[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 古代オリエント博物館「古代インドにぎやかアート」-かわいい動物土偶等 サンシャインシティ古代オリエント博物館(豊島区東池袋3)で7月23日「古代インドに...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は osamu_kanda さん tatsuoishimura さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 4件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 720文字

magatuによる依頼 2015/08/30 14:37:20 閲覧 2216回
残り時間: 終了






評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/30 20:43:14に投稿されました
Ancient Orient Museum's "Variety of Arts and Crafts in Ancient India" -- Cute animal clay figures, etc.

Sunshine City's Ancient Orient Museum (3, Higashi Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo) on July 23 started "A Variety of Arts and Crafts in Ancient India."

*A zebu-like clay figure from the Indus civilization around 2000 BCE

The ancient Indian civilization involves the Gandhara arts and other works, an East-West fusion of Indus civilization Buddhism, which is represented by the Mohenjo-daro ruins, with Grecian sculpture. The civilization has influenced Japan as well in the form of Buddhism.

Patterns drawn to cover all corners of the surface of earthenware, various sculptures administered in Gandhara arts, and other arts are characterized by "merriness" and "vitality" of ancient India.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/30 20:38:47に投稿されました
The Ancient Orient Museum "Lively Art of Ancient India" - Cute animal clay dolls and ...

"Lively Art of Ancient India" starts in Sunshine City Ancient Orient Museum (Higashiikebukuro 3, Toshima-ku) on July 23rd.

* Zebu shaped clay doll of the Indus Civilization in about B.C. 2000.

The ancient Indian civilization such as the Gandhara art were where the East and West civilizations, the Indus Civilization Buddhism represented by the remains of Mohenjo-Daro and the Greek sculpture, joined together. It affected Japan, too, in the form of Buddhism.

The arts such as the pattern which was drawn to cover completely the surface of the earthenware and the various sculptures placed in Gandharan Buddhism art feature the ancient Indian "liveliness" and the "overflowing feeling of life."



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/30 21:17:28に投稿されました
"The pattern of the deformed human beings and animals, looking comics-like, has fun with the design power peculiar to ancient India," said Tsumoto, the museum researcher. "There are many cute clay dolls of animals and the patterns."

The exhibition includes the archaeological remains of the prehistoric age of the Southern Asia, representing the Indus Civilization, such as the earthenware with colored pattern, the animal and human being clay dolls, the Indus style seals, the necklaces made of agate, the buried earthenware etc.
Also, Buddha statues, the building decorations, the industrial art objects mainly of the Gandharan Buddhism art including the glass, 19th century Indian public religion pictures (gods of the Hinduism), and so on.

8月にはインダス文字や動物の文様が刻まれたインダス式印章を焼くと固まる粘土に押す「インダス式印章をおしてみよう!」現代南アジアの衣装を試着して携帯写真で撮影をする「インドの衣装を着てみよう!」かわいいオリジナル土偶を作る「オリジナル土偶を作ってみよう!」等のワークショップや講演会「インダス文明の遺跡を掘る」も行う。 スケジュールはホームページで確認できる


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/30 21:48:33に投稿されました
The workshops in August:
"Let's try the Indus style seal!"
You put the Indus seal with Indus letter and the pattern of the animal to the clay and bake it.
"Let's wear Indian clothes!"
Try on clothes of the modern Southern Asia and take photos with the mobile camera.
"Let's make an original clay doll!"
Make a pretty original clay doll.
The lecture meeting "Digging the remains of the Indus Civilization"
You can confirm the schedule on the homepage

Opening from 10:00 to 17:00 (can enter the building until 30 minutes before closing). Admission fee: 700 yen for adults, 500 yen for college and high school students, 300 yen for junior high school student. To be held until September 4th.





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