Can you do a favour and mark items as a gift to the UK on this product?
INTRODUCTIONYTG has had a busy summer, and there's a busier autumn coming up!The Pembroke Players are back from Cambridge University with another show at the beginning of October, and the ensemble members are working on a kid's version of BEOWULF for the end of October. 43 kids, 7 dancers, and 2 adult actors. Wow! Info on how to get tickets will be announced in an upcoming newsletter.Work also begins on two short shows by the Ensemble, to be performed with the Japan premiere of the 2010 touring version of my solo show "39" in April.Classes also resume in just over a week! My Acting: Scene Study class starts 9月13日! The rest of the fall & winter semester will be announced soon.But now, on with the newsletter!
イントロダクションYTGは忙しい夏を過ごしたばかりですが、この先もっと忙しい秋を迎えようとしています。10月に行われる新たなショーとともに、The Pembroke Playersがケンブリッジ大学から帰ってきます。また、アンサンブルメンバーたちは10月末予定となる子供たち43人、ダンサー7人、俳優人2人からなる子供ためのBEOWULF に向けての準備を始めています。スゴイでしょう!チケット入手情報については、この先発行のニュースレターでお知らせします。4月に行われた私のソロ公演「39」の2010年度ツーリングバージョンの日本プリミアを上演するため、the Ensembleによる二本の短劇の準備もすでにはじまっています。クラスが再開するまであと一週間ちょっと。My acting: Scene Study classは9月13日に始まります。その他の秋冬セメスターについてのアナウンスはもうしばらくお待ちください。これから先は、ニュースレターをチェックしてくださいね。
thank you for your request. The most of our helmets meets the ECE norm.
Hello again from Category Approval and thank you for your reply. I am wondering whether you have had a chance to review my previous emails? We have attempted to contact you regarding your Jewellery and Watches approval request. Since we have not heard back from you, we are attaching the last response below;
When do you think you will get it back? If you could take some photos and send them to me, then I could see if I'd be able to fix it?
If you would like to raise your selling limits, you can give us a call about them. Here is the phone number001-866-540-3229When requested to type in the pin on the phone please press the pound key (#).If you would like to know more about our selling limits you can go to this link: hope this information is helpful. Thank you for choosing to shop on eBay and for giving me the opportunity to assist you today. We appreciate your business very much and wish you the best with your future on eBay.
ank you for contacting eBay customer service. My name is Andy, and I would be happy to help you today. From your email, I understand that you requested higher selling limits the other day, but your DSR for Shipping and handling charges did not go up. I am glad that you are contacting us about this. We appreciate your business very much, and I would be glad to explain this to you. Raising your selling limits will not have any affect on your DSR's. I am not sure what you are referring to when you mean when you say "confirm what timing should be the best to carry out the limit up". Please write back to us and clarify what you meant by this.
ebayカスタマーサービスへご連絡いただきありがとうございます。今回お手伝いさせていただくアンディと申します。あなたからのEメールによりますと、先日販売個数量の引き上げについてリクエストをいただいた様ですが、あなたのDSR用の送料と手数料は変わっていません。この件についてご連絡いただけ幸いです。あなたとのビジネスは非常に重要ですので、ぜひこの件についてご説明させてください。販売個数量を引き上げることはあなたのDSRにはなんら影響しません。申し訳ないのですが、あなたから「confirm what timing should be the best to carry out the limit up」という問い合わせの意味が分かり兼ねます。私あてへご返信いただき、その意味するところを明確にしていただけますようお願いします。
yes I want to return the item for a full refund.You can also view the details of this case in the Resolution Center.
luigi101811 let us know that "Power Rangers DX Muteki Shogun (KAKURANGER) 1994 Rare!" didn't match the description and has requested a refund. A case is open and you can view the case and the buyer's message in the eBay Resolution Center.Note that a case will only affect your seller performance rating if the case is not decided in your favor.Here's what you need to do next:You should respond to the buyer and try to resolve the problem by Jun 20, 2013. Most buyers and sellers are able to work things out by communicating with each other directly.What you should know:If you don't reply, or if the buyer isn't satisfied with the outcome by Jun 20, 2013, the buyer can escalate the case to eBay Customer Support.
