al62805ALICE and the PIRATES 2004年、ALICE and the PIRATES(アリス・アンド・ザ・パイレーツ)がニューラインとして立ち上げられた[21]。ALICE and the PIRATESは「海賊の中に紛れ込んだアリス」をイメージしたラインで[24]、ピンクやサックスをメインカラーとするBaby, The Stars Shine Brightに対し、黒や紺を基調としているほか[21]、メンズデザインも発表している[4]。
al62805ALICE and the PIRATESIn 2004, ALICE and the PIRATES was launched as a new clothing line[21]. The concept of this line ALICE and the PIRATES is " Alice wandering among the pirates"[24], and compared to Baby, The Stars Shine Bright which pink and sax blue is the main color, the basic color of this line is black or dark blue[21], and it also introduced mensline wear[4].
al62803ロングコートは大人ゴシックスタイル。よき時代のクラシックヨーロピアン、ロリータファッションを追求1993年、船越保孝が“Alice in Modern Time”というショップを神戸にオープン。パンク、フェティッシュ、ニューウェーブ、ゴシックといったジャンルの服をロンドンで買い付けて販売。芸能人の衣装協力などの活動も開始。1996年、大阪コレクションにデビュー。1997年、ショップを大阪に移転。本社は大阪市中央区西心斎橋。
al62803Long coats are gothic styles for adults.We pursuit the good old classic European Lolita fashion.In 1993, Yasutaka Funakoshi opens a shop called “Alice in Modern Time” in Kobe. He buys in punk, fetish, new wave, and gothic clothes in London and sales them. He starts activity on clothing for artists. In 1996, he makes a debut in the Osaka collection. In 1997, he moves his shop to Osaka. The location of central office is Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city.
al62504ハニーバンチは恋人という意味をもったブランド。恋人を虜にしてしまう恋愛のマジック。恋人に会う時の高鳴る気持ちをいっそう輝かせることのできる洋服をすべての女性に贈ります。個性派ギャルを目指すならOnespo!one spo ( 109を中心に出店するアパレルブランド )one spoの公式ホームページ。渋谷109店ほか、全国に出店。スポーツとモードが絶妙にミックスされた新感覚ブランド。オンリーワンにこだわったウェアはもちろん、小物・靴までトータルに提案します。
al62504Honey bunch is a brand which has a meaning of lover. A magic of love that casts a spell on the loved one. We will give every women clothes that will make you shine even more, more than when you're thrilled to meet your lover.If you want to be a unique gal, One spo is the one to choose!One spo (an apparel brand which open stores mainly around 109)Official website of One spo.Stores are located nationwide, including Shibuya 109. A brand with new sensation, mixing sporty style and designer style in a superb way. It will suggest you unique wears as well as accessories and shoes, to give you a whole image.
al62503カワイイ系ギャル代表と言えばLIZLISA身にまとっているだけでハッピーになれるブランドLIZ LISA公式サイト。新作紹介やショップイベントなど、リズリサの最新情報が満載!ネットショッピングもこちらから。個性派ギャルを目指すならOnespo!one spo ( 109を中心に出店するアパレルブランド )Honey Bunchiは、パリスヒルトンがプロモーショナルモデル兼一部ラインデザイナーを務める派手カワイイギャルブランド!
al62503LIZLISA are for gals representing cute styles.LIZLISA official website, a brand which makes you happy by just wearing it.Many new informations on LIZLISA available, from new products to shop events! Net shopping can also be done from here.Onespo is the choice for becoming a unique gal!One spo (Aparrel brand, stores found in 109 and in other places)Honey Bunch is a flashy cute brand which Paris Hilton acts as a promotional model and also as a line designer for some of the items!
al62502渋谷109不動の売上NO.1ブランドといえば、CECIL McBEE!CECIL McBEE(セシルマクビー)|公式ブランドサイト派手でカワイイギャルSEXY&CUTEなギャルスタイルならMARS!MA*RS(MARS・マーズ)オフィシャルサイト。かわいくてグラマラスなガールズファッションブランド。女の子が大好きなリボンにレースのデザイン!ブラック×ピンクがグラマラス!
al62502Always the No.1 brand in Shibuya 109, CECIL McBEE!CECIL McBEE |Official brand websiteFlashy and cute galMARS, for sexy & cute gal style!MA*RS (MARS) official website.Cute and glamorous girls fashion brand. Ribbons and lace design, ones that girls love! Black and pink makes it glamorous!
al62004Wear your favorite Adidas big T-shirt and Panda sneakers, and you will have sporty and cute style!Wear MILKBOY banana-patterned tops and gingham pants, and you will have a boyish style!The red Dr. Martin shoes will add an accent to a black parka!An official website of MILKBOY, an apparel brand based on Harajuku.I also love girly style.A girly style, a combination with pastel-color making it fairy tale-like and cute!A girly style, combining stadium jumper with frilled socks!
