Ancient Orient Museum's "Variety of Arts and Crafts in Ancient India" -- Cute animal clay figures, etc.Sunshine City's Ancient Orient Museum (3, Higashi Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo) on July 23 started "A Variety of Arts and Crafts in Ancient India."*A zebu-like clay figure from the Indus civilization around 2000 BCEThe ancient Indian civilization involves the Gandhara arts and other works, an East-West fusion of Indus civilization Buddhism, which is represented by the Mohenjo-daro ruins, with Grecian sculpture. The civilization has influenced Japan as well in the form of Buddhism. Patterns drawn to cover all corners of the surface of earthenware, various sculptures administered in Gandhara arts, and other arts are characterized by "merriness" and "vitality" of ancient India.
I do not agree with you;a "gift" means the amount on the invoice € 0 must be, so thebuyer must pay any import taxes;So my question for you a "gift" totally misunderstood or deliberately not applied;I will hereby also file a complaint with "paypal"regards
私はそうは思いません。「ギフト」というのは、インボイス(送り状)に書いてある金額が € 0 になっているということです。買い手(バイヤー)は、どんな輸入税であろうと払わないといけないのです。だから私の質問は、「ギフト」という言葉が完全に誤解されているか、わざと変な使い方がなされているということです。ここに、PayPal に対しても苦情を申し立てるつもりです。敬具
- Appearance: The product is generally scratched, damaged, unnaturally glossy, and seems to have been heavily used. It has a heavy dent in the bottom, a slight dent in the side of the ISO dial of the top cover, and a crack and a trace of adhesive repair in the bottom line of the shutter speed dial of the camera front. - Optical parts: The finder contains a large mass of dirt, which still does not make it useless.- Remark: The light sealing foam is deteriorated and sticky, which makes it hard to open the back lid. You have to open the back lid with a hand with the winch lever lifted up and pulled.
Thank you for your email. I understand the lens is in poor condition. I agree to your returning it and to give you a refund. Could you please return the lens to me at my return address? I'll then inspect the lens and, if I find some kind of nonconformity in it, I'll give you a refund of the reshipping fee as well. Thank you.
Your Information & Policiesを編集するには、何のコードで入力する必要がありますか?HTMLコードをCODE VIEWに入力すると、エラーになり入力できませんでした。CODE VIEWにプレーンテキストを入力してから、DESIGN VIEWで編集するしか方法はありませんか?
What code do I have to enter to edit Your Information & Policies? Trying to enter an HTML code into the Code View produced an error, disabling me from completing the entry. Is there no other way other than first entering a plain text into the Code View and then editing it in the Design View?
少し質問があります。Seller Account Informationに入力しなければならないのは、UKの管理画面のみでOKですか?UKに入力すれば、他の4ケ国、FR,ES,IT、DEは入力は不要なのでしょうか?それとも各国それぞれ入力が必要ですか?それとも5ケ国でSeller Account Informationの入力情報は共有されていますか?"Letter of Authorisation issued to ○○"とは何ですか?
I have some questions for you. Am I to understand that all the Seller Account Information I have to fill out is on the UK administrative screen? If I put my information into the UK website, can I leave the websites in the other four countries (FR, ES, IT, and DE) blank? Or do I have to put my information into each of the websites in these countries? Or do the websites in the five countries share the inputs contained in Seller Account Information among themselves? What does "Letter of Authorisation issued to XXX" mean?
Number Placement is a game where players enter numbers 1 to 9 in 9 by 9 cells, which consist of 9 sets of 3 by 3 cells, in columns, rows, and 3 by 3 cells without overlapping any two of them.- The 9 by 9 cells, which consist of 9 groups of 3 by 3, already contain the numbers in question.- If you manage to enter numbers 1 to 9 in columns, rows, and 3 by 3 cells without overlaps based on the numbers in question, the game is over. ElementaryIntermediate AdvancedNumber of problems solvedNumber of gold pieces wonUp to 10 minutes10 to 15 minutes15 minutes and more*See the Remarks.Permanent placementTemporary placementView the panelSelect a problemGo to selecting a problemChoose a problemPlay this problem
Receive return request e-mails with links to Authorize, Close or ReplyFor the selected marketplacesI want to authorize each requestI want Amazon to automatically authorize all requests that meet Amazon policyI want Amazon to automatically authorize all requestsReturn Merchandise Authorization numberRma settings I want Amazon to generate a Return Merchandise Authorization number I want to provide a Return Merchandise Authorization number
「許可する」、「閉じる」、あるいは「返信する」のリンクのついた返信要求メールを受け取る選択したマーケットプレース用各要求(各リクエスト)を許可したいアマゾンのポリシーに合致するリクエストすべてを自動的に許可するように設定してほしいリクエストはすべて自動的に許可するように設定してほしい商品許可番号を返信するRma 設定返品許可番号を生成するようアマゾンにて設定してほしい返送許可番号を提示したい
少し教えてください。Seller Account Informationの"Beneficial Owner"の人数、そして誰の名前を記入すればいいですか? 操作を間違い、その後、編集ボタンがクリックできなくなりました。法人登記簿に記載があるのは、取締役社長1名、取締役2名です。Primary Contact Person Informationには取締役1名、○○の名前を記入しています。各3名とも、パスポートは取得していないので現在持っていません。何の証明書ならOKですか?