luigi101811さんは"Power Rangers DX Muteki Shogun(KAKURANGER)1994 Rare!"が商品詳細とは食い違っていることを理由に返金を要請しています。この申し開きはすでにオープンなものになっており、この事例とバイヤーからのメッセージはebayのレゾリューションセンターページから閲覧することができます。あなたの賛同が得られない場合でも、この事例はあなたのセラーパフォーマンス評価に影響を与えることにご注意願います。この次のステップとしてあなたがしなくてはいけないことはこちらです。バイヤーに返答をして、2013年6月20日までに問題を解決するよう努めてください。バイヤーとセラーの大多数は直接話し合いをすることで問題解決を迎えています。知っておくべきこととして、2013年6月20日までにあなたがバイヤーへ返答しない、もしくはバイヤーの満足が得られない場合、バイヤーはこの事例をebayカスタマーサポートへ移動させることができるようになっています。
Hi There,Item has reached the UK however the postoffice have held this and want us to pay £16.09 for customs fee which we were not aware of at the time of purchase. Therefore as the total cost come up to too high, we no longer require this item.Please advise on how to proceed.
We apologize causing inconvenience .Due to this item is out of stock right now, we cannot exchange.We would appreciate it if you would contact to the manufacturer direct.We are more than happy to refund you half of the price.Thank you in advance.
Dear yamahaya88102012,I was asking what kind of batteries the wand took? AA? Is EMS an express mailing feature?- jsmi1660Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
Yamahaya88102012さんへ つえ(wand)にはどの種類の乾電池を使用するのかお尋ねしていました。単二電池ですか?EMSは特急便仕様なのでしょうか?- jsmi1160Messagesを通じて返信する場合は"Respond"をクリック、もしくは自身のEメールから返信してください。
Hello Masaaki,Thank you for writing you for your interest in establishing a working relationship withQuill.Com.To begin the supplier prequalification process, please send an emailrequest to will receive a response back within 24-48 hours.We value your business. Thank you for choosing,Nicole F.Electronic Correspondence RepresentativeQuill.Com
マサアキ、こんにちはこの度はQuill.comへご連絡いただきありがとうございました。 と共に事業を行っていきたいとあなたに関心を持っていただけ感謝しています。業者事前資格審査を始めるにあたり、Rebecca.castilon@quill.com宛にeメールを送ってください。あなたは24-48時間以内に返信を受け取ります。あなたとの事業は大変価値あるものです。Quill.comを選んでいただきありがとうございます。敬具ニコール F.エレクトリック通信部門代表
The Sakurashinmachi merchants erected the statues of the characters of the young mother and her family in 2012 to promote the area as “Sazae-san’s town,” spending about ¥40 million, including subsidies from Setagaya Ward and from the metro government.Sakurashinmachi is the town where Sazae-san creator Machiko Hasegawa spent her final years.Erecting statues of comic characters is a popular way used by many shopping district associations to promote their areasBut as most statues are owned and managed by municipalities, they are usually not taxed. For example, no tax is levied on bronze statues of Ryo-san, a main character from a popular manga series, that stands near JR Kameari Station in Tokyo’s Katsushika Ward
I have made a very safe package. The cost for Priority Mail is $64.90. Insurance for $2000 would be $25.45 or for $1000 it would be $13.95 if you would like it to be insured. If you could add $10 for handling, I would be grateful.I will ship immediately when I see PayPal.
A merchant group in Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward may have to pay some ¥9.8 million in taxes over the next 45 years for bronze statues of characters from the beloved comic strip “Sazae-san” that they installed to promote their district.The Sakurashinmachi Shotengai Shinko Kumiai shop owners’ association received notification from tax authorities last week asking it to pay a roughly ¥580,000 fixed property tax for the current fiscal year for the 12 bronze statues of the characters the group erected in March 2012 in front of Sakurashinmachi Station on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Has this been shipped yet? Also I didn't get an answer to my battery question.Thanks!- jsmi1660Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
Yamahaya88102012さんへ、もう送っていただけましたか?それと、バッテリーに関する質問に答えていただいてません。よろしく!- jsmi1660よりMessagesを通じて返信する場合は"Respond"をクリック、もしくはEメールから返信してください。
I got it.I will ship your item as a shipment has less than $100 custom value.No worries.I expect that I would receive your payment sooner.Thank you so much.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Can I see a closer pic of the white helmet?- fortress114Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
Yamahaya88102012さんへ、白いヘルメットのクロースアップの写真を見ることは出来ませんか?ー fortress114Messagesを通じて返信する場合は"Respond"をクリック、もしくはあなたのeメールから返信してください。
Please indicate CUSTOM VALUE 100$ or less, to avoid paying extra fees. Thx