mura (mura) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語
mura 日本語 → 英語


今回から「ITS世界会議 東京2013」と「東京モーターショー」とのイベントが連携。日本の技術力を世界に向けて発信する。


At each stage, enhancement of information transmission is the topic of concern.
“Life & Society” cites the promotion of experience-proposal exhibition and promotion of conference plans, and announced that the press release, which was supposed to be held just before the opening day, will be moved up to the middle of September.
Concerning key technologies, to keep expertness by zoning exhibition, information transmission utilizing the conference, and strengthening of innovation technology information transmission will be set up. In this way the maximum effect of the presentation will be attained.

From this time, the cooperation of “ITS Tokyo Conference 2013” and the event “Tokyo Motor Show” begins. Technical capability of Japan will be sent off to the world.

mura 日本語 → 英語

1 はじめに
2 目的


We visited Solid State Chemistry and Physics Laboratory, Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University last August, and experienced the research activity there. We prepared a high-temperature superconductor in two ways, and investigated the effect of the difference in the preparation method on the difference in the superconducting transition temperature and in the crystal structure.
Here we present the result.

We prepared two kinds of a high-temperature superconductor (YBa2Cu3Oy) from the same starting materials but with different heat treatments. Their natures were investigated by X-ray diffractometry, Meissner effect observation, electrical resistance analysis, etc.
On the basis of the result obtained, we discuss the difference in the physical property and crystal structure of the two samples.

mura 日本語 → 英語



A high-temperature superconductor is a material that carries out super conduction at high transition temperatures. (文面から推察した) “High temperature” expressed here is not such a temperature at which human body feels hot; that is, the temperature ranges from -200℃ to -100℃. A super conduction band has following two characteristics.
■Zero resistance ・・・・ When there is some electrical resistance, electrical current does not flow if electrical voltage is not applied. In the case of a super conducting state, however, electrical current flows without voltage because there remains no electrical resistance. The state without electrical resistance also keeps permanent current.
■Meissner effect (Perfect diamagnetism) ・・・When a magnetic field caused by a permanent current laps over the outer magnetic field, there occurs a peculiar phenomenon in which the magnetic flux density inside the superconductor becomes permanently zero.

mura 日本語 → 英語

7 謝辞
  今回の体験実習で講義、実験指導していただきました、京都大学大学院理学研究科金相学研究室 教授 吉村一良先生、助教 道岡千城先生、研究室の大学院生の皆様に深く感謝申し上げます。


The fact that sample B exhibited Meissner effect and the state of zero electrical resistance, both of which could not be observed for sample A, indicated that the amount of oxygen in the materials is very important for the formation of super-conduction band; oxygen amount affects the difference in the crystal phases; orthorhombic phase formed under oxygen rich condition is good.

7. Acknowledgement
I (いままで著者複数の論文と考えてWeを使った箇所があったかもしれません。一人でのなら適当に前の箇所を修正してください) would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Assistant Professor Chishiro(?) Michioka, and all the graduate students of Solid State Chemistry and Physics Laboratory, Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University; all of them kindly give me lectures and teach me during the experience study this time.