Thank you so much for your kindness.I'm sending you a small gift, and I hope you like it.It's Photography books, one with Japanese scenary, and one with some famous sightseeing spot in Kyoto.All the Japanese writing is hard to read, but I hope you would just enjoy looking at the photos.If there's any chances of you coming to Japan, I would love to show you around.I'm looking forward to see you again.
【Astalight*】Exclusive!Member's Only! 300 gift points !(For smart-phone users only)Presented by 【Astalight*】 300 gift point s for the new members for "Kisekae♪mu-mo", or registering to the additional course!We will be bringing up more exciting special Tokyo-Girl's mode "Kisekae(change-decor)" and wallpapers for DL. Don't miss it!【Astalight*】https://fc.avex.jp/tgs/s/member/bnr_mumo.html?type=KISEKAE_OPEN
※ポイントプレゼントは、スマートフォンのみ対象となります。※「キセカエ♪mu-mo」会員登録は、必ずファンクラブ サイトへログイン後、ダウンロードページよりご登録ください。※対応機種・利用規約 等 サイト上の注意事項を必ずご確認の上ご利用ください。※ダウンロードコンテンツ等は有料サービスとなり、本サービスの通信費はお客様のご負担となります。
※The gift points are only available for smartphone users.※Please log in to the fan club page and go to the downloading page, to register "Kisekae♪ mu-mo".※Please be sure to follow the instructions and the terms on the page, and check if your mobile is qualified for the service.※The downloading contents will be charged; communication expenses are also charged.
AME I'm just wondering why my order was cancelled. I ordered it on May 14th and received email yesterday the order was cancelled due to "technical problem". Since the item is still on Amazon website, I'm wondering what the REAL reason for my order cancellation after waiting for almost 3 weeks!
ご依頼品入荷いたしましたがKerastase ムースはスプレー缶の為輸出禁止品目(高圧ガス)の為発送が出来ませんでした。つまり返送されてまいりました。注文いただいて大変申し訳ないのですが、今回はキャンセルさせて頂きます。
Your requested products has arrived, but the styling mousse's container is spray-can type, and I'm afraid those are not able to ship because it's considered as prohibited export products. Which means, the product were send back to us.We were truly grateful for choosing us for order, but we but we would like to cancel this trade for now.We're truly sorry for the inconvenience,
Thank you for your messageThank you for your cooperation.We just made a full refund.It will reach you in a minute.Thank you for your message.We really appreciate for accepting our thoughts.We just made 20 dollars refund.
There is typical Japanese girls which we call it "Bunny-ish girls".Never wants to be alone.Lonely suffers her to death...Lovely girl needing someones'a attention. Outstanding cuteness overload.Gets along with the guys who wants to be together all the time.Glances up you with does sparkly eyes, very gentle,Slightly wants you to know that she needs your attention a bit.She would like you to hold her hands,wants your little pat on her head,she would love you to cuddle with her.The girl will get along with those shy nice guys out there.
For your order No.2013112922173,we feel sorry that QJ131107414-1 is out of stock now,would you like to exchange to other styles?if you like,please kindly reply with the replaclements items No.,and its color, size as soon as possible so that your order won\'t be delayed. or we will credit the balance and send other stuff instock.By the way ,if your replacements are still out of stock .do you want us to wait for your replacement again or ship it directly?Tips:If we don\'t receive replacement styles in 48 hours, we\'ll send out the parcel directly to ensure on time delivery. please reply us your replacements also to order@lovelywholesale.com.Thank you and welcome from everyone here at Lovelywholesale.com!
注文番号No.2013112922173の QJ131107414-1ですが、誠に申し訳ございませんが、現在、在庫切れとなっております。他商品に商品変更もして頂けますが、如何でしょうか?もしよろしければ変更希望商品のアイテム番号と色、サイズをお早めにお申し付け頂ければ、直ちに送付させて頂きます。もしくは、在庫のある別の商品を送らせて頂きます。もし変更希望商品も在庫切れであった場合は、希望商品をまたお申し付け頂くまで輸送せずにおいた方がよろしいでしょうか?直送させて頂いたほうがよろしいでしょうか?注意点:48時間以内に変更希望商品のお申し出が無い場合、希望到着時間に間に合うように小包を直送させて頂きます。@lovelywholesale.com宛に希望商品についてのメールを送信をお願い致します。Lovelywholesale.comをご利用頂き、ありがとうざいました。
Japan's version of the horsemeat scandal has since spread to several household names in catering. While, as in Britain, no one has fallen ill from eating mislabelled produce, the outbreak of anger shows no sign of abating.Consumers who believed they had eaten prized kuruma shrimps, for example, were told they had in fact dined on the much cheaper black tiger version.The first incident, earlier this summer, went almost unnoticed. The Prince hotel in Tokyo was forced to come clean after a diner complained in a blogpost that a "scallop" dish he had ordered contained a similar, but cheaper, type of shellfish.
