが、就職先の仕事の本年度までのノルマ達成率が不十分な為に、毎週平日(月~金)の22時まで会社で残業する指示が下りました。大変申し訳ないのですが、改めて今月・来月のシフトの報告を申し上げます。10月22日 (水)17:30~24:0010月25日(土)17:30~24:0010月26日 (日)17:30~24:0011月2日•9日•16日•23日 17:30~24:00よろしくお願いいたします。
The followings are change and contact for shift of October and November.I'm sorry very much, so quota achievement rate of works up to year of the employment are inadequate,Until 22:00 of every weekday(Monday~Friday) ,Instructions to work overtime in the company was ordered to me.I'm sorry very much, I would like to report the shift of this month and next month again. October 22(Wednesday) 17:30~24:00October 25(Saturday) 17:30~24:00October 26(Sunday) 17:30~24:00November2day,9day,16day,23day 17:30~24:00Thank you in advance.
話題沸騰の新曲『Dance In The Rain』 デジタル•シングルとしてリリース決定! 本日よりiTunes Storeにて[期間限定スペシャルプライスOFF!! ] でプレオーダー開始!倖田來未「初のデジタル•シングル」はエモーショナルに歌い上げる“ダンス•バラード”!
Release decision of the hottest new songs "Dance In The Rain" as Digital Single! Today The Pre-Order-start for [ special price OFF !! in the limited time] at the iTunes Store.KUMI KODA " first digital single" is "dance • ballad" singing in the emotional !
all categoriesとall locationsのリストの表示順を並び替えたいと思います。(アルファベット順ではなく)修正する方法を教えてください。
I want to sort display order of list of all locations and all categories. (Not alphabetical order)Please tell me how to fix.
Our company is a trading company, but because we are selling even on the Internet, We think that we will be able to cooperate as long as you want to sell in Japan. Could you tell us the wholesale price if you do not become a agency? I am looking forward to a good reply from you.This site is typical of us. xx Furthermore,We manage 15 HomePage on the internet.Use freely the marketing of the Internet,We think that we will be able to contribute to your company.
Thank you for your response. Our company has operated in the scale of the $ 10 million annual sales. I think there is no problem of scale as a financial power of us. We understand that you want to put the agency in Japan.However, this commodity, even as you let me purchase 1000, It will not be able to sell off as much as the body has not been sold. We will do the effort of promotion, but unless the market size of the body will be large, There is no benefit to buy. Therefore, 20 items is the limit in a month now.
By all means,I want to expand in my store the goods,and Is it possible to contract as authorized agency in Japan? If possible, we will become a agency of Japan,want to extend them in Japan. Wholesale to select shop,we are going to produce original direct management HP too.In addition, we hope to also try to donate to welfare organizations in Japan a portion of the profits.In japan 200,000 dogs are slaughtered per year. We think your item is also good quality, and the concept is great.If you get to leave it to us,we going to do my best in order to increase more the number of charm in sales in Japan
ABOUT〝ANNA's HEART〟〝ROSEY WEB〟土屋アンナとファンの皆さんを結ぶ、完全無料のオリジナルSNSです。土屋アンナに関する画像や動画、テキストを自由にアップし、お互いに写真の評価を行ったり、写真についてコメントしてください。もちろん土屋アンナ本人も参加しています!アンナとはもちろん、ファン同士でのコミュニケーションツールとしても人気! 〝ANNA's HEART〟の遊び方URL:http://anna-tsuchiya.com/
About ANNA's HEART〟and〝ROSEY WEB〟Connecting the fans and Tsuchiya Anna, It is an completely free original SNS . Upload freely images and videos, text about Tsuchiya Anna, please evaluate the photos to each other,and comment on the photo.Of course, Anna Tsuchiya herself has participated too!Of course, with Anna,it is popular also as a communication tool in between fans!How to play "ANNA's HEART" URL:http://anna-tsuchiya.com/
because the number of css and javascrpt to read are too much.display speed is slow.I think there is also a problem of WordPress itself,but I think most of the matter is this template itself. Low Ratings are often ,I think the display speed is because very slow.Please reduce the number of files to be read and improve by removing unnecessary code.
○○ 様ありがとうございます。日本時間の明日までには担当者に支払いを完了させます。支払い完了後には私から連絡しますのでよろしくお願いします。○○様こんにちは。支払いが完了しました。確認が取れましたら商品を送っていただければと思います。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
Dear**Thank you very much.I will complete the payment to the person in charge until tomorrow of Japan time.Thank you so will contact from me after payment completion.Dear**Hello.Payment has been completed.I think if you can send the goods if I get confirmation.Sincerely.
HelloThank you for the inquiry. It seems that it cannot ship to your area somehow although I also checked details. It is very disappointing this time, but we can not deal, we will refund promptly.In addition,you have a wish. Since a cancellation request is sent from ebay,could you agree to it?Otherwise,My fee is not refundable from you.Sorry to trouble you,It will be saved if you can cooperate. This time, Trading became sad results, To meet with you through ebay is my pleasure.Thank you very much.
先月から複数回ebayとAmazonを使用する際に、キャッシュバックを利用していますが、1回しか適用されていません。キャッシュバック額が反映されるまで、どのくらい時間がかかるのでしょうか?本日、キャッシュバックの受取先をPaypalに設定したのですが、何か関係がありますでしょうか?また、My Account画面の左に「Add $75 more to your account」表示されているのは、どのような意味でしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。
When we use the Amazon and ebay multiple times from last month, we use the cash back, but have not been applied only once.Till cash back amount will be reflected,How long it will take?Today, I was set to Paypal the recipient of the cash back, but either would have to do something?Also, it's listed as "Add $ 75 more to your account" to the left of the My Account screen,What does mean?Best regards.
We can not buy 100 items yet.Because the market of Japan, there is no large up still there now.What we really want is to do the business in the long term with you in your items.Please let me purchase twenty items first.In order that we take the Japanese market in your items, I will continue to expand the sales network.If you are able to take the market, the purchase of more than 100 a month is easy.Please, I wish if you would have business with us?We promise can contribute to your profits.
野田秀樹 芸術監督就任記念公演 日比野克彦とのコラボレーション舞台『火の鳥』 主演東京芸術劇場/東京
Hideki Noda Artistic director appointed Anniversary Concert Starring "The Firebird" collaboration stage with Katsuhiko HibinoTokyo Art theater / Tokyo