Please let me know the number of "beneficial owners" specified in Seller Account Information. And whose names should I write down? I made a mistake in operation and I've been unable to click the Edit button ever since. The corporation registry specifies one director and president and two directors. In Primary Contact Person Information, I've specified the name of one director: xxxx. None of the three have acquired a passport, so none of them currently holds a passport. What other kinds of certificates would you accept?
It's been a long time since I wrote to you last.It's recently been decided that I'm to be in charge of new projects alone.So I don't easily get to contact you. Are you in good physical condition, just like always?Will you please check the two attached images?Please submit an estimate and image drawings.After having our customers check your image drawings, I'll request you to submit product samples.For the time being, I wait for your estimate and image drawings. Thank you.
Thanks for your response! I'm looking for this lens, but hoped to get a newer copy, like OW, OX ... I got one a week ago, but sold it to one of my photography fellow before he went on a safari trip. Newer ones like that sell for 4,200 - 4,400 here in the US as you can see if you check Sold items on eBay. Other unreasonable listings ($4,500 up) stay there forever, since people rarely buy them. I don't know if you're willing to lower your offer.Did you received my email ? Requesting an extra picture for the made stamp the one that is inside of the bag with the zipper goes the thing is that the picture is very blurry and I just one to see it
お返事をありがとうございます!このレンズを探しているんですが、新しい製品、たとえば OW とか OX などがあればいいなと思っていたのです。一週間前に一つ手に入れたのですが、写真関係の友人の一人がサファリ旅行に出かける前に売ってしまったのです。それに似たものでもっと新しいものは、eBay にある「販売済」品目を見ればわかる通り、ここアメリカでは 4,200 - 4,400 ドルくらいです。他の無茶な値段のもの($4,500以上)の値段は、いつまでもそのままです。というのも、これを買う人はめったにいないからです。あなたがご自分の出品物件のお値段を下げるお気持ちがあるかどうかは、わかりませんけど。私からのメールは届きましたか?ジッパーつきバッグの中のスタンプの写真をもう一枚見せて頂きたいと言ったのは、すでに見せて頂いている写真がピンボケしていて、ぜひはっきりと見たいと思ったからです。★最後のパラグラフは、デタラメの英文です。だいたい意味を想像しながら訳しました。
Thank you for your email. The tracking page of Japan Post shown below says that the parcel has been under customs clearance at the customs house in your country since August 20. Could you take some of your precious time, tell your nearest post office the tracking number, and ask them when it will arrive?You should be able to know what you want to know more quickly by asking the authorities from within your country. Sorry to bother you, but I earnestly ask you to do that. Thank you.
I owe you a sincere apology.Yesterday I made a wrong reply to you.The product you inquired about has a capacity of 1,000 deciliters. Its pattern is called "XXX"(three cranes standing).Cranes have since ancient times been considered in Japan to bring luck.*I'm attaching an image of cranes.The product is stored in a place I can't have access to, so I can't take additional photos of it.It's unclear when it was manufactured, but I believe it's about as old as the date of the hanging scroll.
【放送まであとわずか!】9/6(日)WOWOWで6時間におよぶ倖田來未特集番組を放送!倖田來未デビュー15周年イヤーを記念し、9/6(日)にWOWOWで特集番組が放送されます!最新ライブ「倖田來未 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 ~WALK OF MY LIFE~」に加え、ミュージックビデオ特集、これまでのライヴヒストリー、ドキュメンタリーの4番組を合計6時間にわたり一挙放送します。
[Only a few days before its broadcast!] Wowow to air 6-hour program featuring Kumi Koda on Sunday, September 6!To commemorate the 15th anniversary of Kumi Koda's debut, Wowow will air a feature program on Sunday, September 6. The six-hour program will broadcast four sub-programs (the footage of her latest live performance "Miki Koda's 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 - WALK OF MY LIFE," along with a special compilation of musical videos, a history of her previous live performances, and a documentary of her life) all at once.