Among the chief misdemeanours was a red salmon "caviar" dish that turned out to be the less sumptuous eggs of the flying fish.A televised attempt by the hotel group's president, Hiroshi Desaki, to limit the damage by announcing a 20% pay cut for himself and 10% for other executives, failed to mollify angry consumers. Days later, Desaki resigned, conceding that the group had "betrayed our customers", although he added: "We never had the intention to deceive them." One of the hotel's head chefs later declined a medal of honour he was due to receive from the government.The company has so far refunded more than 10,000 people to the tune of 20m yen (£126,000); the eventual bill is expected to reach 110m yen.
他の細かい事例として「イクラ」と表示しておきながら、実は「とびこ」だった、等があります。阪急阪神ホテルズ社長 出崎 弘氏は自身の給与を20%カットし、その他責任者の給与も10%カットする事を発表することによりホテルに対する非難を避けるべく対処。後日、出崎 弘氏は「阪急阪神ホテルズはお客様を裏切ってしまった」と辞職。ただし、「我々は関与しておらず、このような事は知らなかった」とも付け加えた。これらの食材偽装問題を受け、料理長が秋の褒章の受章を辞退するに至った。同社は現時点で1万人の顧客に2000万(£126,000)にのぼる損害賠償金を支払ったが、損害は1億1千万円にものぼるだろうとされている。
Thank you for the contract agreement.But is if it's possible,we would like to make a change to the contracted Company name.We would like to make the contract with the main company.This requires a huge sales expansion in Japan,and the disbursement. I would remain as the operation.I would like to make few confirmationI heard you are making a retail on several Japanese shopIn which price are you making the sale?And also, is it possible for us to have the Japanese consumer list?Could you tell me the reason why you are selling the product by the name:"**" .
アカウントに他のユーザーがログインすることで、これまで問題になることはありませんでしたか? もし無ければあなたに仕事を依頼したいと思います。 xxxxxx.comでの販売商品のURLをお知らせするので、同じ商品をeBayに登録するという要領です。その場合、xxxxxx.com上での表現の完全なCopyは避けるようにしてください。1件あたりの登録作業料金40件を登録するのに必要な作業日数いつから作業開始可能か?以上を教えて下さい。
I would like to know if there were any problems occur when we log-in using the other user account.If there were any, I would like to request you the job.I would send you the URL of the xxxxxx.com's sales products, so I would like you to up-load the same products on the eBay.I'd like to know :The expense per one product, How long of the working date it would take for you to complete 40 items,And when will you be able to start?Please let me know. Thank you.
その人の名前は○○さんという人なんだけど多分 ○○さんは知ってるんじゃないかな~?仕事の都合があえば、昨日サンフランシスコに友人と遊びに行く予定だったんですけど僕だけ仕事で行けず・・・友人だけ行ってしまいましたでも僕は諦めませんよ~いつか必ず○○さんに会いに行きます。Raptor Bodyを持ってねlol追伸:そういえばさっき妻に○○さんからメールが来たのを教えたら喜んでました!もし時間ができたら去年みたいにMikeさんのコメント付き写真でもくださいね~lol
The guy I mentioned earlier was Mr.OO. I believe you know him.I was planning to go to San Francisco with my friend, but too bad I had job and couldn't manage to go...darn thing my friend had to go without me.I'm never going to give up a chance to meet you up there someday. Of course, with my Raptor Body!lolP.S>By the way, I told my wife that I received you e-mail, and she was totally excited!If you have time, We would love to hear from you with photos with comments like the one you sent us last year.lol
Well,Congratulations. After you receive Victoria,You are welcome to ask me any questions about her that I could help you with. I forgot to let you know,That someone would have to be home to receive Victoria because they will be a signature confirmation,this must be done for safety of delivery of Victoria,or if package is picked up at the post office,it will have to be sign.Which ever way is best for you,but signature will be needed.Let me know you have received this message.Thanks,Sonia.