al61802ピンクと水色の組み合わせがメルヘン。 Melty Cream ドーナツShopへようこそ! メニューにはCreamyでSweetな、おいしいドーナツでいっぱい☆angelicprettyのドーナツ柄はAラインでカジュアルにも着こなせちゃう♪人気のチョコレート柄には茶色の小物を合わせてみて♪不思議の国のアリスみたいなエプロン付きワンピ。アリス気分でティーパーティーに参加しよう♪お菓子とクマのコラボ♪は最強にカワイイ!!
al61802Combination of pink and light blue makes it fairy tale-like.Welcome to Melty Cream donut shop! We have creamy, sweet, mouth-watering donuts on menu☆Angelicpretty donut-pattterned clothes is A-line shaped, so you can wear them casually♪Brown accessories will go with the popular chocolate pattern♪A one-piece dress with an apron which is like Alice in Wonderland.Attend a tea party, in a mood of Alice♪Collaboration between sweets and teddy bears♪ are so cute!!
al61703 モテ目ヂカラをつけるための必須パーツといえば、うるんだ瞳と別名「フェロモンタンク」とも呼ばれる涙袋。涙袋が大きいほど目が立体的にみえるので最近では涙袋を作るメイクが流行中。板野友美さんの涙袋にあこがれる女の子急増中!板野友美オフィシャルサイト涙袋を作るメイク用品も作られている。カワイイは作れる。カワイイ目も作れる。日本の女の子の目元は、メイクで成り立っているといっても過言ではない。カラコン、つけまつげ、涙袋で流行りのデカ目を作ろう。
For attractive eyes, you definitely need watery eyes and eye bags, so-called "pheromonal tanks".Large eye bags make your eyes look three demensional, so recently make-ups which highlights your eye bags are popular.Girls who adore eye bags of Tomomi Itano are increasing rapidly!Make up sets for developing eye bags are also made.Cuteness can be made.Cute eyes can be made.It's not too much to say that eyes of Japanese girls are built on make up.Let's make the popular large eyes with colored contact lenses, false eyelashes, and eye bags.
al61702False eyelashes are must-have for girls.Kyari-pamyu-pamyu's eyes are normally droopy, but she wears false eyelashes on the upper eyelashes, and nothing on the lower eyelashes, to make her eyes look wide open.The official website of Kyari-pamyu-pmayu. It will give you quick informations on her live tours, her appearance on media, and so on!We are always accepting admission to the fan club!Wear false eyelashes on your lower eyelashes also ♪Your eyes will become 1.5 times larger when you wear false eyelashes!Wear false eyelashes on the upper and the lower eyelashes, and your eyes will become large and outrageous.Eye bags create the cuteness.
al61701You can be Kawaii too! How to make cute eyes in a Japanese way.Large eyes are girl's dream. What is needed to make your eyes larger?A must-have for a dolly face with large eyes and long eyelashes!Make your eyes attractive with colored contact lenses.If you wear colored contact lenses, you don't need make-up any more!Make your eyes three-demensional with colored contact lenses.If your pupils are small, select larger lenses.Wide variations are available, including ones produced by popular fashion models. With colored contact lenses, you can be anybody!
al32504お仕事に行く時もきて行けるから黒があると便利アップどんな時でもリボンが大好き♪カワイイものだけに囲まれてお姫様気分Baby, The Stars Shine Bright」のお洋服は美沙子ちゃんもお気に入り♪美沙子ちゃん自身がモデルを務める「Baby, The Stars Shine Bright」のワンピースでお姫様気分♪「Baby, The Stars Shine Bright」のデザートワンピースにMILKのハートバッグで全身ピンク色コーデ♪
al32504Black is really convenient because you can wear them when you go to workI love ribbons anytime♪I feel like a princess being only surrounded by cute thingsMisako also is a fan of clothes of "Baby, The Stars Shine Bright".Feel like a princess wearing a dress of "Baby, The Stars Shine Bright", which Misako herself also is a model of.Dress in pink from head to toe, wearing a dessert one-piece dress of "Baby, The Stars Shine Bright", with a heart-shaped bag of MILK.
pit crew challenge 1位と2位おめでとうございます!!!レースもトップと僅差だったんですね!!!記事を拝見して凄く嬉しい気持ちになりました:)今日は東京は大雪になってしまい大変なことになってますlolいつも応援してます!次のレースも頑張ってくださいね。コメントを有難うございます。少しずつだけど色んな写真をこれからも投稿しますので見てくださいね!
pit crew challenge Congratulations for winning 1st and 2nd!!I hear that in the race, you were only an inch away from the top!!! I felt so happy when reading the article:)Today, it's snowing heavily in Tokyo, and everything is in chaos lolI will always be supporting you! Do your best in the next race also.Thank you for your comment. I will post various pictures from now on, though bit by bit, so please take a look at it!
担当者さま本日、商品を受け取りましたが○○の商品がありません 商品番号○○それと、○○のサイズ違いが入っていますw28L/32×2とw34/L32×2 商品番号,○○のはずがw34/32L×3とw28L32×1と間違って送ってきました他は問題ありません至急、対応してください!!!!!!!連絡待っていますよろしく
To Whom it may concern,I received the items today.However, ○○ is missing. Its item serial number is ○○.Also, it contained ○○ with a wrong size.The order should have been w28L/32×2 and w34/L32×2 for the item serial number: ○○,but the wrong size, w34/32L×3 and w28L32×1 were sent to me.Other items were correct.Please take actions as soon as possible!I will be waiting for your response.Thank you in advance.