YouTubeにて『AAA 10th Anniversary Selection ~Ballad Numbers~』を公開!10周年を記念して、楽曲ジャンルごとに過去のLIVE映像をダイジェスト編集したスペシャル映像!最後となる第4弾は「Ballad Numbers」この映像を観て、10周年ベストアルバム・10th Anniversary Live・野外LIVE in 富士急ハイランドを楽しみに待っていてください!
"AAA 10th Anniversary Selection - Ballad Numbers -" published now on YouTubeIt's a special footage based on a digest edition of AAA's previous live performances as classified by song genre to commemorate his tenth anniversary.His fourth and last song is "Ballad Numbers."You're invited to watch the video and look forward to AAA's tenth anniversary album of his best songs, 10th Anniversary Outdoor Live Performance at Fuji-Q Highland.
9/16発売『愛してるのに、愛せない』Music Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGjCbtlLu049/16発売『AAA 10th ANNIVERSARY BEST』http://avex.jp/aaa/discography/
To be released on September 16: Music video "I Love Her but Can't,"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGjCbtlLu04To be released on September 16: "AAA's 10th Anniversary Album of His Best Songs"http://avex.jp/aaa/discography/
NHK「MUSIC JAPAN」の観覧募集スタート!NHK「MUSIC JAPAN」の出演が決定しました。NHKでは番組収録の観覧希望の方を募集をしています。日時:9月28日(月)場所:NHKホール(東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1)観覧申込:入場は無料ですが、お申し込みはNHKネットクラブのプレミアム会員に限ります。(NHKネットクラブの概要および登録はこちらからhttp://www.nhk.or.jp/netclub/)
NHK begins to receive applications from would-be spectators of NHK's "Music Japan" A decision has now been made that AAA will appear at NHK's "Music Japan."NHK is currently receiving applications from those who want to be part of the audience of the program.Date: Monday, September 28Venue: NHK Hall (2-2-1, Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)Application: Admission free. Only the premium members of the NHK Net Club may apply.(For an overview of the NHK Net Club and registration, go to http://www.nhk.or.jp/netclub/)
We've received the product.Thank you for your prompt action. As for the refund, we've just found that Amazon sets a cap on refundable shipping fees.The relevant page says the maximum refundable shipping fee is USD 75.42.So we're currently asking Amazon to let us make you refund USD 150.84 plus 84.56. We're sure to make you a full refund.We're sorry for the inconvenience, but could we ask your patience and wait a little longer?We're sure to make you a refund of USD 150.84 + 84.56 = 235.4.
連絡が遅れて申し訳ありませんでした。出品商品の「USED Killer KG PRIME 91 Japan Import」について、お答えします。8月18日にお伝えしました金額は、2,560米ドルでしたが、その後、数日前より、為替レートに急激な変動がありましたので、この金額でのご提供が難しくなりました。また、送料も高いので、非常に難しいです。現在、ご提供できる金額は、2,860米ドルになります。ギグケースをお付けします。EMS送料は含みます。ご検討よろしくお願いいたします。
We're sorry for our late reply.We're writing to answer your questions about our exhibit "USED Killer KG PRIME 91 Japan Import."Its price that we indicated on August 18 was USD 2,560, but the rapid changes in exchange rates during the last several days has made it hard for us to continue to offer the product at that price.Its high shipping fee makes it that much harder.The price we can currently offer the product at is USD 2,860. We furnish the product with its gig case. Its price includes its EMS shipping fee.We humbly invite you to consider our offer. Thank you.
29日のパーティーで使うスピーカーを明日あなたの家に置かせてもらってもいい? あなたの作る料理は何でも美味しいから大好き!Kevinさん、私が作った曲を聴いてくれてありがとうございます。songbirdだなんてあなたから言っていただき私は光栄です。私はmorisのアコースティックギターを使っています。私もあなたに会えるのをすごく楽しみにしています。みんなあなたの作る料理が大好き。でも毎回作ってもらってるから、少し悪いね〜って彼らは言ってたよ。
May I place the speaker in your house tomorrow that we're going to use for the party on the 29th? I love everything you cook. Whatever you make is just delicious!Kevin, thanks for listening to my song. It's an honor to hear you call me a songbird. I use a Morris acoustic guitar. I, too, greatly look forward to meeting you.Everybody loves what you cook. But, since you cook what they eat at every party, they say they're a bit sorry.