良かったですね。ヴィクトリアを受け取られ、何かご質問がございましたらお気軽にお申し付けください。お伝え漏れしておりましたが、安全かつ確実に受け取って頂くためにも、受け取り時のサインをして頂かないといけないのでご自宅で受け取られる際には何方かに対面対応して頂かないといけません。郵便局で引き取られる場合でも同様に受け取りのサインをして頂く必要がございます。受け取りのサインが必要であることのみご了承頂いた上、ご都合の良い方をお選び頂ければ幸いです。この文書をお読みになられましたら、またご連絡ください。 ソニア
Hi. You made me an offer for the Montblanc Jules Vern. Are you planing to pick this up locally? If yes, they I will sell it for that price and you can pay me at the time of pickup. If you want me to ship this to you, then I will sell you for your offered price if you pay via paypal directly. Let me know. 818
モンブランの作家シリーズ 「ジュール・ヴェルヌ」をご注文頂きありがとうございます。現地でのお引取りをお考えですか?もしそうであれば、先ほど提示させて頂いた価格で商品引渡し時に直接私にお支払い頂ければ幸いです。郵送の方がご都合が良いようでしたら、Paypalであなたが提示された金額でお支払いください。お返事お待ちしております。
Hey man, no need for apologies, I am always late replying to people haha.Haha I'm glad that picture brought you some amusement, but that actually isn't me, just a random picture. lol.That is cool man, make sure you let me know how you get on with the body panels. I really want to start learning composite fabrication, I think I am going to start with FRP, then hopefully move on to Carbon Fibre after I have some experience. I am very passionate about design and car culture. I know you really like rc's and the TSCO Race team, they happen to be one of my favourite teams! But I am curious to know if you like any other parts of the car world? Heres my Email man. If you want to talk.
Track plan? Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was talking about my plans for my 1:10th RC build. But.... I'm glad to tell you I have plans for a very complex RC track. My home has 6 acres of land so I plan to have a track that is perfectly integrated with my home. Its going to have rock, mud, sand and fast dirt sections. Also Tarmac and hopefully some underground tunnels! Dude, I do not care about little language misunderstandings. I would like us to be friends. I have wanted to message you before to ask things but hesitated. I over think things lol.
トラック プラン?勘違いさせてたらゴメン、オレが作った1:10のラジコンのプランのことを話してたんだよ。実は複雑なラジコン用のトラックを作ってみようかと思ってるんだ。オレの家の庭は6エーカー(2.428ヘクタール)あるから、自家用の完璧なトラックを作ってやろうと思っててさ。岩を置いたり、サンド(砂)やダート(泥)のセクションも作るつもりだよ。タールマックや地中を走るトンネルも作れたらいいな!言葉上の食い違いや勘違いなんて気にするなよ。友達になろう。メッセージを送ろうかなぁとずっと考えてたんだけど、躊躇っちゃってさ。なんかちょっとオレいつも考えすぎなんだよね。(笑)
RC JAPANは日本のラジコンメーカー タミヤの完成品ラジコンを数多く取り揃えています!面倒な組み立ては一切不要です。TAMIYAのXBシリーズは、完成品の本体、送信機、バッテリー、充電器など全てセットされています。買って届いたらすぐに走らせて遊ぶことができます!ラジコン初心者やお子様でも簡単に遊ぶことができます!ご要望のBホックでカーテンのオーダーが可能です。これは日本の高級カーテンメーカーサンゲツの商品です。ベストプライスですので、値引きは難しいです。
RC JAPAN : The a radio‐controlled model car companyDiscover our huge range of TAMIYA RC car!Easy- to-built products for everyone. TAMIYA XB Series includes the finished product, transmitter,battery and charger.You can start having fun as soon as after it reaches your hands!Easy controlling for the beginners or small children.The requested Curtains with B hook are now available. It is produced by the high-class curtain company SANGETSU,Japan.This is the best price we can offer, so more further discount are not possible.
360 Child Guard claims it can, using machine learning, automatically tell whether a place is safe for your child and would alert you when he or she is near to an area the gadget judges as unsafe.It works with iOS or above, and Android 2.2 or above. The price isn’t disclosed yet.Qihoo has rolled out a pair of wireless routers. Some Chinese Internet companies don’t want to be left out by the appcessory trend. Baidu launched several pieces, too. Baidu also wants to sell its cloud platform to appcessory developers that recently set up a website featuring smart gadgets who are using it.
#1 Quihooが子どもの行動を追跡するブレスレットを発表。QuihooがリリースしたGPS搭載の追跡ブレスレット「360 チャイルド・ガード」。GPS搭載追跡装置により「360 チャイルド・ガード」はリアルタイムでお手元のスパートフォンのアプリにブレスレット装着者の位置情報を正確に把握することができます。付近の音を集音する特別機能を搭載しており、お子様が安全であるかの確認が可能。コマンドを送信することにより、15秒の録音をする機能も搭載しております。
Logistics solution provider Kirim debuts API; set to enable e-commerceWith the launch of an API and KirimanKu, end-to-end delivery and logistics solution provider, Kirim, is set to boost e-commerce in the logistics spaceJakarta (Indonesia) based, end-to-end delivery and logistics solution provider, Kirim,has done a soft launch of its API, enabling e-commerce players to rate, find shipping costs, track shipments, arrange pick-ups and in the end generate waybills.