Thanks for the order. At present we only have 2 available in black. We will have more at the end of Feb. Do you want us to send the 2 that we have now or wait and send all together? Also, you will have to resubmit your order with PayPal checkout since we cannot accept non US credit cards directly.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
you have shipped it?oh u have japan made?i want to buy japan one..i pay that and return the malaysia made after i got it..I may not be able to refuse the luggage because i am not at home during you have any shimano made in japan?no need to be NASCI..anything with affordable price.,If you have any japan made shimano better I buy from you..i just need to add money and don't need refund..or can you get me any original made in Japan with price under $300 US dollar..this is for my father..i really want to buy for him,
早急なご連絡をありがとうございます。TP-7xについてですが、添付写真のシャフトで間違いありません。TP7HDではありません。在庫は1本で宜しいでしょうか?硬さ、重量、値段(送料込)を教えて欲しいです。また、前回注文させていただいた、"Tour Issue F7M2 LTD XX Gold shaft"の在庫があれば1本購入を検討しています。取り寄せ可能であれば、値段(送料込)を教えてください。宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for the prompt reply.Concerning TP-7x, it is the shaft in the attached picture.It is not TC7HD.Is it correct that you have one unit in stock?I would like to know the hardness, weight, and the price (shipping fee included).Moreover, I am considering of buying one "Tour Issue F7M2 LTD XX Gold shaft", which I previously purchased, if it is in stock.Please tell me the price (shipping fee included) if back orders are possible.Thank you for your cooperation.
Then Mr. Mark recieved an order from the agent.However, Mr. Mark also became out of stock at that time, and thus caused the present situation.Actually, I only recieved a message saying "Shipped" form the agent, so that was why the verification was late.I apologize you for the inconvenience.I also tried to contact Mr. Mark.However, it looked like it will take time till I can get hold of him.I can't keep you waiting, so I will promptly make a refund in the amount of $18, the amount which was overpaid, to your paypal account.
Hello, dear Garrett.I am Takahashi, owner of Takahashiya.Thank you so much for purchasing from us this time.I verified your mail.I will explain to you about the call you received from Mr. Mark concerning the item being out of stock.We deal with this item at a bag shop in Japan.However when your order was placed, an another order was placed from a different customer, and there was no remaining stock.I inquired the agent in US.
#MarcusJust to confirm, you are looking for the older TP-7x model? Correct? Not the new TP7HD shaft which is white, but the original shaft that I have attached in the picture?#Golf XcessProto is smaller than 'normal' RBZ tour. Yes on the serial numberI don't think it's considered a 'deep' face. It appears the one on the left is the Proto. I have about 22 EACH of Tour S, Tour 3, Tour 5. If you take 10 or more, then I will do you a big favor and give them to you at $100 Each instead of $115.
#Marcus確認ですが、旧式のTP-7xモデルを探しているのですよね?あっていますか?白い新しい型のTP7HDシャフトではなく、添付の写真のようなオリジナルのシャフトですよね?#Golf XcessProtoは「普通の」RBZツアーよりは小さいです。シリアルナンバーについては、その通りです。それは「浅黒い」顔という認識はないと思います。左にあるのがProtoです。Sツアー、第3ツアー第5ツアーについてそれぞれ22個ずつ持っています。あなたが10個以上買うのであれば、あなたのために特別に1個につき115ドルでなく、100ドルで提供します。
However, it is vital that you received a message saying the following " Bestellstornierungs-Anforderung von Amazon-Kunde Name (Ordernumber)" as this shows that the cancellation was initiated by the buyer.Furthermore, you need to select the correct reason when you cancel the order.For this order I can see, that such a message was sent by the buyer hence if you select the correct reason( buyer cancellation request) when cancelling the order, it should not have a negative impact on your stats.I hope that this answers your question. If not, please feel free to re-open this case. However please also make sure that you give me the exact query and more information so I know how i can help you:
しかしながら、次に示すメッセージ 「Bestellstornierungs-Anforderung von Amazon-Kunde Name (Ordernumber)」をあなたが受け取ったのがとても重要で、これは買い手側からキャンセルが発生したことを意味します。さらに、注文をキャンセルするときには、正しい理由を選択する必要が有ります。私の見る限りでは、この注文においてこのメッセージは買い手から送られたので、したがってあなたが注文をキャンセルするときに正しい理由(買い手側からのキャンセル要求)を選べは、あなたの評価にはマイナスの影響はないでしょう。あなたの質問の答えになっていればいいですね。もし応えになっていなければ、この案件について再度お問い合わせください。しかしその際には、何を聞きたいのか的確に言っていただくのと、もっと情報を頂ければ、私も確実にあなたのお手伝いができると思います。