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oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

How do Malaysians consume smartphone, tablet?

For a start, we need to understand users behavior on mobile devices and we have some useful analysis from Ericsson ConsumerLab (2012).

From the chart above, Malaysians top three activities on smartphone are (in this order):

1. SMS – 91 percent
2. Browse Internet – 71 percent
3. Social Network – 69 percent

It is hard to argue that SMS usage will decrease in the future due to the adaption of instant messaging. Not to also miss an interesting observation from McCann’s:

Malaysians were one of the most active users when it comes to smartphones with an average of 6.4 hours spent in a week on just data usage, which means no voice or telephone calls were made during these times.



はじめに、モバイル機器の利用の仕方を理解する必要がある。そこで、Ericsson ConsumerLab(2012)の役立つ分析結果がいくつかご覧に入れよう。


1 SMS - 91%
2 インターネットの閲覧 - 71%
3 ソーシャル·ネットワーク - 69%



oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

That means, Malaysian smartphone users spend close to 1 hour a day purely on data.

Let’s take a look into another chart below on tablet usage in Malaysia.

From the chart above, Malaysians top three activities on tablet are (in this order):

1. Browse Internet
2. Upgrade current device
3. Apps ssage

It shows that tablet users browse the internet more compared to smartphone, while smartphone users are using instant messaging more often in smartphone.

Mobile application, or mobile web (responsive web design)?

Which is the best way to reach out to mobile users as an online retailer? Build mobile app or mobile optimized site?





1 インターネットの閲覧
2 現在のデバイスのアップグレード
3 アプリ利用


モバイルアプリ? それともモバイルウェブ(レスポンシブWebデザイン)?

オンライン小売業者としては、どちらがモバイルユーザに届くベストの方法だろうか? モバイルアプリやモバイル最適化サイトを構築しようか?

oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Going back to the smartphone and table user usage behaviour, consumers browse Internet on mobile devices more than using mobile applications. Therefore, it makes better sense to prioritize having responsive design (for both smartphone & tablet) before mobile application.

Furthermore, it is challenging to market and distribute your commerce-oriented mobile application if you don’t have a strong brand and pulling power yet.

However, the ability to send users notifications is the main advantage of mobile app. Therefore, it is not surprising that bigger online retailers are using mobile app to engage with their loyal customers. Conversion rates could be higher too on mobile app as compared to those coming from web.





oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Are local online marketplaces and retailers ready for mobile?

If we are to conclude mobile app vs mobile web debate, it seems that mobile web is suited to acquire new customers while mobile app is more skewed to increase the brand loyalty of existing customers.

There are further evidences by looking at the mobile initiatives of leading online marketplaces in Malaysia.

It is interesting to note that all online marketplaces are mobile web optimized with the exception of Lelong.my, who leverages on mobile app to provide better shopping experience to its existing base of customers. Even if you land at Groupon’s mobile web you will be encouraged to download and use their mobile application.






oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Mobile commerce market size in Malaysia

So, how much do Malaysians spend on their mobile devices?

According to Nielsen-PayPal Analysis, m-commerce market size in Malaysia was RM467 million in year 2011. RM337 million (72 percent) were spent on smartphones while RM108 million (23 percent) via tablets.

The total online commerce market in 2011 by referring to the same report was RM1.97 billion, that means close to 24 percent was mobile.

Nielsen-PayPal is forecasting that total e-commerce market in 2015 will be RM5.67 billion and 60 percent of it (RM3.43 billion) is mobile. A significant increase from 24 percent!




Nielsen・PayPalの分析によると、マレーシアのmコマースの市場規模は、2011年当時は4億6700万リンギットだった。 スマートフォンによる消費が3億3700万リンギット(72%)である一方、1億800万リンギット(23%)がタブレット経由で消費された。



oier9 英語 → 日本語

Mobile is here, but what’s next?

M-commerce is here and will continue to grow, something that online retailers cannot afford to ignore.

Some points worth exploring in our next installment, especially from the perspective of online retailers, e-commerce providers, platforms:

1. How do Malaysians consume smartphone, tablet?
2. Mobile application, or mobile web (responsive web design)?
3. Is local online marketplace and retailers ready for mobile?
4. How to do more on mobile commerce?

Read part two of this installment: The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 2)

The post The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 1) appeared first on e-commerce milo.





1 マレーシアの人々は、どのようにスマートフォンやタブレットを利用するのか?
2 モバイルアプリやモバイルウェブは(レスポンシブWebデザイン)?
3 地域密着型オンライン市場や小売業者はモバイル向けの準備はできているのか?
4 モバイルコマースでより多くのことを行うには?

第2部を読む:The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 2)

The State of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia (Part 1)は、e-commerce miloに初出。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

Shanda Launches Mobile Gaming Platform, G-Home

Shanda, the once biggest online gaming company, announced its mobile gaming strategy today. Shanda Games has built a mobile game platform, G-Home , and plans to launch 36 mobile games in the upcoming year.

The mobile game platform offers almost everything the company’s PC-based gaming service has done, user accounts and membership system, payments solution, virtual credit sales channels, user data platform, etc.

G-Home promises to offer the highest revenue-sharing ratio to selected quality third-party games, or even acquire some games. Also it won’t charge for advertising on the platform while most game platforms do so.



かつて最大のオンラインゲーム会社であったShandaが本日、同社のモバイルゲーム戦略を発表した。Shanda Gamesは、モバイルゲームプラットフォームのG-Homeをビルドし、来年には36種類のモバイルゲームをローンチする予定だ。



oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The platform also promises to open all the user data to game developers or operators. Shanda will allow any third party, through licensing, to include G Family as a whole or games from G Family in their own platforms and share revenues generated.

The company said up to 90% revenues generated from a game will go to developers and third parties. The mobile game platform will expand to Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and other countries or regions in Southeast Asia.

As one of the oldest online gaming companies in China, Shanda claims on its platform there are one billion active user accounts, 100 million paying accounts and 20 million premium subscribers.


またG-Homeは、ゲーム開発者や管理者にすべてのユーザーデータを開示すると約束している。他社がライセンスを通じて、G Family全体またはG Familyのゲームを自社のプラットフォームや売上収益に含めることもShandaは認めるという。

